Hang on. This is the worst year of his life? Ever??!
I believe he meant losing hundreds of real followers (the ones with unlimited resources such as gold) and some insiders who kept feeding him with 'leaks'. In fact he adds "And yet I'm still here". This tweet says everything about the man. His channel, along with the insane hunger for leadership within the exjw community is/are his life. Nothing else.
Also note this, he has 400 patrons but he is desperate for stories, characters, interviews and more. In other words he is desperate for content. He is not asking his current patrons. He is not looking for stories there. He also regularly and disrespectfully cancels or postpones zoom meetings with patrons. His patrons who remained loyal must not be so interesting. If you are really after good content you should go first there. He is not doing this. "And yet I'm still here" thanks to the 400 who deserve a mention about 'love (?). kindness and understanding but nothing more than that. No even good enough to help him with some 'cool' content. This is the worst year of his life. Sure