Yes, lets not run ahead of 'god's' organization now!
Although, I do like the sound of the Awatchtower/Awaketower.
Concentrated verbal diarrhoea...
hmm...its a novel idea and I'm pretty sure nobody has done it before so it could be a success.
it's only a rumor.
but we all know that sometimes rumors become a reality.. supposedly the public watchtower and awake magazines will be combined together and the two shall become one.. i wonder if the present 16 page "rags" are becoming an embarrassment.
they truly are rags of the lowest quality..
Yes, lets not run ahead of 'god's' organization now!
Although, I do like the sound of the Awatchtower/Awaketower.
Concentrated verbal diarrhoea...
hmm...its a novel idea and I'm pretty sure nobody has done it before so it could be a success.
well could it be that we overlooked this little idea in our reasonings on why the governing body is comming up with new light they love the idea of?
about the f&ds?.
you know to keep any type of rebellion at bay before it starts.. have you ever woundered what many that are closely associated with the governing body are feeling about these new guys called the governing body right now with all this new light loved by the governing body,,i smell trouble a brewing for these guys right there at headquarters i'm sure thier dealing with everbody they meet they reflect this same attitude so they got to be making enemies..
Great topic.
I had no idea of this 'NEW LIGHT' and can't believe they will all swallow it.
From reading your posts it seems that the general feeling here is that this change has been introduced to jelously guard their power and status because of growing numbers of so called 'anointed' ones.
I have to agree that this can be the only reason for this because lets face it, its a fairly drastic measure and they always have a very important reason for everything they do.
I think the average JW needs to seriously consider the origin of all this so called 'NEW LIGHT'.
Their dishonesty disgusts me and it saddens me to think that I once followed these charlatans.
All joking aside, it really disgusts and saddens me!
Thank goodness I got my kids out.
That one single act made the whole of my life worthwhile and purposeful.
Praise to all of you for spreading the word and exposing their deceit.
i read in a forum in spanish that there is a strong rumor spreading in the corridors of the wt.
has anyone heard anything about this??
the change that is emerging is this: the great crowd has not yet appeared, and it is a group that comes out of the great tribulation.
Agree with the above.
Also, more often than not, their addition of 'new light' brings them right back in line with what Christendom has taught for the past two thousand years.
As I have long ago realised, many of their weird teachings were formulated out of a desire to differentiate themselves from mainstream Christianity.
For instance, there is nothing wrong with celebrating just identifies you as a JW.
You CANNOT reinvent the wheel...
You cannot pioneer a two thousand year old message.
i read in a forum in spanish that there is a strong rumor spreading in the corridors of the wt.
has anyone heard anything about this??
the change that is emerging is this: the great crowd has not yet appeared, and it is a group that comes out of the great tribulation.
It is strange that, with the constant flow of 'NEW LIGHT', things seem to get darker and more confused.
By now it should be like staring into the sun with a magnifying glass.
New light indeed...
What an idiotic concept!!!
like many on here, as a jw trying hard to follow the direction of the gb, i listened to the advice to pioneer and trust in jehovah to provide (mat6.33) instead of going to university.
after struggling for ages in low-paid physically-demanding jobs, i decided to become a student (thanks for the encouragement on here guys!).
i tell a jw i wish i had been to university when i was a teenager, and put all that pioneer time into studying hard for a good grade, get a good job, and if i had wound up tired as i am now, at least i would have been paying into a mortgage on a home and pension.
And by that I mean that (in their own view) it elevates people above them because they are insecure at their lack of knowledge and education.
Personally, I would in no way say that education is a clear indication of intelligence but the Governing Body really do have a problem with it due to a deep seated sense of inferiority.
