My thoughts and best wishes go to you and your family.
my wife, liza, came home from work this morning (she was doing the 3rd shift thing) and said she was leaving me.
this afternoon at 1 pm i took her to the bus station.
at 4:20 pm she was off to nyc.
My thoughts and best wishes go to you and your family.
i received this email only seconds ago and i'm just passing it on to those that knew jan, i have no other details:.
jan groenveld will no longer be a part of these forums.
she passed away in her sleep last night.
My condolences to Jan's family and friends.
i had the pleasure of attending billygoat and mozzer4life's wedding today and i thought i would share some pictures with all of you.
it was a beautiful day for an outside wedding.
comf and sixofnine and megadude were also in attendance.
Congratulations Andi and Neil!!!!!
Absolutely beautiful ceremony and reception, just beautiful--weddings always make me sentimental..where's my tissue?
Best wishes for a happy, loving marriage.
another poster and i are worried sick about esmerelda.
neither of us have heard from her for months.
she has ms, and had been doing well, but that can change quickly.
Good to hear from you Es, I was a little worried too, but figured that you had other things occupying you right now.
Hugs to you, "Jack" and "Es jr."
ok those of you that know me personally know that i sit on a ton of event committees, usually for non-profits benefitting kids.
yes, it is very rewarding but there is no paycheck.
this has not been an issue for us.
Congratulations! I'm thinking of turning green with jealousy--work from home, fabulous pay and perks, and you got to say "what the #*$(&@" during a job interview and still get offered the job. It's all good.
i'm going to the blood bank today to donate my own blood for my upcoming surgery.
what's the society's viewpoint on storing your own blood?
i don't see anything in the bible that would hint there's anything wrong with re-using your own blood.......
Hi Mary,
Hope things go well for you.
My best recollection is storing your own blood for future use is not allowed by the Society. I can't remember all the nifty medical terms, but the machine used to do heart bypass surgery is ok because it is viewed as an extention of the circulatory system, but stored blood has left the system and a no-no. I think this was reviewed in the Awake! magazine (the blue one with a man in scrubs), but I can't think of the date either. Sigh. Guess that wasn't a whole lotta help, but the AJWRB site should have more info.
Best wishes,
Best wishes to Zazu for a speedy recovery. Thinking of you both.
A fellow Ohioan,
mikepence posted this article over at bboy's forum and it's well worth bringing over here.
if i offend anyone - it's not my intention.
it is my intention to continue with helping to shed new light on this hideous crime.
gwen and i went on a mission .
going in as a couple of "interested ones"...into a kh that i was reasonably sure i wouldn't be recongnized as the "uadna-ri" i went in with a hidden wire and tape recorder to get the "evidence".
on this site you will find links to 4 audio files... the first two are "the part", and the other two files are an audio clip of the "love bombing" attack we got when we left the first meeting, and the reading of a letter to "all congregations" concerning the discontinuation of subscriptions.. as with all jw things, it is interesting to hear the comments made by the speaker, things not written in the km, and views, attitudes, and references made when speaking of how to treat disfellowshipped family members.. all in all, i am glad we went on this misssion.
Hi Zev,
Interesting audio. Glad I listened to it before eating lunch.
My husband attended the part I of this article, different KH. He hasn't been to meeting in months and unfortunately for him, he received a call from an elder the night before from an elder who wanted to meet with him afterwards. I asked him when he returned home how the KM article discussion went, and his summary was "Unbelievable". One of the examples given by the Elder running the discussion:
Elder: "For example, if I were df'd and my daughter was getting married, and I was determined to be there, what would be the proper attitude of Christians invited to the wedding."
Brother : "It would be up to my Christian conscience to decide whether I could attend."
Sister: "If a df'd person was there, I would not go."
Guess who got the prize. What loving support for the hypothetical bride and groom.
My hubby didn't go to part II, his time was better spent at the Rocket's home-opener. Go Rockets!
ethics panel discusses blood policy of watchtower bible & tract society and jehovah's witnesses refusing lifesaving treatment .
the oncologist journal of august 2002 contains an interesting discussion between a panel of medical professionals on the subject of jehovah's witnesses refusing blood therapies.. this article focuses on a witness woman who refused some blood therapies but was convinced by her congregation elders that it was okay to accept bovine hemoglobin therapy.
realizing the glaring inconsistency of bovine hemoglobin being acceptable in the face of prohibiting other blood therapies like red cell infusion, one physician said,.
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.