I appreciated your comments. Your last comment about witnesses leaving in droves to celebrate christmas, pretty much sums up what I was trying to say. When I think of "perfect" in the gov. body sense, I feel that everything that has been put on printed page by them in Gods name has to be correct in idea, from russel's time forward.There could not have been changes in doctrine.(example: "generation that witnessed 1914 will not pass away". now it seems that they will need to change this teaching somehow).
To me, it seems that this and other doctrinal changes are what is important to me, and not so much an article on how women have smaller craniums and therefore are not as smart as men. I just dismissed this as being something stupid put out in the awake magazine years ago.
Your comments really started me thinking. Thank you. Musky
Posts by musky
Hey Women! Faithful Slave Sez You're Dumb!
by metatron inoh, this is gonna be fun!.
the august 22, 1967 awake has an article entitled.
"i do not permit a woman to exercise authority.
Hey Women! Faithful Slave Sez You're Dumb!
by metatron inoh, this is gonna be fun!.
the august 22, 1967 awake has an article entitled.
"i do not permit a woman to exercise authority.
andee, your comment makes no sense to me. What do you mean? Shunning seems to be a totally different subject from attitudes on women.
Hey Women! Faithful Slave Sez You're Dumb!
by metatron inoh, this is gonna be fun!.
the august 22, 1967 awake has an article entitled.
"i do not permit a woman to exercise authority.
If you are saying that everything that has been published since the watchtower bagan has to be true, then they have been proved untrue many many times over. I always understood that the so called faithful and discreet slave feels they are imperfect , and therefore some things they print are also imperfect.But at the same time they require strict adherance to what they say, because they are inspired by God.I guess to sum up what im trying to say, If there is a true religeon, does everything it says and prints from its headquarters have to be rock solid true and 100% correct for it to be inspired by God? General attitudes in the public have had a lot of sway in the watchtower over the years. -
Hey Women! Faithful Slave Sez You're Dumb!
by metatron inoh, this is gonna be fun!.
the august 22, 1967 awake has an article entitled.
"i do not permit a woman to exercise authority.
In the watchtowers defense of this, the article quoted is from 1960's.
the majority of peoples attitudes have really changed since then.Remember archie bunker? that show almost cannot be played anymore because of its racial insensitivity,not to mention how edith was treated! We have all come a long way since then.We need to stop digging up the past from the watchtower, and look at how there attitude is towards women now.Im sure it is very different. I was recently shown a copy from 1957 "better homes and gardens" I believe. I was actually a joke because it was a list of things every good wife needs to do for her husband, including: have nice dinner ready when he gets home/ make sure makeup is freshened up/ do more listening than talking/ dont question him when he is late due to entertainment/ have nice fire in fireplace ready when he gets home/ every good wife knows her role/ etc,etc. Were not all going to bash this magazine today for something it said many years ago.I know that some things that are critical to watchtowers teaching need to go way back in the past, but not this.Things like when they foretold an end to the world in 1914 for example are strong indicators of how they operate today.It just seems that everybody changes with the times. Remember at the kingdom hall children being carried off to the bathroom for severe wackings and spankings? This does not seem to be done anymore at all, less the children be taken by social services. Im not sure if this is making any sense to the reader , so I will just stop here. -
I am curious. How many here have served time at or have relatives that have served at bethel? I have heard different stories when people came back. Usually they didnt talk much and were very secretive.
welcome! I am new here also. my wife and i wanted to get married at the kingdom hall, but were not allowed. It made me feel very bad. We were married at a relatives house. I cannot say that the watchtower is wrong for a few people making mistakes though. I think I have problems wth them because of there doctrines
Not going to talk about myself. just here mostly to listen.
what does that mean??
I have read some of the postings. Still dont understand why it appears to be a witnmess site, but seems to be more non witnesses making posts
Is this a place for witnesses or non witnesses?