Wow another Empress. Congratulations Plum!
Well behaved women seldom make history.
empress plum..
2000. congrats kiddo...i know youre reading this cause you never sleep!.
Wow another Empress. Congratulations Plum!
Well behaved women seldom make history.
i've been lurking for about a year, and have finally decided to introduce myself.
i've been df'ed since 1987 and have been helped tremendously by various ex-jw websites to get the jw garbage out of my head.
i returned to college and am one class shy of graduating-in pr of all things!
Welcome Rita. I am glad you started posting. I try to post more instead of just lurking. My first few months were spent mostly reading, looking for answers and trying to realize that I was not alone in what I was feeling about the Watchtower.
Well behaved women seldom make history.
i've seen it mentioned many times in many threads: "the society monitors jwd, don't post anything you don't want them to know etc.
i have even made that point myself in the past.. my question is this: does the wtbts monitor this discussion board?.
or have we all been propagating our own xjw urban myth?.
Just in case they are monitoring .......
Well behaved women seldom make history.
come on i know noone can resist seeing their favorite bands in concert.
don't hold against me but i plan on seeing the bsb boys in march...can't help it i go for those love songs :) so come on tell me which concerts you've been to.
I have seen many concerts, but my favorites were my first - Eric Clapton and my last- Bruce Springsteen
if u live in or around nashville please reply thru the post
I am still trying to find Tracy. I don't feel comfortable asking her Mom. I am not sure how she will react.
1) i am a sister in a congregation of jehovah's witnesses in southern california.. i have a job.
i have a life.
i have a family.
That was awesome!
question: my friend who is df'd wishes to tell the elders that he won't be applying for re-instatement.
my friend only recently decided he doesn't want back in and isn't really "out" emotionally yet.
do elders really pay attention to df'd ones disappearing?
Sometimes the reaction of wanting to say "I will not be back, I do not want to apply for reinstatement" is a means of getting in the last word,especially when there is a lot of hurt. I wouldn't make the effort of contacting them. Sometimes it is better to fade on out of the picture.
i just got this link passed on to me.
unbelievable....i have been looking for some support and validation of my assumptions for a while.
there certainly is a lot to contemplate here.. my story is too long to tell in the amount of time of have before my flight.
Welcome to the board. It is amazing how many have finally felt for the first time that they have a clean conscience after leaving the borg. I am sorry to hear about your family, but at least you have made an effort, the truly loving thing to do.
the find exjws webpage has been updated, now with over 2300 names!.
find a long-lost friend.
please do not use to spam others..
Thanks Randy. I emailed someone I knew at the congregation I was once DF'd from. She has been cut off by several family members.
what color is your aura?
quiz time!!!
We don't need a psychic to tell us that you're giving off a Gold vibe. You couldn't ask for a better color — a glistening gold aura is as good as it gets. A lively blend of yellow and orange, gold people are happy, playful, energetic, sensitive, and generous. Always up for adventure, you'd give a friend in need the shirt off your back. You're spiritual, too — all those halos in old paintings aren't colored gold by coincidence. Almost childlike in the carefree, joyful way you live your life, you're popular and outgoing with your large circle of friends. Chances are you're so full of light and energy that you sometimes find it hard to sit still and chill out. Instead, you're constantly looking for excitement, no matter how risky or impulsive the occasion. Happy-go-lucky and always laughing, you truly are as good as gold.