In short, they would not wish for their followers to be more educated than they are.
like many on here, as a jw trying hard to follow the direction of the gb, i listened to the advice to pioneer and trust in jehovah to provide (mat6.33) instead of going to university.
after struggling for ages in low-paid physically-demanding jobs, i decided to become a student (thanks for the encouragement on here guys!).
i tell a jw i wish i had been to university when i was a teenager, and put all that pioneer time into studying hard for a good grade, get a good job, and if i had wound up tired as i am now, at least i would have been paying into a mortgage on a home and pension.
They hate education because it elevates others above them because they are so ignorant.
Apart from that, they are too arrogant to be taught as they think they know it all.
I value education extremely highly for when I was a dub on the ministry I, like all others, felt that I knew it all and had the answers to everything and it made me so proud.
However, when I quit the cult and attended university I realised that I really knew very little of any importance.
We had one lecturer who is a leading authority on religious iconography and symbology. When I questioned her about the cross and the torture stake argument she thought I had been extremely misinformed.
The WT leaders really are a bunch of morons.
Please don't take anything they say seriously.
just wondering if your name describes what you saw, how you were treated when you were "in" or now "out", maybe your personality, ect.... i'm label licker and the why i picked this name was because of all the licking up one side of elders and down the other to either be an elder or ministerial servant.
one time i was standing right in front of this brother who wasn't made an ms yet and he totally ignored me and talked right over my head speaking really loud trying to catch the co's attention.. got sick of watching the poor elderly sitting all alone or standing against the wall like a wall flower with noone to talk to and yet all these label lickers would take turns picking up the elders elderly parents and take them shopping and do their groceries at least four times a week while out in service, yet, there was noone there to take a meal to a sister who just got out of the hospital with a heart attack.
when i had shown up at her apartment with a meal she asked if i could wash her private and change her bandages.
My real name.
I am erbie and apart from me there are no other erbies.
Probably just as well really...
long story short.
i left the wbt$ and was forcibly da'd for attending a church.. wifey says she 'chooses' not to talk to me about 'spiritual'(tm) matters.
i told wifey that she didn't 'choose' but was told not to talk to me about such matters by some men in brooklyn.
You and I are in a similar neck of the woods so I appreciate what it is like.
I stopped attending the cult meetings and my wife carried on for a while.
Then she decided to have an affair.
Of course, her parents and the rest of the cult were insistent that it was my fault because I had stopped attending-she was not reproved.
Now she has left and is very angry at the cult for brainwashing her and angry at me because we got married so young.
However, she refuses to admit that her parents are responsible for raising her into a cult and filling her head with wild delusions.
I never pressured her into leaving but they did pressure her into attending and ultimately, that is what made her 'break out'.
Its so sad and I know I'm not a unique case because the fact of the matter is that the Watchtower cult breaks up families.
Whatever else happens, never doubt that you did the right thing by leaving the cult!
I gave my children freedom from the cult and that is probably the most important gift I could ever have given them.
At least, that is what they now tell me
i've read how many have been asked the question if they belive thae gb/f&d$ are jehovah's(tm) channel for communication.
this question to finally find out if they should be df or not (terms and conditions apply and are subject to favouritism or who your family are).. we all know too well that the gb arrogantly do claim to be god's channel in their pope like status.. however, when they are made to look like arses they suddenly become 'just imperfect men doing their best...where else will you go?'(r).
so when the elders come to hound individuals and ask the ultimate question of loyalty to the holy paedo ring known as the gb..... what answers have you heard given that was totally brilliant?.
At the outset you mention their 'trump card' answer; "where else will you go".
This is so misleading and a good example of answering a question with a question which, of course, is no help at all.
It is rather like me telling my neighbours that aliens landed outside the post office last night.
To which they excaim, "don't talk nonsense".
"Alright then", I say, "where do you think they landed".
They work on the false premiss that God must have a visible, worldwide oranization. And if its not them then who?
Never let them fob you off with this stupid, child-like response.
here it is folks....
sophia takes center stage on this one.. .
Thank you for posting. It helps me see to what level they will stoop.
But please, don't ever subject me to that again.
It is truly cringe worthy