JAFO, glad you approve. Thanks!
Posts by 00DAD
Julia's Inquisition - Two elders, the full version! I want you all to see this.
by Julia Orwell insorry it's gonna be long winded.
i've done my best to reconstruct from memory.
my husband was next to me the whole time.
Julia's Inquisition - Two elders, the full version! I want you all to see this.
by Julia Orwell insorry it's gonna be long winded.
i've done my best to reconstruct from memory.
my husband was next to me the whole time.
JAFO: You've clearly outed yourself, and if an elder reads this thread, it's Game Over)
Click here: A Message to Active Elders Lurking on JWN
Found a scripture where Jesus is clearly manipulating people
by cptkirk init's a scripture that is very well known (at least among witnesses) , relatively well known.
it is clearly manipulative, and the irony being that i've seen an elder use it for his own manipulative purposes as well....in a similar circumstance that jesus used it in.
when you look at it again, you may not have seen it this way, but you will now.. i am not trying to put jesus on trial here, simply trying to point out something that is very obvious, and yet most people probably never stepped back and realized what he was actually doing here.. it is mark 6. they are stumbling over jesus (spiritually stumbling), so did he say a prayer for their hearts to be opened?
slimboyfat: John 15:14, Jesus told his followers they could be his friends if they do what he commands them. You don't get much more blatantly manipulative than that.
John 15:14 - Y OU ? are my friends if ? YOU ? do what I am commanding ? YOU .
Yeppers! Good catch Slimboy!
Nothing like a good healthy dose of conditional approval to get people into the spirit of Christianity.
It's funny how different things look once you're outside of the cult.
Many At Bethel Head Quarter Know The Governing Body Are Psycho's But They Too Afraid To Say Anything
by frankiespeakin ini think a lot of people at bethel especially the older ones are terrified of these new guys on the governing body and already know they are a bunch of over the hill narcissistic personality disorder cases.. but they are caught in the middle and i'm sure lots of people are waking up with these egomaniacs around..
frankiespeakin: "... Black and White tunnel vision ..."
You're mixing your metaphors.
This is a serious sin, Brother. The elders want to talk to you.
Many At Bethel Head Quarter Know The Governing Body Are Psycho's But They Too Afraid To Say Anything
by frankiespeakin ini think a lot of people at bethel especially the older ones are terrified of these new guys on the governing body and already know they are a bunch of over the hill narcissistic personality disorder cases.. but they are caught in the middle and i'm sure lots of people are waking up with these egomaniacs around..
Lady Lee: Please don't throw around psychiatric diagnoses of the people on the GB as if they were medically diagnosed conditions.
Why not? They do!
Ok, I get your point that the "mentally diseased" label is NOT a medical diagnosis. (Friggin' WT Lawyers). But seriously, they shouldn't dish it out if they can't take it!
Also, it doesn't take a college degree to look at a list of symptoms associated with Narcissistic personality disorder and notice that the WT Leaders exhibit every single one of them!
Does expressing that observation qualify as defamation of character? Or is it just sharing an opinion?
I'm just sayin' is all.
JW bumper stickers
by innerpeace inso my husband (who was never a jw) saw a christian bumper sticker today and asked me if the witnesses have any.
i said no (not that i know of anyway) so here are a few he came up with.. 'honk if you're a zombie'.
'my other car is noah's ark'.
Who needs headlights when you have Proverbs 4:18?
I'm not late. I'm coming SOON!
Read God's Word the Watchtower
My library is organized by book color
I didn't cut you off. That was an "Overlapping Lane-Change"
Yesterday's WT Study par 17
by leaving_quietly ini marked down "research" next to this paragraph w13 1/15 p.11 par.
17), and have yet to do so fully.. "modern christians held in nazi concentration camps with possible death facing them were given repeated opportunities to gain their freedom by signing a declaration renouncing jehovah.".
was the declaration to renounce jehovah?
SFB: Well sure 00DAD but they don't murder dissenters as the Nazis did of course.
