I forgot also there is a Cathedral somewhere built on top of an ancient temple that belonged to the cult of the Mithras, where the words "You must eat my flesh and drink my blood" are inscribed on the cave walls beneath it... I believe it's in Turkey somewhere, and dates back several hundred years before the New Testament was ever a document.
JoinedPosts by MoneurMallard
Here Comes "The Sun"
by MoneurMallard inwhat are everyone's thoughts on the concept of a solar deity in relation to the jesus story?.
now this is something i have entertained over the years, the stunning relationship of the solar myths and the way the gospels describe jesus' death and resurrection as compared with the roman saturnalia.
it's odd that jw's are about to recognize that christmas doesn't originate with christ (thank god for that because i still celebrate christmas and don't care if it has anything to do with a religious figure or not, i celebrate it because i like the idea of giving people gifts, i love the smell of the trees, i love the lights, snow, all of it... i could care less if a thousand year old prophet in another continent thinks it's a "custom of the nations".... well i love america and it's a nation that deserves to be thankful for it's luck of the draw, and if it wants to mix customs and holidays, so be it..... your thoughts, fellow ex-socks?.
Anwar Al-Awlaki and due process any thoughts?
by MoneurMallard inrecently anwar al-awlaki was killed by the u.s. government.
he was a u.s. citizen, and no due process was given, he was just killed outright, no arrest, no trial, no court.. any thoughts?.
Recently Anwar Al-Awlaki was killed by the U.S. Government. He was a U.S. citizen, and no due process was given, he was just killed outright, no arrest, no trial, no court.
Any thoughts?
Active JW's Need A New Title From US.... Logic Demands It!
by MoneurMallard inok, i've reviewed the current labels for the active jw people we all know or may not know.... i like borg, that's the funniest one i've heard yet for the wt society as a collective whole.
as individuals i believe you call them soashes?
kind of like the outsiders?
Blacksheep, could you elaborate a bit more on this? What I am planning is quite serious, I am definitely going to use my American right to do exactly what they do to my home and neighbors, only at their establishment. The only illegal part would be the modification of their property by mounting a sign. I went through the garage, checked the batteries in my DeWalt hammer drill (18v lithium ion) and everything is now in order for attaching the metal sign with a bead of gorilla glue or liquid nails (or both) on the backside to the stucco and brick portions of the various Kingdom Halls, along with 4 tapcons in the corners. Good luck removing that without taking out some of the wall it's attached to...
Attention Orange Country Sheriff's Deputies: I will be driving multiple vehicles to attempt this, so please don't put out any BOLOS for just one particular make and model of Italian sports car.
Thank you,
Here Comes "The Sun"
by MoneurMallard inwhat are everyone's thoughts on the concept of a solar deity in relation to the jesus story?.
now this is something i have entertained over the years, the stunning relationship of the solar myths and the way the gospels describe jesus' death and resurrection as compared with the roman saturnalia.
it's odd that jw's are about to recognize that christmas doesn't originate with christ (thank god for that because i still celebrate christmas and don't care if it has anything to do with a religious figure or not, i celebrate it because i like the idea of giving people gifts, i love the smell of the trees, i love the lights, snow, all of it... i could care less if a thousand year old prophet in another continent thinks it's a "custom of the nations".... well i love america and it's a nation that deserves to be thankful for it's luck of the draw, and if it wants to mix customs and holidays, so be it..... your thoughts, fellow ex-socks?.
My favorite lines come from Trek.
KIRK:"Scotty, do you think you could fabricate these walls to hold water?"
SCOTTY:"I suppose so Captain, ya plannin' to take a swim?"
BONES:"Off the deep end, Mr. Scott"
Active JW's Need A New Title From US.... Logic Demands It!
by MoneurMallard inok, i've reviewed the current labels for the active jw people we all know or may not know.... i like borg, that's the funniest one i've heard yet for the wt society as a collective whole.
as individuals i believe you call them soashes?
kind of like the outsiders?
Punkofnice, do I have your permission to copy this and use it on an aluminum sign? I'm planning on printing about 20 or so for the Orlando area Kingdom Halls.
Gladiator, I may want to use your "We scare because we do not care" logo, quite fitting with the Armageddon threat and such. Or possibly the "Happiness is a Kingdom Hall Exit Sign" logo...
My only problem now is that I want to find a stake (no pun intended) that will allow me to erect (pun intended) the sign in a fashion that will be difficult to remove. Something that can be inserted into the ground quickly but will require a cutting wheel to remove the post.
I may need assistance. Does anyone here have experience in mixing concrete? I'm thinking the best method may be to just throw a bag of "Quick-crete" (TM) on the ground break it open, pour a gallon of water on it, and push the sign into it right there at the front doors to the Halls. Did I just capitalize "Halls"? Sorry, meant to say "Walls"
Here Comes "The Sun"
by MoneurMallard inwhat are everyone's thoughts on the concept of a solar deity in relation to the jesus story?.
now this is something i have entertained over the years, the stunning relationship of the solar myths and the way the gospels describe jesus' death and resurrection as compared with the roman saturnalia.
it's odd that jw's are about to recognize that christmas doesn't originate with christ (thank god for that because i still celebrate christmas and don't care if it has anything to do with a religious figure or not, i celebrate it because i like the idea of giving people gifts, i love the smell of the trees, i love the lights, snow, all of it... i could care less if a thousand year old prophet in another continent thinks it's a "custom of the nations".... well i love america and it's a nation that deserves to be thankful for it's luck of the draw, and if it wants to mix customs and holidays, so be it..... your thoughts, fellow ex-socks?.
