Big Trek fan since The Wrath of Khan came out (when I was old and/or brave enough to watch the original in syndication without clamping my hands over my eyes)...
I really enjoyed last night. I felt some trepidation during the opening credits--what's with the guitar music??? But overall, I think it was the best premiere of a Star Trek show ever. Just compare it with TNG, can we say wooden and too much theme music? Even DS9 and Voyager seemed to have this stilted dialogue for their first shows, it seems that this has finally been smoothed out.
My husband and I did talk about the Klingon appearance, but decided to take Worf's comment about it being something Klingons don't talk about, and not pay too much attention to as well. Can't get too hung up on such continuity and other assorted errors, as all of the shows have, or I won't enjoy watching it.
I agree someone's comment above regarding "the shower scene", if they needed to rub that salve to get rid of contamination, they did indeed miss a few parts. Guess they just had to throw in that scene to show us that it is cold in space.
Waiting for next week, especially since Buffy premieres then too. I know, I know, but I like the show and I know I'm not the only one here at JWD that does.