White male age 50
Married at 19, soon to be divorced
last meeting memorial in brooklynheights congregation 2003
ex elder and ms
I still have all my hair and teeth.
maybe this thread has already been started before.
please forgive me if it has, but i would like to know how many on board are active witnesses, inactive, da/df''d, or never been witnesses.. i am inactive since 2005, black female, separated, head of household, etc.. rsvp.
White male age 50
Married at 19, soon to be divorced
last meeting memorial in brooklynheights congregation 2003
ex elder and ms
I still have all my hair and teeth.
i am sitting here eating my chicken scallopini that i cooked.
it is delicious.
if only you were here...... but that brings up a geat question.
While I love Indian food and lamb, I have never attempted cooking. Here is a recipe Dhansak that looks interesting:
I haven't cooked lamb in a long time, but I love roasted lamb. I do a "hunters style", a few herbs, salt, pepper, potatos, carrots, onions, celery, mushrooms and stick in the oven for a few hours.
i am sitting here eating my chicken scallopini that i cooked.
it is delicious.
if only you were here...... but that brings up a geat question.
3 cups heavy cream
Your recipe sound good but I avoid creams, butter, and sugar. (although I have no problev with cheese) My goal is to create a full list of recipes that are fairly healthy.
i am sitting here eating my chicken scallopini that i cooked.
it is delicious.
if only you were here...... but that brings up a geat question.
Here is a very quick pasta dish. You can create sauce while the pasta is boiling.
5-8 chopped garlic
One can of anchovies in olive oil
2 packages of frozen spinach
Olive oil
One pound of pasta
generous grated Parmesan cheese
This is so simple and suprisingly tasty. I keep making the mistake of starting the garlic and anchovie too early. You really must start the process after you add the pasta to the
boiling water.
there are actually two reasons for this.
the first is that education takes time away from the ministry.
if they take time to go to college, that is time that can't be used to go in the ministry, and "lives are at stake".
The end result of a good education is gaining the ability to think critically. Critical thinking is the worst enemy of the watchtower.
i am sitting here eating my chicken scallopini that i cooked.
it is delicious.
if only you were here...... but that brings up a geat question.
Let me start with a salad dressing recipe.
I found this on the NYT food section and have modified according. I may not have the portions exactly correct. But if you are a real cook, you know what I mean.
Chop several anchovies
Chop one clove of fresh garlic (make sure you chop very fine)
add to about 1/4 cup of olive oil. (I have no idea about measures)
add a table spoon of thyme ( you should crush or otherwise chop so it is very fine)
add graded paraganaa cheese ( to taste)
add 2-3 tble spoons of balsamic vinegar ( get the good stuff, I don't want you wasting your time and energy on the cheap stuff)
Squeeze the juice of one lemon and add the Zest ( i.e. a little shreads of the outside)
Boil one or two eggs. I used soft boiled eggs with the soft yoke.
add dressing and sliced eggs to a mixed salad.
Add grated cheese to the mixture
Eat with crackers and an expensive bottle of wine.
i am sitting here eating my chicken scallopini that i cooked.
it is delicious.
if only you were here...... but that brings up a geat question.
I am sitting here eating my chicken scallopini that I cooked. It is delicious. If only you were here.....
But that brings up a geat question. Do you cook as a hobby?
I have never had a hobby. Never had time, elder's meetings, wt meetings, field service, and etc and etc.
Now I am free and I decided that I love to cook. I don't really follow recipes. But while I am looking at porn and apostate sites on the internet (Just kidding) I am also looking at recipes. I have modified enough recipes to know that I may have a skill that has some value.
I love cooking. But, the only thing I love more than cooking is eating and talking about food.
Can anyone suggest some recipes. I would love to be creative. Add a bottle of wine and we have someting wonderful....
hey i'll come back and do some, but does anyone want to kick start it?
After the anouncement is made at a wedding you are attending which says there will be "no clinking of the glasses," you turn to the person beside you and comment about how value the council is from the fds.
after coming home to read what has happened today on this board, i would just like to say that no matter what differences anyone has ever had with ray franz, i, for one appreciate what he has done for me.
ray has helped more people to look at their spirituality over the last 2 decades.
he is not perfect, but he has been a voice of reason and a man of integrity.
I started my long fade 12 years ago. However, I never read his books. Yesterday, I finially ordered a copy. So in advance, thank you Ray.
last night on the news a woman was told by a store manager that she could not in public breastfeed her child.
she and her husband were quite offended and complained to the company's main offices.
they are now looking into this situation.. what's your opinion?
First the lesbians and now this???? Does the madness ever end?
Next topic should:
Your view of lesbians breastfeeding babies in public who grow up to be gay who kiss in public