504? WOW! It was 533 just a few hours ago. He has lost about ~45% of his patrons.
I find it hilarious the "Be Courageous" and Think For Yourself thingy 😂
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504? WOW! It was 533 just a few hours ago. He has lost about ~45% of his patrons.
I find it hilarious the "Be Courageous" and Think For Yourself thingy 😂
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Most recent financials lodged for ipsilon lodged approx March 2022, shows this revenue. Happy to stand corrected if you confirm with your source.
Yes sorry I meant profit and I have just noticed you said revenues. Both figures are accurate $130k revenues and $50k profit
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It's not always about what has already been said, whether a lawsuit can be won or even brought in the first place. It's about trying to put off future criticism by suggesting it will result in a lot of aggravation and hassle for anyone who does.
yes. It's a mafia kinda message. No one can be safe if you dare to criticise me.
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I don't know if the UK allows pro se self representation,
Yes. It is allowed. Obviously it is a gamble as defamation lawsuits are so complex and unpredictable. Often they open a Pandora's Box.
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If Kim’s estimate of him making $130,000 per year is accurate, then he conceivably has the funds to try.
Not sure where Kim got these figures. Last submitted accounts showed a profit of $50000. Still lots of money however, Ipsilon Media has been shut down recently. In any case average fees in England for libel is £36k ($45k). There is also the risk that the lawsuit may open a pandora's box. Uhmmm I can't see how this could help him. Lloyd (hi Lloyd I know you lurk here) is actually scared about this. And I don't really believe the lawsuits are 'real". He plays fox but in reality he's stupid like a monkey.
PS... divorces also are expensive. I say no more 😉
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That would leave Marc and Cora Latham as the easiest target since they live in England.
Really we talk something around 5 digit fees if you are lucky. It is also really easy to lose libel lawsuits. Many had to sell their houses and it is not a joke.
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extremely urgent message for Simon. Please check mailbox.
We want to know now Simon 😂
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As for the London trip, I think it is possible that he’s seeing lawyers to initiate civil proceedings. It is my understanding that British law makes suing someone for defamation and libel a lot easier than in other countries.
You are right. However, there are a few distinctions to be made. In England and Wales, the Defamation Act 2013 requires plaintiffs to show that England is the proper jurisdiction to hear a case when the defendant does not live in England or Wales. Plaintiffs need to show strong evidence that a damage occurred and “public interest defence” is widely accepted.
Last but not least, be ready to put your house on the market for the legal fees.
Ask Katie Hopkins, Rebeka Vardy and many more.
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But that is me.
Yes I believe it is just you. Enabling someone with a history or cybersex with girls, not controlling anger with his own wife, compulsive liar, bully, obsessed with girls, not being able to master his own penis, using funds to go to Zagreb every month for sex workers, using funds to go on holidays to meet women, joining Tinder whilst married whilst working on CSA abuse pretending to be the family man makes me feel sick to the extreme. If you defend this, or even support him by donating money you are just supporting all the above. Forgive me if I won't forgive you.
There are even more shocking past events that should be considered but I am not too sure if we even need more info to understand what person Mr Evans is.
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Finally I do not know if the 2017 "Marko" stuff is real or not,
what Lloyd has admitted to is enough
That's the strongest point of them all