Not literally, but they do spiritually. Disfellowshipping is the theocratic equivalent of murder. When I was disfellowshipped my own son said, "You're dead to me!" Nice, huh?
Now I understand where he got the crap, but it still doesn't make it easy to take.
Many of us here, myself included, have commented that elders have told them, "If we were under the Mosaic Law we'd take you outside and stone you to death!"
Yesterday's WT Study par 17
by leaving_quietly ini marked down "research" next to this paragraph w13 1/15 p.11 par.
17), and have yet to do so fully.. "modern christians held in nazi concentration camps with possible death facing them were given repeated opportunities to gain their freedom by signing a declaration renouncing jehovah.".
was the declaration to renounce jehovah?
SBF: But don't underestimate how nervous any totalitarian regime can get about any level of dissent, never mind outright defiance of the kind JWs displayed.
Just consider the example of the WTBTS and their treatment of dissenters!
Yesterday's WT Study par 17
by leaving_quietly ini marked down "research" next to this paragraph w13 1/15 p.11 par.
17), and have yet to do so fully.. "modern christians held in nazi concentration camps with possible death facing them were given repeated opportunities to gain their freedom by signing a declaration renouncing jehovah.".
was the declaration to renounce jehovah?
slimboyfat, yes. That is the point of my post immediately preceeding yours. We had a short power outage right as I was composing it and I hadn't finished making my point before you posted your comment.
I was thinking if we directly asked any one of JWs if the organization is the same as Jehovah they would immediately deny it. They would reject it outright.
But as you commented, for all intents and purposes they are the same in regard to the behavior and actions of all JWs. It is manipulative language like this that creates this conflation in the minds of the R&F. In that respect, the WT quote which is highlighted in the OP is a perfect example of how the WTBTS exercises Mind-Control techniques over their followers.
For many of us, when we're just waking up to the Truth about "The Truth" (TTATT), we wonder if the GB and the WT writers know the real truth and if they are deliberately deceptive and manipulative or if they are somehow also just innocent victims of the cult mentality.
I think there is no question that they are captives of the cult mentality. But articles like this one is just more example of a pattern of incontrovertible evidence that the writers of WT publications deliberately write false things that are carefully worded for the express purpose of manipulating and controlling the Rank & File members of the congregations. They know what they are doing. It is not accidental.
Yesterday's WT Study par 17
by leaving_quietly ini marked down "research" next to this paragraph w13 1/15 p.11 par.
17), and have yet to do so fully.. "modern christians held in nazi concentration camps with possible death facing them were given repeated opportunities to gain their freedom by signing a declaration renouncing jehovah.".
was the declaration to renounce jehovah?
AnnOMaly: Even if I agreed with the 'erroneous teachings' part, I would have felt deeply uncomfortable signing such a declaration promising to rat out other Bible Students.
No one is trying to rehabilitate the Nazis here. The point is that this Declaration involved renouncing the Bibelforscher , NOT Jehovah as the WT falsely said in last week's WT Study.
It was about disassociating oneself from a religion, not about renouncing faith in any particular God.
Now we all know that the WTBTS conflates faith in God with obedience to the organization.
WTBTS = Jehovah
But they do this through subtle manipulative means such as the statement in last week's WT; they never actually come right out and say, "The Organization is our God. You must worship the WT!"
And any R&F JW would deny that they equate the organization with God. But their actions belie any such rhetorical denials.
In next week's WT Study, anyone that has left the organization is described as someone that "leaves Jehovah." (w2013 1/5, pp. 15 - 16)
Note these telling comments:
19 The sister quoted above says, “I know that I must stay busy in Jehovah’s service and keep myself in a spiritually strong condition so that when my daughter does come back to Jehovah, I will be in a position to help her.”
20 It is not wrong for you to entertain the hope that your loved one will return. Each year, many wrongdoers repent and come back to Jehovah’s organization. - w2013 1/5, p. 16, para. 19 & 20 (Emphasis added)
Jehovah = Jehovah's organization (WTBTS)