The NOW is about us, and about the love we have for each other.
Awwwwwwww You two are such an amazing couple
this quote got me thinking:if you pray sincerely and admit you are a sinner and accept christ as your savior you can have the holy spirit come into your life.. .
i used to do this everyday.
when i was being abused, i used to pray incessantly for god to help me.
The NOW is about us, and about the love we have for each other.
Awwwwwwww You two are such an amazing couple
this quote got me thinking:if you pray sincerely and admit you are a sinner and accept christ as your savior you can have the holy spirit come into your life.. .
i used to do this everyday.
when i was being abused, i used to pray incessantly for god to help me.
And no, it is not all athiests... lots of different types of folks here.
Just make sure of one thing. You were tricked before, so before you go and blindly believe things, do as much as research as posible. Read the bible, see if there are inconsistencies... there are, lots of them...
And here are some bibilical inconsistencies
Genesis 1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness.
Genesis 1:14-19 The sun wasn't created until the fourth day.
Genesis 16:15, 21:1-3, GA 4:22 Abraham had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac.
Hebrews 11:17 Abraham had only one son. Acts 9:7 Those present at Paul's conversion stood.
Acts 26:14 They fell to the ground.
this quote got me thinking:if you pray sincerely and admit you are a sinner and accept christ as your savior you can have the holy spirit come into your life.. .
i used to do this everyday.
when i was being abused, i used to pray incessantly for god to help me.
this quote got me thinking:if you pray sincerely and admit you are a sinner and accept christ as your savior you can have the holy spirit come into your life.. .
i used to do this everyday.
when i was being abused, i used to pray incessantly for god to help me.
don't make me pull out my Stephen Hawkings book...
this quote got me thinking:if you pray sincerely and admit you are a sinner and accept christ as your savior you can have the holy spirit come into your life.. .
i used to do this everyday.
when i was being abused, i used to pray incessantly for god to help me.
I have struggled with evolution/creation and the presence/absence of a higher being for quite some time. It finally has all come together recently, partially due to my testing certain things that I still clung to. See, a short while back when I learned there was no God and I discovered how it was life on earth came to be in teh first place, it caused a bad low spot, and I started going back to belief in a higher power. After a while, it is very hard to keep hanging onto something that is just not logical.
Has it made my life better? Yes and no. I want to be healthier now. I will never start smoking again, and I will try to live each day to it's fullest. But on the other hand, the entire concept of death upsets me.
People cling to God and Religion for 2 reasons:
1. Denial of the inevitability of death
2. To explain why we got here
Evolution explains how we got here, but it makes death an very cold reality to face.
the luckiest man in the world
jun 18 2003.
from allan hall in berlin
freaking wierd...
i have a new job, and there is a young girl who has a desk located near mine.
she is muslim and wears a head covering, and today i had the chance to talk to her.
she brought up her religion when i asked her why she didn't have any photos on her desk etc... she explained it was due to the fact any pictures or other objects of living beings was against her religion as it was considered idoitry.
Older Religions period seem to tend to have high instances of discrimination, possibly as a direct result of remaining unadulterated after well over a thousand years. Over a 1,000 years for a religious belief system is a very large number to digest.
Those eastern Religions run some very deep roots into the past... and a past that was based upon tribes, living off the land, and survival. Education and tolerance was not then what it is now.
If you stop to think, mankind in general has been in the complete dark in regards to human equality for it's entire lifetime, up until very recently. The strides we have made to bridging gaps in the last 100 years due to communication and travel is mind boggling indeed. If one stops to truly think about it, we as a human race are emotionally/mentally/culturally evolving at a very rapid pace, and hopefully will continually do so positively. I know jsut a simple matter of say 25 years has made a major impact upon civilation as we have known it. Perhaps one day soon religion can break these oppressive chains as well.
i have a new job, and there is a young girl who has a desk located near mine.
she is muslim and wears a head covering, and today i had the chance to talk to her.
she brought up her religion when i asked her why she didn't have any photos on her desk etc... she explained it was due to the fact any pictures or other objects of living beings was against her religion as it was considered idoitry.
Big Tex is right, then again, by me saying religion is hatred based, it makes me hate religion... it's a cycle. I hate turns into another I hate, and round and round it goes. I literally have a stomach ache over what happened today. Very sobering.
i have a new job, and there is a young girl who has a desk located near mine.
she is muslim and wears a head covering, and today i had the chance to talk to her.
she brought up her religion when i asked her why she didn't have any photos on her desk etc... she explained it was due to the fact any pictures or other objects of living beings was against her religion as it was considered idoitry.
Yes, I bet so. I mean I can't 100%, but the majority do.
I have a very bad feeling you may be right, but mayne not? Shoot, every time I see a a Black Woman wearing a head covering I am going to wonder. SEE?????!!!!!!!!!???? The cycle NEVER STOPS. GRRRRR Now, for the rest of my life, if I see a Black Muslim, I am going to feel wierd because I am going to wonder if htey hate me because of the color of my skin.
Wow, does this open my eyes. For once I know what it is like to be on the other end.
i have a new job, and there is a young girl who has a desk located near mine.
she is muslim and wears a head covering, and today i had the chance to talk to her.
she brought up her religion when i asked her why she didn't have any photos on her desk etc... she explained it was due to the fact any pictures or other objects of living beings was against her religion as it was considered idoitry.
Very mind opening indeed. And if anything, it has made me feel that the racial gaps mankind experiences should be closed even more than I did before.
When will the world grow up? When will people start behaving like humans? bleck