As speculated in the other thread, I could see them making a less literal,
“thought for thought”, “easy to read” version, in the guise of encouraging Bible reading. Sort of like the NIV or even the Living Bible. They would not need to know any other language but English to make this version…they could use the present NWT as their source document, like they do for non-English versions of the NWT. All the pesky verses that cause questions in the rank and file could be paraphrased away.
The same thought had occurred to me, though I can also see where that might come back and bite them on the butt. They have advertised the NWT as being easier to read than the King James because it uses modern language. But that's really not the case. It doesn't use all the "thees" and "thous," it's true, but the language is very stilted and many of the terms used are at least somewhat archaic. And the wording in many verses sounds downright weird, very Fred Franz-like. To actually read the NWT is quite difficult, probably even harder than the KJV. As a result, JWs use the Bible for proof-texting, not reading of long sections or whole books. If they came out with an easy-to-read Bible version, the JWs might actually start reading the Bible rather than the Watchtower publications, and then they might well discover how bogus the WTS' doctrines are. How many JWs, for example, have read the entire book of Romans rather than just turning to proof texts? And of those who did, how many can say they understood it? If someone really understood Paul's message in Romans, I don't see how they could remain a JW.