JoinedPosts by PaintedToeNail
Upcoming KM!! Why we are not False Prophets!
by DATA-DOG inthis subject is coming up this month in the tms.
i just thought i would start a post for newbies or lurkers.
if you have any scans of the awake inside cover that would be awesome.
Another story... possibly final story
by confusedandalone inthis is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
confused-why don't you just wait until a disfellowshipping happens then offer them the money contingent upon your parents having dinner and conversation with you once a week for the next 10 years and consider that repayment. See if they accept these terms...
Steve Hassan Interviews XJW elder, Roberto di Stefano, at ICSA Conference in Italy
by AndersonsInfo intrieste, italy - icsa conference - july 6, 2013. both roberto di stefano and steve hassan were speakers at the conference.
you can see the hassan interview on his website.
here's the link:
Roberto seems to be a very sincere and intelligent man, this was a great video. Thanks for the info, Barbara.
Got Home From a Business Meeting This Evening-Kids Were Watching JW DVD
by PaintedToeNail ini had a business meeting this evening, hubby elected to stay home with the kiddies (he could have come with me), as he said "you need a break, have some time alone' i thought.
upon returning home, he had popped one of the new dvd's released at the convention, don't know the title, of some young brother who gets fired from a job and goes for a drink with a buddy from work.
it is very annoying that he pulls these little tricks on me, act like he is doing me some favor or being considerate then pulling one of these the time he booked an appointment with a physchiatrist, and he wanted me to go along to discuss his insecurities in our marriage because i had learned ttatt...he conveniently left out the part where the doctor is a jw.
I didn't realize my topic posted the other night, hubby came into the room just as I hit the 'submit' button & I closed my computer. Thank you to all who have posted comments.
I do ask my kids questions on a regular basis, including while they were watching this crazy video. At one point in the video, the young JW is fired from his job, he says "After I've given my whole life to this job". I laughed and commented 'his WHOLE life? Of what, 3 months?', even hubby laughed at that one, as he saw the ridiculousness of the script. It would have been great to tell him how more middle-aged Bethelites are being given the dubious 'priviledge' of returning real life, after giving their entire lives to Bethel, and having to figure out how to fend for themselves after 30 years of institutional living.
It is a wonderful thing to be able to comment here, as needed, to get rid of stress of the moment.
Thank you Simon & Ang for maintaining this lifeline of a site.
Thank you to everyone for your comments.
Got Home From a Business Meeting This Evening-Kids Were Watching JW DVD
by PaintedToeNail ini had a business meeting this evening, hubby elected to stay home with the kiddies (he could have come with me), as he said "you need a break, have some time alone' i thought.
upon returning home, he had popped one of the new dvd's released at the convention, don't know the title, of some young brother who gets fired from a job and goes for a drink with a buddy from work.
it is very annoying that he pulls these little tricks on me, act like he is doing me some favor or being considerate then pulling one of these the time he booked an appointment with a physchiatrist, and he wanted me to go along to discuss his insecurities in our marriage because i had learned ttatt...he conveniently left out the part where the doctor is a jw.
I had a business meeting this evening, hubby elected to stay home with the kiddies (he could have come with me), as he said "you need a break, have some time alone' I thought. Upon returning home, he had popped one of the new DVD's released at the convention, don't know the title, of some young brother who gets fired from a job and goes for a drink with a buddy from work. It is very annoying that he pulls these little tricks on me, act like he is doing me some favor or being considerate then pulling one of these the time he booked an appointment with a physchiatrist, and he wanted me to go along to discuss his insecurities in our marriage because I had learned TTATT...he conveniently left out the part where the doctor IS a JW.
The happiest people on earth... Yeah right
by Bells ini am looking for some advice - or maybe just some moral support.. i can't find the link to my previous thread... but in a nutshell... husband and i got married a couple months ago after 10 or so years together.
he was never baptised, but grew up 'in'.
i never had any exposure to the craziness til i met him and his family.
Bells-Would it help you to know the WTBTS recently (within the last few years) had an article in on of their magazines devoted exclusively to toasting?
You may have toasted with them before they read the article. Now that they have the edict against toasting, they couldn't in clear conscience toast your wedding. They are under the control of another mind, not their own.
You can sit and recount every slight you feel you have received from them, or you can forgive them and move on. Scary21 has some very wise words. Don't let your feelings for them disrupt your relationship with your husband. You could view them as pitiable, controlled and unhappy, and be glad you and your husband are free to live the life you want, without being ordered about by the WTBTS.
Being told you are hated by everyone?
by trailerfitter inokay, after a discussion with the seperated wife who admitted that because she is a jehovahs witness that she expects to be hated by everyone.
she expressed that she was "foreign" and not the same as others since she is not of this world.
okay, reality check - this is actually taught by the watchtower?
trailer-It makes the JW's feel justified in their beliefs to say that everyone hates them. The least amount of normal annoyance by anyone on the outside is considered persecution and validates their skewed sense of purpose. I've actually heard JW's say that it is Satan who is requiring higher education to work in the medical, it is just that people prefer to have someone work on them who actually understand anatomy, hygiene protocol, pathogenes, the nervous system and so on.
What would be the best decision if we took out all the religion out of the blood issue?
by ILoveTTATT ini am wondering this:.
what surgeries/procedures/situations have been shown to be life-or-death decisions without blood?.
i only know, currently, of trauma (car accident, gunshot wound, etc).... what would be treatable exclusively with "no blood fractions" and with "no procedures using my blood"?.
Ilove-Years ago I worked at a hospital as a go-fer. I would have to go to the lab to pick up blood for the patients. This required cross checking the name on the bag and so forth. The blood bags were labelled "bio-hazard", which was rather alarming. It wasn't all that common to have to pick blood up. The doctors didn't order it lightly, it wasn't like they were ordering up Tylenol, they ordered it up knowing that it was a source of contamination for their patient, but after considering their other options, they did order it when it was their best defense for what was going on with that particular patient.
I would personally never lightly take a blood transfusion, but then most doctors would never lightly order up a blood transfusion either.
BOE Letter: Re: Safety precautions when attending spiritual programs
by pixel ini know atlatis will bring this letter to the forum.
i just wanted to paste it here and bold the most hilarious, weird thing fro the letter.
the bold part that i added made me lol.. .
They wouldn't have the problem of the high-heeled, immodest shoes if they would just let everyone dress comfortably, in real clothing, like pants...then the sisters wouldn't feel the need to have their exposed legs look good and wear their immodest, high-heeled shoes...which I do not think are immodest.
My story so far
by brainmelt ini've been trying to avoid posting this, due to extreme paranoia but its time to post my story.
i hope to not post too many details, as we've avoided being df so far, our group elder was young and lovely and cool and i just hope that in time he learns the ttatt.. i'm a regular lurker on here, occasional poster (i can't post much as my phone browser only lets me read but not post, so i only post on the odd occasion i get a time alone on the pc).
i have been fading since round about last september ( so almost my first anniversary of learning ttatt).
Brainmelt-I'm so sorry about your child's illness. It is reassuring that medical science has advanced so much and that cancer, while still scary, is often curable. You and your family have all my best wishes.