3/a. Where possible, use the "litigation' weapon as a threat for critics and youtubers. Convince your donors that the litigation is a matter of honour that involves everyone by extension and ask for financial support. No matter if the litigation would die eventually, but once the litigation has started, dictate the narrative by calling those who have been sued 'criminals' on social media. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
9/a. Engage in the "US vs THEM" mode Watchtower style in the so called "Persecution Porn" attitude. "Watchtower has been trying to silence me. My enemies want to destroy me and my channel. Watchtower is evil therefore my enemies are evil too." In the same way, other youtubers must be silenced too. My 'activism" works perfectly. Theirs does not. If you contradict me then seek professional help.