JoinedPosts by PaintedToeNail
Letter I wrote to the person the caused me to be disfellowshipped
by jwfacts ina thread on another forum reminded me of a letter i wrote to the person that went to the elders and started the proceedings to have me disfellowshipped.
i stopped believing in the religion when i was 25 but continued going for about ten years.
i finally started to fade at 35, but about 6 months after i had stopped going to meetings, a person wrote a letter to the elders about my website, which at the time was anonymous.
by PaintedToeNail in"there was a kid who turned down a college scholarship so he could pioneer.
how stupid!
i would do anything to have a scholarship.
Thanks everyone! She loves science and wants to be a scientist of some sort. She is good at math and loves reading, we can't keep her in books! I do encourage her to keep thinking about college, as she really wants to go.
I told the elders that I would take blood and donate blood
by Daniel1555 ini found it important to be honest with my wife.
so i told her about my conscience decision that in a medical urgency i want blodless medicine but if a transfusion of blood or the 4 prohibited components is necessary to save my life or health i would accept it.
this would apply especially also for our child (that is not such a problem as in our country the wts recommends to comply with doctors as they have the right to decide concerning minors).. i showed her the reasons why i came to that conscience decision (biblical and logical reasons) and that jehovah and jesus do not like anyone to die because of this wrong bible application.. .
Daniel, interesting thread. I just had this conversation with my 18 year old. We have both decided to take blood if absolutely necessary. We have not informed the ardent JW in the house about this, as would cause him anguish. My 18 yo and I have decided to back each other up if this horrible event occurs.
One thing to remember is: all the animals sacrificed were killed, their blood was drained out, so yes, their life was in the blood. When humans donate blood, they don't sacrifice their lives to do it. To me, that is the biggest difference there is. Jesus died, so his life was a sacrifice, donors don't die because they gave blood.
I'm Returing To Become A Jehovah's Witness Again
by Space Madness ina little background, i faded in 2007 and have been out ever since.
i started studying at 18 and have no jw realitives.
i'm returing because my life is heading in the wrong direction.
Space Madness-It sounds like you could really use a life coach. There is a need for all people to find out what your 'core' values are, which can be difficult. When people violate their core values, they become unhappy and cause themselves much mental and life harm. A core value could be something like the need to help other people improve their lives, being an honest person, believing that all people are worth love, making money and providing a safe, healthy enviroment for your family.
When you behave in a way that is incongruent with your core values, it causes discord in your life. If the JW's are the ones that hold you to your core values, especially when you haven't analyzed what your core values are, thus are acting on these values by default, then your going back may do you good.
Wishing you the very best,
by PaintedToeNail in"there was a kid who turned down a college scholarship so he could pioneer.
how stupid!
i would do anything to have a scholarship.
She is a smart kid. We have done a lot of critical thinking exercises the last few years. there are workbooks out there specially made for elementary kids. I also had my teenage son do higher level critical thinking workbooks, we would read the scenarios and have to debate the reasoning. My daughter loved to sit in on those discussions and she would find answers too.
Her father made her go, she hates going.
by PaintedToeNail in"there was a kid who turned down a college scholarship so he could pioneer.
how stupid!
i would do anything to have a scholarship.
"There was a kid who turned down a college scholarship so he could pioneer. How stupid! I would do anything to have a scholarship." Smart girl! This was seriously the very first thing she said after 'Hi".
It is obvious the WTBTS is back on their horse about not getting a decent education, rather pioneer, and oh yeah, don't forget to donate your meager earnings to us, as it is SUCH a privilege to use unrighteous riches in such a manner.
Why I am upset with myself for my atheistic beliefs
by confusedandalone inyesterday me and the wife were talking about how much better life has become.
she said something that got me thinking and made me a bit sad for a while.
we were discussing where we are at individually in our quest for understanding about the "super-natural" and i expressed i have no belief in it at all and how much i have changed she says, "i don't think you have changed much.
confused & Lisa-You both have nicely summed up how I used to feel and how I feel now! You both said it much better than I ever could have.
True Stories from the Tower - Part 1 "From Anointed to Pedophile to Bethelite"
by BluePill2 inbefore i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.
BluePill2-I'm so sorry that you are carrying around these horrible experiences in your head. It is very traumatic thing to have witnessed, especially personally, to be forced to keep it hushed up must have eaten a hole into your soul. To think that your family disowned you, but not the people who perpetrated these crimes in unthinkable. Getting these experiences out into the open may be the best thing you can do to heal yourself.
Anyone else work from home?
by confusedandalone inif so, how are you enjoying it compared to maybe sitting in an office or going outside the home for work.
i use to work in the office environment but after starting up my own thing with the with we eventually got office space.
then as we grew we have decided to leave the office space for the employees and work from home.. i am sure it is not as exciting working from home but the wife disagrees.
Yes, it can be very distracting. I try to chunk my time in office, take a 5 minute break, do another chunk. Getting motivated in the first place and getting to work instead of goofing off is a daily battle, but the motivated me is starting to win! Yay!
Tech49 visits Bethel: Part 1-Patterson
by Tech49 ini thought that it was a good time to post my experience about visiting new york last spring.
enough time has passed that no one can put my experiences together with any kind of timeline..... so our family discussed the trip to the holy land (ny bethel), as none of us had ever been.
anyone who is anyone knows that you aren't really a good jw christian until you visit bethel!
So, they pray after eating too, is that so they don't suffer from indigestion?