Well in truth, the bible does teach hell fire and the trinity. Not that I believe in it mind you but like it or not, that's what it teaches.
Even the NWT says that people will be tormented day and night forever and ever. I know the WT spin on this but if you let the bible speak for itself (something the WT don't like to do), it is obvious to anyone that you cannot be tormented unless you are concious.
Obviously this brings to the fore the question of the immortal soul. Do not the GB believe that they have an immortal soul and are going to heaven? I know they argue about the nature of what constitutes 'immortal' but it's not rocket science.
Also, the old testement makes it clear that there is but one true God and all other gods are false. Well then, in view of that, if we understand John 1:1 as the WT want us to-that Jesus is a lesser god in some way then, heaven forbid, that would make Jesus merely a false god.
The bible also refers to the Holy Spirit as He, Him.
Anyone who reads the bible (even the NWT), without the WT leaning on them will come to see what it really teaches.
Honestly, it's a rats nest, it really is. How do they get away with it?
I know I'm quite new to this site and am probably quite annoying but honestly, it makes my mind hurt to think how they have stolen so many peoples lives. And what makes them think they have the right to do that?
I'd like to see their downfall, I really would.