Yep, that's my channel. Though when I started it a while ago I was still going to meetings. I don't for a while, so I guess saying "active JW" is a bit outdated ;)
WTS Archive
JoinedPosts by WTS Archive
HELP needed from folks in UK, esp. in Scotland!
by WTS Archive intl;dr: if you live either in scotland or in other parts of uk and you don't mind traveling, you might be able to help a fellow ex-jw by being present during a courtcase where she alone has to face more than two dozens of jws who have ruined their business.
please contact me directly for details on when and where the court case will be held (i will know these details in few days probably).
HELP needed from folks in UK, esp. in Scotland!
by WTS Archive intl;dr: if you live either in scotland or in other parts of uk and you don't mind traveling, you might be able to help a fellow ex-jw by being present during a courtcase where she alone has to face more than two dozens of jws who have ruined their business.
please contact me directly for details on when and where the court case will be held (i will know these details in few days probably).
WTS Archive
You can check me out on Reddit or even my post history here if you doubt me. Ask Wifi Bandit or others from Reddit if I can be trusted.
Also, an enterprising fanatic JW elder would probably not create a site with their letters and other confidential shit ;). I used to be an elder though, so there's a bit truth in that.
HELP needed from folks in UK, esp. in Scotland!
by WTS Archive intl;dr: if you live either in scotland or in other parts of uk and you don't mind traveling, you might be able to help a fellow ex-jw by being present during a courtcase where she alone has to face more than two dozens of jws who have ruined their business.
please contact me directly for details on when and where the court case will be held (i will know these details in few days probably).
WTS Archive
Everything what I've told you until now I repeated exactly from the 1st hand experience that was given to me. I will talk with this lady again tomorrow and try to clarify some points that were raised. Until that thank you for hearing me out, even if some are not exactly giving me a benefit of the doubt ;).
HELP needed from folks in UK, esp. in Scotland!
by WTS Archive intl;dr: if you live either in scotland or in other parts of uk and you don't mind traveling, you might be able to help a fellow ex-jw by being present during a courtcase where she alone has to face more than two dozens of jws who have ruined their business.
please contact me directly for details on when and where the court case will be held (i will know these details in few days probably).
WTS Archive
it's just you mentioned a couple of rooms
I'm not a native speaker, I assumed that "couple" would be understood as "few", as in 2-9. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough.
HELP needed from folks in UK, esp. in Scotland!
by WTS Archive intl;dr: if you live either in scotland or in other parts of uk and you don't mind traveling, you might be able to help a fellow ex-jw by being present during a courtcase where she alone has to face more than two dozens of jws who have ruined their business.
please contact me directly for details on when and where the court case will be held (i will know these details in few days probably).
WTS Archive
as there is no obligation for a Witness stop working for a newly DF/DA person and surely some of them would not be able to afford to do so
I hear you, but you underestimate the power of groupthink. I imagine that after the midweek meeting this was announced they've all gathered and decided to act like that as a group. It's hard to think for yourself when everybody else says that you should do this or that.
Also while like you said there is no obligation to do it, remember that on this year's convention they've basically said that it's not ok to pick up the phone from your DF'd daughter. So in their minds working for an apostate could be even worse.
I am also wondering how a small (two?) room hotel can support 24+ employees
From what I was told it had six rooms, so it's not all that unreasonable. Maids, kitchen, reception, and probably other positions I didn't think of would fill it easily.
Anyway, this is something I've learned just yesterday so I don't have all the details yet. I will get back to you with more as soon as I get more information.
Polish, more like Pledge Furniture Polish , all glistening and no substance
Wow, one thing I did not expect on these forums was hostility, guess I was wrong. Maybe this was not the best place to look for this kind of help...
HELP needed from folks in UK, esp. in Scotland!
by WTS Archive intl;dr: if you live either in scotland or in other parts of uk and you don't mind traveling, you might be able to help a fellow ex-jw by being present during a courtcase where she alone has to face more than two dozens of jws who have ruined their business.
please contact me directly for details on when and where the court case will be held (i will know these details in few days probably).
WTS Archive
Man I so wish this story to be true, the "letter to the judge" is simply priceless!
I was told that after the case is complete this letter will be released to her as a part of case documentation and we will be able to publish it. Let's hope that it goes this way.
HELP needed from folks in UK, esp. in Scotland!
by WTS Archive intl;dr: if you live either in scotland or in other parts of uk and you don't mind traveling, you might be able to help a fellow ex-jw by being present during a courtcase where she alone has to face more than two dozens of jws who have ruined their business.
please contact me directly for details on when and where the court case will be held (i will know these details in few days probably).
WTS Archive
This story is just in the making, she went for an interview just today, so you won't find it anywhere yet. When it gets online anywhere I will certainly let you know. I didn't want to share any personal details to protect this woman's privacy, because it's the Internet, so you never know. I'll give you the name of the congregation as soon as I know it myself, because out of all things I asked today I forgot this one :).
As for spitting in her face - as I've said, there were cameras there and she said she will probably get the recording later. Again, if I get something I will share it.
HELP needed from folks in UK, esp. in Scotland!
by WTS Archive intl;dr: if you live either in scotland or in other parts of uk and you don't mind traveling, you might be able to help a fellow ex-jw by being present during a courtcase where she alone has to face more than two dozens of jws who have ruined their business.
please contact me directly for details on when and where the court case will be held (i will know these details in few days probably).
