Nothing changed much. My life has been filled with experiences centered around the Kingdom of God. I got remarried, had two more sons, went to college (age 40-49), tried going into business, got divorced again; took care of my adopted mother until her passing; kept all the balls in the air til I got sick and had to retire. Since then (age 57) I do research on-line, carry on four web-sites, a news group; several Photo Albums; collect crochet & knitting patterns for self-sufficiency in the future; wrote four books about living in community. YHVH God is still the center of my life, and I like it that way. I'm content; all my kids are grown and educated; and their kids are bright as new pennies. I do videos on Youtube, radio shows on BlogTalkRadio; I have 5000 Friends on Facebook because I do a news column that saves people time. Armageddon's here (called "Comet ELEnin") and the WTBTS doesn't give a SHIFT for its own people. What a shame.