Look, they are completely different:
Posts by 00DAD
Hypocritical comments by JWs regarding the Catholic Church in light of the new Pope.
by Theocratic Sedition ini'm curious, what can you expect to hear from jws this week?
or have you heard anything already.
since awakening, i find it to be hilarious when jws badmouth catholics and the pope but are completely oblivious to how hypocritical they are considering the gb and other wt heavyweights..
Please take advantage of this if you need it
by cptkirk ini know this has been posted on before.. .
new courses offered for spring 2013please note that this list is incomplete.. 3.091x: introduction to solid state chemistry [15]7.00x: "introduction to biology - the secret of life" [16]8.02x: electricity and magnetism14.73x: the challenges of global poverty [17] .
Hypocritical comments by JWs regarding the Catholic Church in light of the new Pope.
by Theocratic Sedition ini'm curious, what can you expect to hear from jws this week?
or have you heard anything already.
since awakening, i find it to be hilarious when jws badmouth catholics and the pope but are completely oblivious to how hypocritical they are considering the gb and other wt heavyweights..
The Catholics follow a man ... JWs follow 8 of them. It's completely different. I don't see your point!
New BOE letter on inactive ones
by JWFreak inagain..please do not ask for a pdf scan as the only copies i have are the interbranch electronic copies from the us branch to our local branch.. .
november 3, 2009 .
to all bodies of elders .
wha happened?: Oh that's the 1st thing people think. I knew an ex CO who was in our KH who stepped down after he started getting migrains. While he was going through all the medical testing, and elder approached him and asked if there was a serious sin he wanted to confess to. What a great support system
Just like Job's comforters!
There's this girl...
by noonehome inquick back-story: i'm pretty young...old enough to go to war but too young to buy a beer (if i were in the states..maybe i am maybe i'm not...) compredo?
so i've had allot of doubts, but figured it was a fault in myself until my best friend left a year ago and has since been labeled apostate.
i've never shunned him, in fact, i still see him a few times a month in secret.
I've had this strong suspicion that most JW's secretly have allot of doubts, but are too afraid to let them fester.
Even the True Believer has doubts. - John le Carré, "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy"
New BOE letter on inactive ones
by JWFreak inagain..please do not ask for a pdf scan as the only copies i have are the interbranch electronic copies from the us branch to our local branch.. .
november 3, 2009 .
to all bodies of elders .
What a wacky letter!
Generally speaking, though, many who are inactive have not abandoned the truth.
So this acknowledges that at least some that are "inactive" have abandoned the religion.
Neither have they engaged in seri ous wrongdoing.
Two weird things about THAT statement:
- First, it implies that the GB thinks that at least some inactive ones are guilty of "serious wrongdoing," and
- It also implies that they think all inactive ones are guilty of at least wrongdoing that is, I don't know, "less-than-serious"
Nothing quite says I trust you like assuming the worst of your spiritual brothers and sisters. Things like this really reveal how the GB views their followers. Maybe it's just a projection of how they feel about themselves.
What a nutty bunch of guys that run this religion.
by newdawnfades ini am a long time lurker who has finally decided to post.
i am still in along with my wife, kids and extended family.
i am in my 40s and was raised in the org.
Welcome. Take your time and feel free to ask questions, express your doubts and concerns, all things you can never do at the KH!
Candace Conti: WTS Fails to Timely File Opening Appellate Brief
by DNCall inbad form for the "great timekeeper's" organization.
the appeal will be dismissed unless the opening brief is filed on or before march 26th..
AnnOMaly posted this on another thread:
In case anyone wants to monitor what's going on for themselves,
Elders- Have any of You faded Because of participating in a JC where the Arguments from the accused made sense to you?
by truthlover ini know the question is long, but it has occured to me that there are a lot of newbies here but before that, many ex elders, some co and do's that are no longer jw's.... did the publishers comments at a jc about the misconceptions,dates, and lack of holy spirit, etc.
make sense to you and did you start thinking about the failed prophecies, fudging the "new light" etc.
which caused you to slowly fade away.. .
I was an elder for over 20 years. In that time I probably participated in about 50 judicial committees. Not one involved apostasy.
They were all either about sexual issues, drugs and or alcohol abuse.
I do know of one elder I used to serve with that stepped down in 1995/6 and refused to say why. The CO tried to force him to share his reasons with all the elders at an Elders' meeting. He just kept his mouth shut.
Later I learned it was about the change in the "generation" teaching.
By that time I was in another congregation and I never did find out what happened to him. I hope he faded successfully.
Don't e-mail DF'd family members - Congregation Reaction (WT 1/15/2013)
by 00DAD indo not look for excuses to associate with a disfellowshipped family member, for example, through e-mail.
- w2013 1/15, p. 16, para.
in the congregation i attend, no one--and i mean no one--commented on the directive to not communicate with df'd family members by email.
Hey everyone,
Thanks for all your great comments!
Theocratic Sedition, Well I'm not surprised a sister with two DF'd kids didn't show up for that meeting. Maybe it was coincidental, but it would have been more than most people could take. There was a recent article in the Daily Mail on how shunning not only emotionally hurts the one shunned, but also injures those doing the shunning:
Doubting Bro, That's what if felt like to me too. But the elder in the congregation where I attend is ALWAYS very conscientious about time so I had to wonder if it was a planned thing.
SophieG, Good point. Clearly many are ignoring it or it wouldn't be mentioned. It must drive the GB boys crazy that not everyone obeys. It could end up having the opposite effect. The crazier they get, the more insane rules they make, the more the R&F discount or disobey them. If a person decides to disobey one rule, then it's a small step to ignore/disobey two rules, then three, four ... all of them!
Finkelstein, yep, they're running outta' ideas so they are going to what all cult leaders do: Increase your control (or at least attempt to!)
wha happened?, great point! It's pretty funny when you put it that way, isn't it. But the reality is they ARE scared of DF'd ones because the GB knows that most of US know TTATT and will tell everyone we know. "Preach the good news of TTATT ..."
It's so stupid and unnecessarily hurtful. Wouldn't it be more Christian to teach their members to constantly reach out to loved ones that have "gone astray" in a kind and loving manner?
I guess they never thought of it that way.
vajeni82, Don't worry. They'll think up other ways to send you on a guilt-trip! If you're out they don't really care about you, it's those still in that the GB want to send on long and frequent guilt-trips.
SophieG, Great illustration. So what did your JW friend say in response? Did you get the "deer in the headlights" look? They're not used to thinking when it requires a thought that contradicts what the WT says.
problemaddict, Cool! Do you have any carrier pigeons I can use to contact my children that are "still-in"?
whathappened, You got that right! It really is more about control than about any particular "sin." Hence the alleged focus on "repentance." But even then, they can't let people in too quickly because it might embolden others. They need a certain amount of public flogging to put the "fear of Jehovah" into the rest of the congregation. But even that's problematic. If they elders appear too harsh then no one will ever go to them with real problems. It'a Lose-Lose situation.
steve2, Good point. SophieG made that point as well. I think it's important that we keep this in mind. Comments like this are indeed tacit admissions from the GB that not everyone in the KH obeys their ridiculous commands. This is in our favor. But as much as this acknowledges disunity in the congregation, it does create a certain amount of distrust. Sadly, they like that as it keeps people easier to control if they don't trust each other. This is in their favor.
Bella15, Oh they'll never say THAT. The WTBTS needs money and they don't care where it comes from.
Keep those cards and letters, text messages and emails, PMs and JWN posts coming!!!