Wow. Didn't know ex-JW's were into politics this much. My opinion on this is thus:
Regardless of my personal feelings about the individual in question, his rights were violated as a U.S. Citizen, and due process was not carried out. The fact that he may very well have been a dangerous threat to society does not supercede the Magna Carta which has been in place for more than 800 years. The constitution in part was drafted based on that document, and we the people, are now at risk from the government killing any one of us just based upon accusation alone.
It doesn't matter that the first act of this kind was carried out on a terrorist al-queda supporter, it had to be in order for us to buy into it and allow it to happen under our noses.
If we go with the thinking of ssn587, we are susceptible to getting killed by the CIA or FBI at a moments notice, without being able to provide witnesses, evidence or challenge our accusers in court. What if this man isn't guilty? The media is our only source of information, and they're simply relying on what the government is telling them. What if there are witnesses that could prove he was innocent of the charges?
Take the Casey Anthony trial for instance, although I personally think she had to have known what happened to her daughter, I don't know whether or not she herself killed the child, or whether the child drowned in a pool, fell out of the car, walked out into traffic at night, swallowed chemicals/poison, etc, any number of possibilities. Her defense attorney provided reasonable doubt in her case. The media and most Americans thought she was guilty of murder, despite no evidence of murder being brought to the court. The prosecution in this case, in my opinion, didn't charge her properly. They should have charged her with serious neglect of a child, child endangerment, and culpable manslaughter, at least that way, she would have done some time in prison.
Anyway, just my thoughts, but I know a trial and conviction and death sentence would have been a suitable alternative to just violating his rights and murdering him.