Interesting vids. I'd seen them before and forgot about them.
It's too bad the guy that made them doesn't know how to spell "tract."
It's little thing though, but it'd put off some folks.
i am watching this now and thought others would like it.
it has some tiny tiny misunderstandings of jw's, but this man really has a good grasp on the problem.. .
Interesting vids. I'd seen them before and forgot about them.
It's too bad the guy that made them doesn't know how to spell "tract."
It's little thing though, but it'd put off some folks.
this is a real funny video, watch it and enjoy!!!.
Now I'd expect God to be a scratch golfer!
today, my wife went to labcorp to take a pre-employment drug screening.
she doesnt have a driver's license, so i took her.. in the waiting room, with the magazines were a copy of atalaya (watchtower) and despertad (awake).
it'd be nice to think they were left by a jw who decided then and there that she'd had enough of the lies, but from what i gathered on jwn, it was probably a lazy publisher counting it as perpetual service hours.. anyway, on the back of both, i left the message "for more information about jehovah's witnesses please google candace conti.".
Did you count your time?
i have trouble understanding why people mock scholarship.
if i mention it frequently, it is precisely b/c as a witness, i had no access to it.
when i was told someone by a brother, there was no way to evaluate it.
BOTR, I'm not sure exactly your point in starting this thread--I sense a recent exchange which I missed--but I second your efforts to stress the importance of scholarship.
This was one of the things that ultimately led to my questioning the integrity of JW beliefs. So often I'd read an article and notice that the "sources" quoted were not explicitly named. And when they were, which was the exception rather than the rule, there would not be a specific citation so you could go look it up. Seriously, who's going to go read a whole book just to check one little sentence or a short phrase.
Ah, but now in the days of the internet things are so very different .... but I digress.
The one thing the WTBTS is VERY GOOD at citing properly is other WT publications. How often would we read something and it would say, "As the Watchtower of 19xx, February 1st, page xx, paragraph xx said, 'Everything we say is true, even if later it is proved wrong, ... blah, blah, blah, etc., infinitum ad nauseum ..."
The WT practice of self-referential "proofs" ultimately made me wonder: "Can any of our beliefs be confirmed independently?"
Meanwhile, as that growing doubt nagged in the background, I'd notice that often a point would be made in one of the publications and there would be a cited scripture. Now I ALWAYS would look up the scripture, always! I can't tell you how many times I'd look up a scripture and think, "That scripture doesn't actually support the point made in the paragraph." More doubts ... more nagging ... more dissonance in my cognition ...
At first I wrote it off to assuming that that particular point was no doubt "proved" at another time or another place and I'd get there eventually too. But it never happened. Instead I just kept coming across ideas that were asserted with out either clear scriptural backing or confirmation from an reliable independent source.
After several years of noticing these things, I'd finally had enough. I started researching on the internet. The rest is, as they say, history!
we had to go off grid for a time, time and half a time as we thought we had been outed.
fortunately it was a false alarm, but it was a stressful time.
i asked for my original diary thread to be deleted in case there could be anything on there to identlfy mrs smith and i. i am always very careful when posting, and am sure there was nothing on there, but felt it best to have it removed in order to be as cautious as a dove.
Winston, I was about to answer your many very thought-provoking questions above, but something makes me think you already know the answers!
did anyone watch the nbc program "rock center" last night?
it dealt with scientology defectors and the stories, (shunning, tax-exempte etc) sounded very much like the watchtower/jehovah witnesses!.
i sat with my family...and there was dead silence throughout the report.
Wow, just wow.
So much of that could have been about Jehovah's Witnesses.
Maybe not the dungeon part, but then I've never been to Bethel so maybe they've got one there too.
did anyone watch the nbc program "rock center" last night?
it dealt with scientology defectors and the stories, (shunning, tax-exempte etc) sounded very much like the watchtower/jehovah witnesses!.
i sat with my family...and there was dead silence throughout the report.
Yeah, imagine a follow-up expose on JWs comparing them to Scientologists.
Too much fun!
the watchtower has been invited to respond and comment on any aspect of the menlo park kingdom hall cases as discussed in the videos here:.
their representatives can make contact by email at [email protected].
.... crickets ....
i hadn't seen this posted.
good for a laugh.. .
Corny, but good for a few chuckles.
i have a question.
to most of you, this will seem elementary, and you'd think that after twenty months or so on this forum i'd know the answer, but i don't.
in this thread.
So what do YOU think, Chariklo?