WTS Archive
TL;DR: If you live either in Scotland or in other parts of UK and you don't mind traveling, you might be able to help a fellow Ex-JW by being present during a courtcase where she alone has to face more than two dozens of JWs who have ruined their business. Please contact me directly for details on when and where the court case will be held (I will know these details in few days probably).
PS. This story was also posted on Reddit.
Main story:
So everything started with this sister from Poland and currently living in Scotland, a mother of few children with a "wordly" husband, who just got baptised about one year ago. She was enamored with the Witnesses - she thought they are kind, friendly and honest, so when she started a small hotel (just a couple of rooms, nothing very big), she hired over time 24 JWs to work there. There were only few non-JW workers in there.
One day she decided to invite few JWs over to her place for dinner. The Scottish brothers asked her to play some Polish kingdom songs, so she opened YouTube and searched. But instead of kingdom songs, a film about a judicial committee in Berlin popped out. They all watched it, and while most of the guests said it is definitely a hoax, that it couldn't be true, she didn't buy it. She saw with her own eyes that something was off in this recording (it's pretty damning for JWs, but it's only in Polish) and started digging. After three months she was certain that she don't want to be a JW anymore, and even though she was invited to a judicial committee just for sending a text to another JW about her doubts, she just sent a letter of dissassociation. So that's it, end of story, right?
Wrong. She didn't even knew that she will be announced on that day, so imagine her surprise when on the next day she received a phone call from a concerned customer telling her that her hotel is completely empty! No one at the reception, the kitchen is closed, no one to hand out the breakfast. She grabs the phone and tries to call all her employees, but nobody picks up. So she drive to their homes but again - nobody opens the door, even though she saw people inside the house. Finally she asked her non-JW husband to call them and one person answered. He told him, that this woman is now "spiritually dead to them" so they cannot associate with her and disconnected.
So imagine what she had to go through because of this - explaining this mess to her guests, didn't get them to pay anything for their stay as a reimbursement and basically become unemployed over night, because she had to close down the business. At this point she was in contact with us, and we advised her to not let JWs get away with this, so she went to the court. The prosecutor heard the story and couldn't really believe what she was hearing, but set a date for a case to be heard.
So again, imagine the surprise of the court when on that day the courtroom was empty - none of the 24 JWs who were ordered to come showed up. They only sent a letter to the court that they will not show up because... their christian conscience forbids them to show up! facepalm. The judge was enraged, said that this is an insult to the court and set a new date for the case saying, that if this is necessary, those people will be escorted by the police to the courtroom. So then our sister leaves the courthouse. Just outside the door she sees a local elder and his wife, both her ex-employees. The elder shouts to her - "how you dare to speak against the organization!", and his wife approached and... spit the sister in the face. She was shocked. The people she genuinely thought were they friends were now not only unfriendly, they were actually aggressive. She went back to the court and explained what just happened, to which the prosecutor replied that there is a camera outside and the whole thing is most probably on the tape. This tape will be available for her later on. What's more, a big local newspaper picked up this story, and just today the sister went there to give an interview on how this "loving" organization turned up against her and ruined her business.
Now for the part where you can actually help her out. If you live in this general area (I don't know exactly which city the case will be held in, but I will know in the coming days) I encourage you to think about going there to support her, because she is all alone over there, she doesn't know any Ex-JWs in the area and if no one comes, she will be all alone against 24+ wolves who will try to intimidate her even more. What's more, the word is that even a circuit overseer will show up on this case, so it's possible that UK branch office already knows about the case. So please, let me know if you will be able to make it there in about 1-2 weeks from now. If you don't, spread the word in other places that you know Scottish people are in. Let's not leave this brave woman alone in this hard time for her, especially after how hard she fought until now!
Warning: Watchtower computer dept. registers accounts on Ex-JW sites, coerces people to divulge their personal details
by WTS Archive inwe had a bad experience with watchtower trying to infiltrate our forums.
let this story be a warning for all you guys here.
if you value your privacy do not ever send your real contact details to anyone, even if you trust them (because their accounts could be hacked or accessed by their relatives - and yes, this happened to people i know several times already).
WTS Archive
Re: blocking VPNs and Proxies. It would still be a hassle, because there are many, many services that can be used as proxies. You can't block 'em all.
And someone asked why we banned them in the first place - because they were messaging other people and while we can warn everyone we could never be sure that everyone got that warning or took it seriously.
Warning: Watchtower computer dept. registers accounts on Ex-JW sites, coerces people to divulge their personal details
by WTS Archive inwe had a bad experience with watchtower trying to infiltrate our forums.
let this story be a warning for all you guys here.
if you value your privacy do not ever send your real contact details to anyone, even if you trust them (because their accounts could be hacked or accessed by their relatives - and yes, this happened to people i know several times already).
WTS Archive
If it is totally legit I can't imagine this is atop down sanctioned thing, maybe just a lone wolf?
It might be, but even if that's the case, it was a lone wolf on high position, because he had access to branch office computer after working hours. Normal Bethel workers don't have access to Bethel's network with outside Internet access after work hours.