Good ol British justice?
I watched the prog on C4 earlier in the week about Barry George the guy gaoled for the murder of Jill Dando, the more I hear about it the more I feel he has been fitted up.
Edited by - Mutz on 23 August 2002 17:6:51
inquiry call after arsonist serves 24 years.
supporters of a man about to be freed after serving 24 years in jail for arson are calling for an inquiry into the case.
Good ol British justice?
I watched the prog on C4 earlier in the week about Barry George the guy gaoled for the murder of Jill Dando, the more I hear about it the more I feel he has been fitted up.
Edited by - Mutz on 23 August 2002 17:6:51
what tune does it play?.
what tune would you really like to hear it play?.
mine's set to "the entertainer" (the theme from the sting), however i would really like it to play something more appropriate.
The theme music from The Great Escape would be a good tune for any ex jw's mobile! :)
well according to my mum anyway.
she came home from a meeting a few months back, looked at me and with a slightly manic laugh declared "you are the antichrist!".
i of course was shocked and ran to the bathroom to check my freshly shaven head for any marks etc but found nothing.
Well according to my mum anyway. She came home from a meeting a few months back, looked at me and with a slightly manic laugh declared "YOU are the Antichrist!". I of course was shocked and ran to the bathroom to check my freshly shaven head for any marks etc but found nothing. So either my father is Old Nick or she is just another brainwashed victim of the WT Society. :-)
i thought after you read the mormon jokes that you might want to hear what the lds church really is all about.
we have an audio from walter martin called, "the maze of mormonism".
hope you like!
Becoming a mormon is on my list of things to do..........just below nailing my testicles to a plank.
I always thought they were put here by God to fertilize the earth in preparation for man.Can you imagine how much good just one turd would do?.................if it landed on a group of lawyers LOTS of good! :)
i was having a chat with my apostate kid brother yesterday about witness beliefs.
he finds that talking about jw's stimulates his mind almost as much as watching paint drying.
i told him that our mother was about to be imprinted yet again by the territorial wt savages, this time in the re-iteration of that loving practice known as disfellowshipping.
My Bro in-law is an Elder and Mum is still in and I have heard nothing from them on either of these two subjects. There's always a watchtower study the sunday before the convention but it's open to all who are doing pre-convention work.
i've worked for 2 different brothers in my lifetime.
since they're a brother, you're supposed to be treated better than a worldly employer, right??
I have a collection of bad cheques from when I worked for a brother who sailed rather close to the wind in his business dealings, so much so that he had to leave the country to avoid the people trying to recover their money.
i live near some really interesting stone circles derbyshire england, i love visiting this place, i even went late in the day when it was dark, just .
to get the feel of what the place was all about.
some people talk about the personality of each stone circle, strange!
Nice pic of the Hurlers Celtic. Brings back memories of charging through them when I was out riding on Bodmin Moor a few years ago.
pope shenouda warns copts that marriage with jehovah's witnesses is ground for excommunication, divorce fri jul 19, 9:17 am et
cairo, egypt - the head of the coptic orthodox church criticized the jehovah's witness faith and said a copt's conversion to the sect was a ground for divorce, egypt's middle east news agency reported on friday.
pope shenouda iii said conversion to the jehovah's witness faith was a ground for divorce within his church.
One bunch of god botherers being shitty to another bunch, there's something new :p
subject of a future kilroy programme which they are researching right now:.
disowned by your family?.
call uk 08705 100771 - calls charged at national rate..
I am waiting for the fallout from the Aug KM about shunning family members first. I doubt it will happen as my family makes up the rules as they go along most of the time but if they decide to knuckle under to the edicts of WT I will be calling the show for sure.