Anthony Morris sure does like to talk about tight pants.
Brilliant picture Watchtower Free, I wish we had a like button.
Oh, if only he knew how ridiculous he sounds!
why else would he constantly bring up "gay-inspired" clothing when speaking to such large audiences?.
nothing wrong with being gay.
but he should just come out of the closet already and stop all this stupidity... just saying.. .
Anthony Morris sure does like to talk about tight pants.
Brilliant picture Watchtower Free, I wish we had a like button.
Oh, if only he knew how ridiculous he sounds!
you know, rarely in the history of the org has a group this large congregated to hear from "mother.
" they incessantly speak of the huge group that met at yankee stadium in 1958...the over 250,000 that congregated to be instructed by jehovah.
but over the weekend, there were over 1,000,000 people excited to hear some type of direction, some type of encouragement, something to help them hang on "just a little longer.".
In my experience, people who have an issue with things like tight pants, low tops, tight skirts, short skirts, tight tops, short tops, high heels, dark stockings, makeup, etc. etc. etc. are projecting their own inner weaknesses and are most likely to be sexually frustrated.
Anyway, with all that talk of tight skirts and high heals, I'm off for a cold shower 😰
they critisize the dress code of modern society , that may be permitted at a church of christendom , jeans , slacks worn by women , denim skirts worn by women ,spanx worn by women who have been exercising ,jogging shoes , no tie`s worn by men , beards on men , long hair by men, sandals ,thongs, flipflops , and i`m sure their are many more you can think of .. none of these dress codes/styles are tolerated at jehovahs witness meetings , if you try turning up in any of this attire you will be counselled to change your ways after a few of your attempts.. so if they have a problem which they do , why dont they instruct the faithfull to truly follow the 1st century christians by wearing the traditional dress that was worn in bible times , for men and women .
meh-eel .. why dont they allow men to have beards and long hair and sandals that was a requirement for gaining approval of god in the first century.. the fact of the matter is they give lip service to following the first century christians , however the reality , is they dont.. smiddy.
In truth, if Jesus turned up to one of their meetings they wouldnt accept him.
when i am3 was going to speak i was ecstatic to hear this lunatic embarass himself.
after the propaganda indoctrination session, a relative asked me what my spiritual goals were, i told em i want to become a servant before i turn 23 so i could get laid.
I watched the video on youtube and yes, he's a bloody idiot.
Self rightous, naïve fool that makes a complete idiot of himself but who actually thinks he sounds clever.
Its just as well he's on the governing body of watchtowerdom because I can't think of any other use for him.
Bloody idiot!!!
this is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
I agree, such stupidity displayed in his rant means that they are their own worst enemies and don't really need us anymore.
Hey, we could retire and let them do the job for us!
Seriously though, they will be their own undoing...
And that really is good news!
i posted here a week ago some disturbing news for congregations being consolidated in britain.
my goodness that was nothing !
a letter was read today from bethel addressed to all congregations in britain that can only be described as the biggest news for years.the main points:.
You see, I don't think the GB really believe in what they teach. I've been convinced of that for years. How can they believe it?
The closer you are to the lies the more acutely you smell the deciet.
That's just the way I see it...
How else can we account for their Cynicism?
in gerrit losch's public statement to the superior copurt of california.
It doesn't matter what lies they make up or, in fact, what they get away with.
They are in a world of shit and that is only going to get worse.
You tell one lie and you have to tell another to cover up the first and so on it goes.
This has been a long time coming and I know only too well how long we have all been waiting for it but they will get their comeuppance. You can rest assured of that.
They have been decieving millions with their lies and deceit and that leads to only one place.
Truth will always out.
i posted here a week ago some disturbing news for congregations being consolidated in britain.
my goodness that was nothing !
a letter was read today from bethel addressed to all congregations in britain that can only be described as the biggest news for years.the main points:.
As already mentioned above, when any company starts selling off assets in such a massive way as this it can mean only one thing-they are in desperate need of money.
And I believe they have been laying the groundwork for some time by reducing the number of meetings per week etc.
Honestly, I am still genuinely stunned though. Just think about it, all that extensive building and expansion campaign we saw throughout the last two decades has all been gearing up to an enormous sell off.
To think that all that building work was carried out by those poor volunteers who thought they were building Jehovah's new Kingdom...
My God, what a racket.
Even by their standards this is outrageous and is the biggest and most telling WT news I've heard in a long time.
I am genuinely gobsmacked...
...but relieved and glad that I managed to get my family out of it while they were still young.
Peace and good wishes to you all ✋
if you don't know, km's are now online too.
under the heading, "i cannot find him at home again!
" it mentions how a text message or email is to be counted as a return visit.
That explains the few unexpected text messages I received earlier this year.
Thanks for posting :)
from the u.k independent newspaper :.
" the theories of evolution and the big bang are real and god is not a magician with a magic wand, pope francis has declared.. speaking at the pontifical academy of sciences, the pope made comments which experts said put an end to the pseudo theories of creationism and intelligent design that some argue were encouraged by his predecessor, benedict xvi.. francis explained that both scientific theories were not incompatible with the existence of a creator arguing instead that they require it.. when we read about creation in genesis, we run the risk of imagining god was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything.
but that is not so, francis said.. he added: he created human beings and let them develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one so they would reach their fulfilment.. the big bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, requires it.. evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve.. the catholic church has long had a reputation for being anti-science most famously when galileo faced the inquisition and was forced to retract his heretic theory that the earth revolved around the sun.. but pope franciss comments were more in keeping with the progressive work of pope pius xii, who opened the door to the idea of evolution and actively welcomed the big bang theory.
I'm with Kare Wild on this one; creationism and evolution are not mutually exclusive.
I have always thought that it's rather like saying a builder built a house without mixing up concrete and laying bricks, in short, getting his hands dirty.
We all have our way of understanding life and the universe and I guess that's mine.
Nevertheless, I would never insist that others should believe as I do or ever brow-beat them for disagreeing with me.
I'll leave that to Cofty...