Blondie, I hope this week will be positive for you. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
JoinedPosts by NewYork44M
Blondie needs encouragement
by blondie ini have been battling an incurable illness and will be able to post less and less.
i will post my email, and any help you cna asend my way will be appreciated.
there is treatment but no cure and no cancer yet.
Whats the funniest thing you've ever seen happen in the KH?
by shell69 ini remember being a kid and we didnt have the fancy fabric seats, they were plastic stackable chairs all set out in the usual lines.. an elderly bro, rather rotund, farted, the noise so loud and thundering against the plastic seat!
or the time when i must have been about 7, my dad brought his bible study family to their first ever meeting, i had to sit on mums knee.
i recall giving the daughter of the new family a very vigorous v sign during the meeting.
Great thread. I cannot believe how many fart stories there are. I am not sure what that means, but they sure are funny.
Anyone else have an....
by Stealth453 in18 year old son that insists on breaking your pills?.
my son has turned "break daddy's nuts" into overdrive.. why?.
because i told him to put mirrors on his motorcycle.. two days of $hit and brimstone from him.
You have from 4-6 years of hell ahead of you. I am beyond that phase with my son, but at the time it was hell.
No advice, just an acknowledgement of "been there done that."
Blondie needs encouragement
by blondie ini have been battling an incurable illness and will be able to post less and less.
i will post my email, and any help you cna asend my way will be appreciated.
there is treatment but no cure and no cancer yet.
Pray or think positive thoughts for me in the next few days
I don't pray, but I am giving you positive thoughts. You are such an inspiration to me, as you are to others.
My very best wishes to you.
Our PO just confess to one of us: He doesn't believe anymore
by outofthebox inmaybe we are the crazy ones!
but, after a chat with the po of our congo, we felt a little better with the knowledge that we are not alone on the inside.
let us explain .... today we went to the ministry as every saturday :(.
Amazing. This PO is at a very significant crossroad. He could go one of at least two different directions.
Direction One: you will see him here and deciding if he is going to do a slow fade, or just in a single decision, cut himself off from the organization.
Direction Two: Realizing that this is all crap he could go into a power trip and make everyone's lives miserable.
He could also just flounder for years and waste his life, afraid of making a decision.
Good luck to him. I have no good ideas for you. Anything you do at this point may be counterproductive.
Japan closes 638 Congregations!!!!! Why???
by Witness 007 injapan since the 1970''s has had amazing publisher increases!
every year the number of witnesses shot up by many thousands.
this peaked in 1998, since then the number of witnesses and congregations has continued to drop!.
Year Publishers Congregations pub/cong 1998 222,912 3,802 59 2004 217,555 3,164 69 Difference 5,357 638 -10 The average publishers per congregation does not seem to far out of line. It is possible that closing congregations is associated with a lack of qualified men to serve as elders.
How Reported Field Service Isn't Real
by metatron inwhen i was an elder, i commonly got in my ( required) minimum of ten hours a month.
typically, i put.
in a lot of time door to door.
Even if all the hours were legitimate (although not productive), remember that while you are knocking on not-at-homes three people are sitting in the car waiting for you.
Do You Know Any Hardcore Apostates?
by R.F. inare there any very active apostates in your area?.
i'm talking about the snarling, fire-breathing, district convention picketing, apostates that are an absolute nuisance to local congregations, and are very irritating thorns in the side of the watchtower society.. i don't know of any in my area but i've heard rumors of one group in particular that is well known and very active.
if it's true i'd like to find out who they are.
Danny Hazzard is as hardcore as I have ever come accross. He is the benchmark.
When I first started coming accross his threads I was a little unconfortable with his tactics. However, after reading his history and more of his posts I developed a respect for his activity.
by snowbird in.
i didn't because for the first ten days of each month, i'm as crazy as a road lizard.. it looks like it may be about something disturbing, and i don't need anything that will make me crazier than i already am.. snowbird.
I clicked but I could not figure out what was going on. It seemed like a dating service.
How well do you know Sassy? Take a quiz..
by Sassy insee how well you know me... .
I only got two questions right. I wish I knew more about sassy because she seems like a great person.