MrMonroe asked: What would be the appropriate action for a JW who has watched more than a century of predictions by the WTS that have failed, one after another?
I guess we won't be needing that umbrella!
the word "now" has taken on new meaning.
or is it the word "die?
i was thinking it would be helpful if we put together a wt lexicon for those that are not too familiar with wt terminology.
it's important for them to understand these theocratic expressions so that they too can understand and speak the "pure language" of truth.
- zeph.
the word "now" has taken on new meaning.
or is it the word "die?
According to, the answer to the question, "How many people are alive today over 100 years of age?"
Answer: as of 2000, there are over 200,000 people over 100. The UN estimates that by 2013, there will be 3,000,000 centenarians
Since roughly only 1/1,000 of the world population claims to be JWs, then it could only possibly be:
Thousands now living may never die!
Or maybe: "Millions now dying will never live!"
Go Joe!!!
Read more:
i was thinking it would be helpful if we put together a wt lexicon for those that are not too familiar with wt terminology.
it's important for them to understand these theocratic expressions so that they too can understand and speak the "pure language" of truth.
- zeph.
Excellent contributions sizemik and No Room For George. I see you both understand the spirit of this highly important academic endeavor. Thanks!
It took me a minute to appreciate the subtlety of sizemik's definition of "Baptism". Well done! I would like to add a second meaning for:
2 - A structure specifically designed to prevent anyone from seeing anything clearly
Keep 'em coming!
i was thinking it would be helpful if we put together a wt lexicon for those that are not too familiar with wt terminology.
it's important for them to understand these theocratic expressions so that they too can understand and speak the "pure language" of truth.
- zeph.
Hi all,
I was thinking it would be helpful if we put together a WT Lexicon for those that are not too familiar with WT terminology. It's important for them to understand these Theocratic expressions so that they too can understand and speak the "pure language" of truth. - Zeph. 3:9
To kick things off, I've started a few entries. Please feel free to contribute you favorites. (NOTE: Please try to observe and be consistent with this tone and style. This is a serious, encyclopedic endeavor, much like Wikipedia).
WT LEXICON, v. 1.01
Soon: Not soon, in fact a very, very long time. You'll probably die first. Millions already have.
Theocratic Arrangement: Shut up and do what I'm telling you.
New Light: We have no idea WTF we're talking about, but we gotta' say something!!!
Other Sheep: Followers, as in "dumb as a …" WT adherents to be fleeced at will. (BTW, how come we never discuss the fact that in ancient Israel they used to EAT their sheep??? I'm just wondering is all ...)
Faithful and Discreet Slave: Not faithful or very discreet and most certainly NOT SLAVES, but Masters. (SEE "Other Sheep")
the witnesses say that if you leave the religion you will become a very vile person.
you will probably get vd.
you will get into drugs and booze, your life will go to hell.. personally, i've been pretty much the same guy although i would now be viewed as a "fornicator".
Oh, and I sometimes--well often--watch "R" rated movies and enjoy a good cigar with a glass of wine now and again.
a persistent meme that floats around on jw related internet forums holds that christ's second coming was moved forward 40 years (i.e.
from 1874 to 1914) in the year 1943.
(this appears to be based primarily on a statment in the book god's kingdom of a thousand years has approached on page 209 and to a lesser degree, a footnote at the bottom of page 133 of the publication jehovah's witnesses - proclaimers of god's kingdom.).
So let me get this straight: JW's today have "a different understanding" than Russell or Rutherford. These are called "progressive" beliefs or "Present Truth".
Hmmm, well I suppose that would all be fine if the GB wouldn't DF people for getting there sooner or later than them, or simply disagreeing.
BTW, which one of the six different "understandings" of the meaning of the term "generation" will ultimately turn out to be the correct one? Or maybe we haven't gotten there yet either?
Are we there yet? Are we? Are we? I wanna' go home!
Maybe it's just me, but I want some truth that's going to be the same yesterday, today and forever. Is that too much to ask?
the witnesses say that if you leave the religion you will become a very vile person.
you will probably get vd.
you will get into drugs and booze, your life will go to hell.. personally, i've been pretty much the same guy although i would now be viewed as a "fornicator".
Good or Bad according to whom?
Well ... according to the WTBTS I'm certainly a bad boy now. But then again I was before I left too, I just hid it well by pretending to be someone I wasn't. Kind of like them! They taught me well.
Now, according to ME, I'm a really good boy. And I'm no longer a hypocrite like, ahem, the GB. And according to my fiancée, I AM AMAZING!
Your mileage may vary.
i was inspired by a recent thread i know i aint gunna crumble the wt, but a girl can dream to look at the effect we as individuals are having on the watchtower society.. 3dogs1husband quoted a story to show that even helping only one person is worth it.. it is encouraging to note that the one person you may have helped has lead to millions being helped, due to the power of compounding growth.. compounding growth is well illustrated by the rice on a chessboard problem.
if you start with 1 grain of rice on square one, and double it to 2 on the second, 4 on the third, 8 on the fourth, by the last (64th) square there would be 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 grains of rice.. likewise, if you help one person out of the grip of the watchtower this year, then next year you help one more and they help one, in a few years that is going to have a formidable result on the number of jehovahs witnesses.
look at the following statistics.
Ok, I'm sorry, but if you start with 1 grain of rice on square one, and double it to 2 on the second, ... , by the last (64 th ) square there will NOT be 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 grains of rice. There will be a big mess!
Actually, it's more likely you'll never get the rice to fit on any given square by about the 7th or 8th one!!!
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
TFPILC, Daniel
i have not been able to find any photo's of satan the devil in the watchtower.
there are photo's of the serpent with eve, satan's hand offering kingdoms to jesus and a shadowy cloaked figure speaking to jesus on the mountain.
apart from that i cannot locate any of a proper looking devil.