I've actually enjoyed the last few months, his content has lessened, the scandal is over, I have unsubscribed from a few on YT and Twitter who still hark on about him because he is pretty much done. The testimony of what he did stands and his attitude towards it and now is the time for the exJW community to forget him and move on.
This threads needs archived and locked. We are done with him.
I'm just trying to post my view, my opinion,
Another flying monkey elder who wants to give us the lecture of the day. It is not an opinion the order "this thread needs archived and locked. We are done with him". "The scandal is over". "It is time the EXJW community forget him and move on"
There are people who have been sued on a criminal litigation. Do these people need to move on too mr know it all? Do they need to archive that too? Tell your boss we will never be done until he takes the full responsibility for what he's doing. Farewell
PS get lost