Don't tell the elduhs anything...
JoinedPosts by youngbro
What you wish you had been told when you were younger
by Most Noble inwhat do you wish people told you when you were younger?.
I've entered the embarrassing stage of pregnancy - let's have a laugh :)
by freshstart inso as you get farther along in your pregnancy and you get bigger and bigger, certain bodily functions are hard to control.
the other day my husband, son and i went out for a nice lunch.
we were dressed up and really enjoying ourselves, when it happened.
I used to love making my mom pee her pants. It was funny in a way...I am not mean lol
and I have never heard and thankfully never smelt a preggers lady farting lol
snake on bedroom floor when I got up this am!
by nuthouse escapee ini woke up and nearly put my foot on a 2ft long snake that somehow got up to the 2nd floor.
i screamed and ran out of the room and started crying.
i hate snakes and am terrified of them.
I hope you get the snake taken care of. By any chance were you playing with Sporlock?
TTATT acronym
by RayPublisher ini think it's about time this get updated so more folks know the other meaning of t.t.a.t.t.
ttatt is an acronym for "the thing around the thing.".
this term, first known to be used by neal thomison around 1998, refers to the meta issues which surround the topic in question.. in designing software, creating art or negotiating contracts often the context and implications of the topic on the history and interrelationships at play is often as significant, if not more significant, that the content of the topic itself.. .
Interesting. I thought it meant "The Truth about the Truth"
JW's , Star Trek V and pain.
by DATA-DOG insince everyone is thinking of star trek this week, i have a question.
in star trek v, kirk has a chance to have his secret pain removed by spock's half-brother.
kirk refuses, and says that he needs his pain because it makes us who we are.
Interesting question. Would I still have the things I have learned and the qualities developed from my pains?
Field Service Requirements
by DATA-DOG inhas there ever been any official letters stating the amount of field service required to be considered exemplary?
usually the number given is 10hrs, but if you look up " 10 hours " in the cd-library you get 14 hits.
none from the bible of course, and only 3-5 are related to field service.
Back before I was ahem...downcasted, I was in charge of Sound and was told that I could not use a particular brother for mics because he was below ten hours a month.
Is any one paid in the organization?
by ecuador inhi, i am learning about jws, and would like to know if any of their leaders, circuit overseers, district overseers, etc.
are paid.
also, who owns the kingdom hall buildings and furnishings in them?
KH are owned by a few of the local elders, which the congregation votes on....CO's and DO's are given a modest allowance each month for food etc; the local congregation they visit pays for their dry cleaning, so I have they are often given "material support" by the "friends".
My worst friend
by fade_away ini need to vent a bit here.
my wife is a social person who finds it very easy to find people she can connect with and have tons in common.
i am the complete opposite.
I thought leaving the borg was supposed to give you more time with your wife...sorry, I could not resist. Anyway, you could always be machiavelian and have him pay for the cruise, then push him over the edge and say you tripped...OR, you could just tell him he annoys you.
Service meeting topic: Masturbation
by perfect1 inone of my strangest memories of going to the kh was when a young- maybe 18-20, pimply young man got up to talk about jhvhs view of masturbation during a service meeting.. of course, it was impossible to think about him not masturbating.
i was just hitting puberty and found the whole thing very uncomfortable- i think my dad was even critiquing him (what is that called when elder gives the feedback).
looking back now i can see that to publicly condemn masturbation, especially when a young man is delivering this admonition, is- well- hilarious.
I hope his talk didn't get out of hand.
Did you know some witnesses who wanted to an Elder or M.S for the fame?
by Pitchess Co-Gen ini'm talking about how they pretend to love the congragation, but they really don't .
they strive to be "circuit superstars" ; instead of careing for the flock .
did you guys know any people like that while you were in ..