And now I'm mad . Time to release the menopause KRAKEN !
They managed to transform the meekest person ever on here into a saber toothed tiger. 😉
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And now I'm mad . Time to release the menopause KRAKEN !
They managed to transform the meekest person ever on here into a saber toothed tiger. 😉
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Going through someone’s accounts without them there to give an explanation is a total waste of time
He was raking in the cash for accusing Watchtower for its lack of transparency. So now lack of transparency is a waste of time. You are climbing the mirror here. I feel sorry for you in your desperation to invent things to make him appear decent. It is not working. It is a big no for me.
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I've never seen financial statements that look like that. Are these some sort of Croatian tax report?
No Jeff. The official Croatian Tax submission is the one you already got.
Cash flow is only an internal sheet that helps a business to deal with cash in and out as you probably know.
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that line is the opposite of Capital Share dividends. Since the company has a loss for this year part of that loss is covered by financial investment. Basically you cover the loss by your special reserve. This doesnt mean cash is moved from A to B. It's just a reduction of a reserve to cover a loss. If next year the company has a profit this will return to the reserve. No taxes will be paid. Sometimes it is a useful move for companies to pay less corporation tax. In my opinion the only relevant aspect of the financials is that despite the reduction in revenue the wages increased and this is unhealthy for any businesses having bad time.
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They said they had already financials maybe they are working out how to upload PDF files. Let's wait
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But I don't think they will be enough to prevent the ship from going under.
He also needs to change his lifestyle. A while ago he posted he was writing 2 books one of which was an analysis of the Bible from a scholar viewpoint. Also 2 blog entries per month and so on. He seems to be forced to put the bar too high for him then of course with his abilities alone he is not able to keep the word of his promises. If you breakdown what you get for the money as you said, you get really nothing in return. Many countries are going into recession too. You need to work really hard to convince them to stay. The issue is that he blames the lack of money for poor content. He doesn't realise that HE IS the poor content.
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Hardly an inspiring thing to say to his donors, many of whom were already higher tier.
Basically he said to them whatever they are pledging right now is not enough. Not even close to break even and the channel cannot grow if it doesn't get new level of patrons.
His gratitude is legendary
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The Fannypack Manâ„¢ spent YEARS sitting front row for Lloy'd antics. He had to have been fully aware of how Lloyd treated people, the Crisis Of Conscience copyright fiasco, and other instances best summed up as Lloyd being a flat out dick. Note of this is even to mention the red flags in Lloyd's story. Time and again people chose to make excuses for Lloyd's behavior. LOL at O'donnel making the declarative statement last year that any notion of Lloyd being a nonce was untrue. Ehhhmm...exactly how would he know that was a factual statement?
He was a product of an algorithm. It seems that the louder you shout the more credible you become. Why should I believe someone who has only 1300 followers when the other one has 100000? Who is more credible? Who is more spiritual a pioneer or a 10 hour per mont publisher? There is the tendency to give more credibility to those who don't deserve it at all. The regular pioneer has mama and papa who provide everything. The publisher wakes up at 5am every day to work in a steel factory. We can tell thousands experiences like this. And yet many are fascinated by big shouters. I don't judge people who had fallen for Lloyd. I just don't understand how people could still believe this charlatan despite all the evidence. He still get the money when he begs for it. That is concerning.
As for Hassan, I'm gonna guess the same thing applies. If he can use Lloyd and anyone else to sell books, expand his platform and audience, then he'll ignore Lloyd being a dick.
Exactly this. I think we should also separate those who honestly didn't have a clue and fell for him and those who took advantage by standing next to him.
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"excuse me sir, before you hung up, do you have any recording of your secretive tribunal you are talkng about? That would be useful whether or not we have a story. I heard many exjws audio-recorded theirs"
"no sir, sorry but I decided to be honest because I liked two elders, they are sort of priests"
"but you just said they were oppressing you"
"well yes, but but my honesty comes first"
"right... ehm excuse me son I need to get this phone call. Pass your details to my secretary. We will be in touch. Good day"
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I read all of that in a Shakespearean voice.
@pruner. I would love to hear that act on stage!
The thing is he was an elder. He knew his request made no sense at all from an elder point of view. Asking them officially to allow Dijana's parents to have a normal life close to them was just ridiculous, considering also that his dad allegedly shunned him for years (although they were business partners until a year ago until we found out about it) so his tantrum was totally unnecessary. If ever happened