Posts by N.drew
If you don't know what's wrong it can't be fixed
by N.drew inthat is what i heard last night at my yoga class.
she said for something to be fixed first it must become known what needs fixing.
it is true for the physical, but also for the spiritual i believe.
If you don't know what's wrong it can't be fixed
by N.drew inthat is what i heard last night at my yoga class.
she said for something to be fixed first it must become known what needs fixing.
it is true for the physical, but also for the spiritual i believe.
I don't think that is what it means. Genesis 11:5 means their cooperation will leave no room for god's will be done. God's will is done through people. Thus the image of God came as a person. So the scripture means to the ends of the earth (Edge) man can eliminate the children of God if Heaven doesn't stop it. And heaven did stop it did!
If you don't know what's wrong it can't be fixed
by N.drew inthat is what i heard last night at my yoga class.
she said for something to be fixed first it must become known what needs fixing.
it is true for the physical, but also for the spiritual i believe.
I shall elaborate. There are muscles (phew!) that are not used usually. So we never know they're there. Yoga is that which stretches the body ways it does not go. THEN we see OH! there's a muscle there. I didn't know. It doesn't feel good. Then you know there's something wrong.
If you don't know what's wrong it can't be fixed
by N.drew inthat is what i heard last night at my yoga class.
she said for something to be fixed first it must become known what needs fixing.
it is true for the physical, but also for the spiritual i believe.
I think "if you don't know what's wrong" means unaware of SOMETHING wrong. When a car does not run right the owner knows SOMETHING is wrong.
Thanks for clarifying that for us!
If you don't know what's wrong it can't be fixed
by N.drew inthat is what i heard last night at my yoga class.
she said for something to be fixed first it must become known what needs fixing.
it is true for the physical, but also for the spiritual i believe.
at least consider the context before we post personal translations that can be open to comments
I did. Did you? What conclusion have you drawn?
If you don't know what's wrong it can't be fixed
by N.drew inthat is what i heard last night at my yoga class.
she said for something to be fixed first it must become known what needs fixing.
it is true for the physical, but also for the spiritual i believe.
Haha! OK!
Real research is difficult, time consuming and expensive. A person does not need faith to do decent research.
What I do is in my opinion an order from The Lord
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
I begin by saying to myself "is that right?" (ask)
Now I have all the research at my finger tips so I research it and I am able to get help from the spirit as I already have knocked on the door.
So I ask myself the question, and I seek the answer but not from the world. I get it from the other side of the "door" because I keep knocking.
If you don't know what's wrong it can't be fixed
by N.drew inthat is what i heard last night at my yoga class.
she said for something to be fixed first it must become known what needs fixing.
it is true for the physical, but also for the spiritual i believe.
So Think About It, how is it explained correctly that the word translated "him" in Revelation is translated "it" in Matthew 5:15?
If you don't know what's wrong it can't be fixed
by N.drew inthat is what i heard last night at my yoga class.
she said for something to be fixed first it must become known what needs fixing.
it is true for the physical, but also for the spiritual i believe.
admit you had done little research,
I have only what Biblos and Strong have already researched. So in reality I can hardly call their research my research. But personally ON MY OWN I have done hundreds of hours of "research". I was being honest. I am believing Mr. Strong who wrote the research. I have no proof if he or they are right. I am doing as is commanded at 1 Corinthians 2:13
This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.
If you don't know what's wrong it can't be fixed
by N.drew inthat is what i heard last night at my yoga class.
she said for something to be fixed first it must become known what needs fixing.
it is true for the physical, but also for the spiritual i believe.
Yes, but according to my understanding "uncertain reality" has become certain by means of the written word about the Christ.
It is certain that people will beat "themselves in lamentation".NWT Is that something you want to be proud of?
"wail" I beat my breast or head in lamentation, lament, mourn, sometimes with acc. of person whose loss is mourned. definition Strong's Concordence
BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen.
If you don't know what's wrong it can't be fixed
by N.drew inthat is what i heard last night at my yoga class.
she said for something to be fixed first it must become known what needs fixing.
it is true for the physical, but also for the spiritual i believe.
The way I do it when I am unsure is I click on the word as spelled and see all the other places where it is found. Then I get a sense of what the writer was trying to say.
I have found many words that are spelled as they are only once in the canon. It is wonderful!