JoinedPosts by PaintedToeNail
Critique of Mar 2014 Awake on Creation by Alan Feuerbacher
by jwfacts inalan feuerbacher has written a tremendous critique of the march 2014 awake!, which contains a grossly dishonest discussion on creation.
the pdf file can be downloaded from awake_march_2014_creation_critique.pdf.
it highlights watchtower use of poor and contradictory reasoning..
Eccentric Jehovah's Witnesses
by snowbird inso as not to hijack logcon's thread about crazy things jw's have said to householders, i'd like to start one about just plain old odd jw's.. for example, i knew this dear, dear senior brother who would carry a small bag of peanuts in one pocket of his suit coat and a small plastic bag of brown sugar in the other.. during that time, we would stay out all day long because the territory was extensive.. can't you just picture that precious soul alternately tossing a few peanuts/crumbs of sugar into his mouth as he schlepped from house to trailer, from trailer to house?.
the householders would usually offer us water, lemonade, kool-aid, or soda pops, so no problem with finding something to quench our thirsts.. those were the days!.
There was an 'annointed' brother in our congregation, Charlie Haglund, who carried dead cats around in paper bags. He walked everywhere, even out in service in the most bitter Minnesota weather. He was well known in town as the crazy JW cat killer.
The last JW wedding I went to was for family. My kids and I cringed everytime they mentioned the headship thing, and how wives should be submissive. My son was pissed and felt it was truly painful to witness.
Male-dominated religions oppress women, Jimmy Carter says
by AndersonsInfo in
jimmy carter byline male-dominated religions oppress women, carter saysatlanta former president jimmy carter says male-dominated religions contribute to the oppression and abuse of women by twisting sacred texts to portray females as inferior to men in the eyes of god.. the 89-year-old carter makes that argument in his new book, a call to action: women, religion, violence and power.. in an interview broadcast on nbcs meet the press, the former president faulted his former denomination, the southern baptist convention, and the roman catholic church for denying women the same opportunities as men to serve as pastors and priests.. carter said some married men who belong to those churches conclude that their wives are inferior.. the catholic catechism and the 2000 baptist faith and message declare that men and women have different roles but are equal in the eyes of god..
He is a good man. It is ironic this post is on here today. Hubby & I just had this discussion last night, and he seems to finally being seeing how right Carter is.
First Post...Hi everyone! Thanks for all of your help over the years!
by stuckinarut2 inwell... as they say on talk back radio "i'm a long time listener, first time caller"(poster in this case!).
i have been a "lurker" for several years, but never had the courage to take the step and join up...until now.. i really want to thank everyone for their insights and comments throughout the forum.
although i have not contibuted to discussions, i have benefitted very much from all of your comments and observations on all topics.
Didn't you just hate sharing a KH??
by quellycatface ini like to get stuff done in the morning and do my own thing later.. i really hated the afternoon meeting.
you had no time to do sod all.
not even eat a decent lunch with a glass of wine!!.
I liked afternoon meetings for several reasons: 1) I could sleep in and linger over coffee in the morning. 2) If the weather was super, we would often get involved in something else and blow off going to the meeting at all. 3) We weren't the only KH stuck with cleaning duty.
A Saturday Knock on the Door & the JWN Forum
by kepler inthis is, of course, a recurrent topic that's made possible whenever a kingdom hall decides to march out on your neighborhood and street.. today it happened again in my neighborhood as a drum up for the memorial observance scheduled for monday the 14th of april.. why christ's passion and death should be observed on a monday of holy week i failed to ask this morning.
perhaps someone else might like to volunteer, but it seemed just another reason to be sceptical about the whole thing, though hardly ranking with changing ancient chronologies to get jerusalem's temple destruction 2520 years before 1914.. anyway two gentlemen in white shirts and ties greeted me politely enough at my door and presented me with a flyer about an event which they described as momentous.
they asked me if i had ever intended one and i assented.
Good job. Doubtful they will come back with answers to your questions.
A Saturday Knock on the Door & the JWN Forum
by kepler inthis is, of course, a recurrent topic that's made possible whenever a kingdom hall decides to march out on your neighborhood and street.. today it happened again in my neighborhood as a drum up for the memorial observance scheduled for monday the 14th of april.. why christ's passion and death should be observed on a monday of holy week i failed to ask this morning.
perhaps someone else might like to volunteer, but it seemed just another reason to be sceptical about the whole thing, though hardly ranking with changing ancient chronologies to get jerusalem's temple destruction 2520 years before 1914.. anyway two gentlemen in white shirts and ties greeted me politely enough at my door and presented me with a flyer about an event which they described as momentous.
they asked me if i had ever intended one and i assented.
Nicely done
this is how witnessing is being done nowadays
by losingit ini have a non jw friend that knows about jws only bc i related toher my experience leaving this abusive cult.
anyhoo, she went to starbucks yesterday and there was an older man on his laptop.
she sat next to him while she did work on her tablet.
Pity she didn't give him a public dressing down right there and then. Loudly announcing to everyone around her what that creep was doing.
newspaper is now naming names in OKLA cover up
by Jack Miller innewspaper now publicly names one of the local elders that covered up child abuse.
it is same elder that wt glorified before because of his work at nasa.. .