Yea for Tim! Nice to hear a happy report.
JoinedPosts by PaintedToeNail
Living as a gay Jehovah's Witness - My Story!
by TimothyT in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:compatibility> <w:breakwrappedtables /> <w:snaptogridincell /> <w:wraptextwithpunct /> <w:useasianbreakrules /> </w:compatibility> <w:browserlevel>microsoftinternetexplorer4</w:browserlevel> </w:worddocument> </xml><!
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it wasn't a feeling of rebellion; it was the feeling of love and care i desired.
I thought I really hurt my new kitten this morning
by noni1974 inhe was behind me while i was mopping my bathroom floor this morning.i backed up and stepped on him.. he's ok now, no limping and he's running around like nothing happened.i'm pretty sure he's ok now he was just stunned a poor baby..
Kitties are great. It is wonderful to have a furry friend!
He is the hearer of prayer..
by zeb inwhat are my chances of getting the elders to hold regular congregation prayers for me with suspect cancer.
with the view to be healed, not "made strong".
i have never heard of any prayers offered up for a sick or dying individual.. .
Zeb-Sorry about your suspected cancer, it is very scary waiting for the test results to come in. I wish you strength to deal with this stressful time.
Pronouncing it RIGHT
by Christ Alone inwhat rules do you follow when pronouncing foreign names/places/things?
i was remembering that when we were studying the daniel book for the book study back in the day, someone released a pronunciation guide.
i remember studying it closely so i could pronounce all the names right (especially on the section of daniel 11).
It always ticked me off people pronounced Jehovah, Jehover or car, caah.
The Jews were ordered to wear fringed garments with blue thread above them. Jesus was used to symbols because of religious worship, he probably wouldn't have a problem with crosses to identify someone as a Christian.
Bewley's Irish Breakfast tea. 2 1/2 heaping tsp. sugar, 3 or 4 drops of lemon. Delish!!
I am exhausted emotionally.
by PaintedToeNail ini have been reading ashley judd's 'all things bitter and sweet' autobiography, and it has exhausted me.
she paints a picture of neglect and abuse from early childhood on.
as i sat reading, i realised i was identifying with so much of what she wrote.. why, when having an emotional breakdown as a teenager, major obsessive compulsive disorder, obvious depression symptoms, would you refuse to get medical help for your child?
Thanks Tammy-You are right, it does place the parents' aledged 'lifesaving' work above the lives of their own wonder so many kids leave the borg looking for something far better.
By the way, the Ashley Judd book talks alot about her humanitarian work world wide. I've been wanting to get involved with something, to give back to the community, but have been held back by my JW indoctrination, i.e., what's the point, only Jah will be able to help people in a lasting way. This book has made me realize that anything I do to help the live(s) of others less fortunate will be worth while. Our local library is asking people to come help teach other adults how to read, this is something I can do to give back to my community.
mother rejects her son
by Aussie Oz inhad a phone call from my son today.... he rang his jw mother to give her some news and found out the school his little half siblings go to was having an end of year play.
he was pretty excited apparently and asked if he could come along and this is how it went.... "no, it is for family.
for our family not for children who never speak or visit us.".
IMHO the son should go to the school play, and make sure his siblings realise he is there, so that his mother cannot tell them he didn't care about them. She is probably already saying this to them, but if he were there, it would make her out to be a liar. He could also tell them how much he loves, cares and thinks about them regularly.
Plus, it would piss off his mom that he isn't playing by her rules.
How Many Here Regularly Get Mail From Other Posters?
by minimus ini see comments quite often like, "check your mail.
i sent you a message".
i usually get a message once every 2 months..
No, I don't, but then again, I don't send mail to anyone regularly either!