Leolaia, I salute you. Well established treatise indeed.
I was wondering who would catch the misinterpretation, and yes, I meant to refer to the Roman Sol Invictus... so many ancient Mediterranean myths it's hard to keep track of them all.
To elaborate my second point in the thread, which was actually my intent, though, how many of you celebrate Christmas now? I know I like the modern holiday, and man of my friends do, despite it's custom's origin or source.
Active JW's Need A New Title From US.... Logic Demands It!
by MoneurMallard inok, i've reviewed the current labels for the active jw people we all know or may not know.... i like borg, that's the funniest one i've heard yet for the wt society as a collective whole.
as individuals i believe you call them soashes?
kind of like the outsiders?
Just to elaborate a bit more... Mottos and catch phrases would be greatly appreciated too. Sort of like Burger King has "Home of the whopper" (which would also apply to the Kingdom Hall too), but we can't use that one, it's copywrited.
Active JW's Need A New Title From US.... Logic Demands It!
by MoneurMallard inok, i've reviewed the current labels for the active jw people we all know or may not know.... i like borg, that's the funniest one i've heard yet for the wt society as a collective whole.
as individuals i believe you call them soashes?
kind of like the outsiders?
Ok, I've reviewed the current labels for the active JW people we all know or may not know...
I like borg, that's the funniest one I've heard yet for the WT society as a collective whole. As individuals I believe you call them soashes? Kind of like the Outsiders? Are there also greasers?
Just kidding... I know it's "soc"..
Anyway, how about we all put our heads together and coin a new term? Something fun for us to do while being "POLITELY RUDE" right back at them?
It doesn't have to be anything vulgar, despite the fact that my suggestion is:
Any contribution will be helpful, I'm planning to take your suggestions down to my print shop (I own three in the Orlando Area) and have some professional looking signs made up and erect them at the various congregation halls around town. I may need someone to drive me home from the Orange County Jail (I can afford my own bail) but if any of you are around the Central Florida area, I may call upon you...
Here Comes "The Sun"
by MoneurMallard inwhat are everyone's thoughts on the concept of a solar deity in relation to the jesus story?.
now this is something i have entertained over the years, the stunning relationship of the solar myths and the way the gospels describe jesus' death and resurrection as compared with the roman saturnalia.
it's odd that jw's are about to recognize that christmas doesn't originate with christ (thank god for that because i still celebrate christmas and don't care if it has anything to do with a religious figure or not, i celebrate it because i like the idea of giving people gifts, i love the smell of the trees, i love the lights, snow, all of it... i could care less if a thousand year old prophet in another continent thinks it's a "custom of the nations".... well i love america and it's a nation that deserves to be thankful for it's luck of the draw, and if it wants to mix customs and holidays, so be it..... your thoughts, fellow ex-socks?.
What are everyone's thoughts on the concept of a solar deity in relation to the Jesus story?
Now this is something I have entertained over the years, the stunning relationship of the solar myths and the way the gospels describe Jesus' death and resurrection as compared with the Roman Saturnalia.
It's odd that JW's are about to recognize that Christmas doesn't originate with Christ (thank God for that because I still celebrate Christmas and don't care if it has anything to do with a religious figure or not, I celebrate it because I like the idea of giving people gifts, I love the smell of the trees, I love the lights, snow, all of it... I could care less if a thousand year old prophet in another continent thinks it's a "custom of the nations".... well I love America and it's a nation that deserves to be thankful for it's luck of the draw, and if it wants to mix customs and holidays, so be it....
Your thoughts, fellow ex-socks?
Martha My Dear...
by MoneurMallard ini wonder what it was like to be around when noah's ark landed.
to be there when shem said to his son, "go pork your sister" (in order to repopulate the species)..... i'm paraphrasing of course, i'm not really sure if shem's son's sister was named martha or not.. the degree of incest alone is enough to turn away any logical rational person from the bible.
of course it had to have begun long before noah's time, even when adam and eve were conceiving, there must have been lots of sexual perversions taking place.... this is of course all lunacy, as the human race began with several distinct chromosomes and species emanating from several different gene pools at different intervals.
Yes the global flood theory is quite absurd. At 30,000+ feet above sea level (the highest mountain top is right around that figure) the temperature and air pressure would be extremely cold and heavy.
Closer to perfection? LOL... So God "changes his mind" then, despite what it says in Numbers 23:19, and incest is "ok" way back then, but eventually becomes a sin, even though going backwards towards the most imperfect act of Adam and Eve is somehow "closer to perfection"... Wouldn't we be improving as time goes on and growing closer to perfection as we near the alleged "Kingdom" age?
As my pal Bugs Bunny is often heard saying.... what a bunch of AQUA MAROONS.