They probably deleted that message because you mentioned a major website, "Facebook" in conjunction with their view of "worldly" and "diseased" people.
If it's corporate, they stand a chance of being sued.
a woman stated on the following jw forum that she was going to her first assembly on sunday and asked was was to be suspected (wrong use of english grammar i know but thats what she asked so i socked it to her...).¬if_t=group_activity.
i said 'interested one' you need to get rid of all your twilight books, because they are satanic.
They probably deleted that message because you mentioned a major website, "Facebook" in conjunction with their view of "worldly" and "diseased" people.
If it's corporate, they stand a chance of being sued.
in some previous posts i have asked certain questions that still haven't been answered.
so without going back to those threads and possibly de-railing them i thought it best to make a new topic.
please bear with me.. i have asked certain ones to prove the existence of god or christ without referencing any biblical writings or characters.
This is one of the most....
Nevermind....too much elaboration for such a ridiculous topic.
Proving the unprovable is not logical.
our chief baca (sheriff dept.
) set down with the.
prisoners in our county jail sat.
Allow me to help you with your english a bit. "Stress" and "Anxiety" are not important enough to capitalize mid-sentence, the same can be said of "A".
The first line of your post makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
What exactly is risky about a "town meeting"?
Hot water? In Florida you're lucky to even have such a priviledge in a county jail, which by the way is not a prison. The state runs the prison system, the county jails are run by the local sheriff's office.
in some previous posts i have asked certain questions that still haven't been answered.
so without going back to those threads and possibly de-railing them i thought it best to make a new topic.
please bear with me.. i have asked certain ones to prove the existence of god or christ without referencing any biblical writings or characters.
Here is my belief on this topic: No book character can be proved to exist outside of the context of the book. Monsieur Mallard is a character in an Edgar Allan Poe novel for instance, and I have taken that name and applied it to my living breathing self. The same can be said of the Jesus story. One can emulate those characters, bring them to life, and prove their existence, but NOT without the book. Without the book, if someone were to ask about Monseiur Mallard after I die, and many people know me as Monsier Mallard, I would have no proof of my existence without my facebook and Youtube channel, and now, this forum (
Moreover, you may be interested in Deism. I am a Deist, for I believe in a supernatural creative power, one that is so loving and caring in it's nature that it allows us to make all our own decisions, think for ourselves, discover and realize all it's given us on our own without interference or interjection, (yes we die sometimes during these processes, tough shit), and expand and grow as ONE on our own. This creative power has already given us ALL we need or will ever need. It does answer prayers, but only because our intent on whatever it is we want is so strong that we work so hard at it anyway. It has given us eternal life under the sun, through the agricultural process of regeneration, rebirth and living forever through the act or progeny. It doesn't go to war or pick favorite nations. It doesn't require any blood or men hanging on trees, it doesn't ask us to eat it's flesh and drink it's blood, and most importantly it doesn't let us pin our mistakes on him.
recently anwar al-awlaki was killed by the u.s. government.
he was a u.s. citizen, and no due process was given, he was just killed outright, no arrest, no trial, no court.. any thoughts?.
Also, more on the Casey Anthony point: If, like Anwar's situation, the government simply accepted Casey's initial accusation against the Gonzoles woman, (the babysitter), they would have just killed her and moved on. No due process....Casey's accusation would be good enough evidence, and there would be no need for any further investigation or subpoenas, witness statements, etc.
We must have due process, investigations, and a jury trial in a capital case.
ok, i've reviewed the current labels for the active jw people we all know or may not know.... i like borg, that's the funniest one i've heard yet for the wt society as a collective whole.
as individuals i believe you call them soashes?
kind of like the outsiders?
Are they still teaching that "this generation" started with those born in 1914 or afterward or however it is stated?
A simple study of Matthew 23 and 24 will show that "this generation" was used in both chapters, and in 23 it's clearly directed at the immediate listeners, the scribes and elders, Pharisees, etc... So is chapter 24... the fact of the matter is that Jesus was prophesying an event for that time period, and it simply never came to pass literally, so thus, the "spiritual" this and that folklore began...
ok, i've reviewed the current labels for the active jw people we all know or may not know.... i like borg, that's the funniest one i've heard yet for the wt society as a collective whole.
as individuals i believe you call them soashes?
kind of like the outsiders?
Thank you Chris, and good luck on the rock. (I hope you're not referring to crack cocaine, but if you are, could you send me some?)
Remember kids, whenever someone offers you drugs, "Just say thanks".
what are everyone's thoughts on the concept of a solar deity in relation to the jesus story?.
now this is something i have entertained over the years, the stunning relationship of the solar myths and the way the gospels describe jesus' death and resurrection as compared with the roman saturnalia.
it's odd that jw's are about to recognize that christmas doesn't originate with christ (thank god for that because i still celebrate christmas and don't care if it has anything to do with a religious figure or not, i celebrate it because i like the idea of giving people gifts, i love the smell of the trees, i love the lights, snow, all of it... i could care less if a thousand year old prophet in another continent thinks it's a "custom of the nations".... well i love america and it's a nation that deserves to be thankful for it's luck of the draw, and if it wants to mix customs and holidays, so be it..... your thoughts, fellow ex-socks?.
Very true. My mystery cult study is a bit rusty indeed. About all I can say that is definite is that the "cross" of Christiainity is a symbol that originates with the god Tammuz, and yet, many Christians recognize this but yet still continue to use it even though it has nothing to do with Christ. The witneses of course take this to an extreme measure and make a whole mess out of the matter that looks worse than a double shift slinging hash in a shit house.
recently anwar al-awlaki was killed by the u.s. government.
he was a u.s. citizen, and no due process was given, he was just killed outright, no arrest, no trial, no court.. any thoughts?.
Wow. Didn't know ex-JW's were into politics this much. My opinion on this is thus:
Regardless of my personal feelings about the individual in question, his rights were violated as a U.S. Citizen, and due process was not carried out. The fact that he may very well have been a dangerous threat to society does not supercede the Magna Carta which has been in place for more than 800 years. The constitution in part was drafted based on that document, and we the people, are now at risk from the government killing any one of us just based upon accusation alone.
It doesn't matter that the first act of this kind was carried out on a terrorist al-queda supporter, it had to be in order for us to buy into it and allow it to happen under our noses.
If we go with the thinking of ssn587, we are susceptible to getting killed by the CIA or FBI at a moments notice, without being able to provide witnesses, evidence or challenge our accusers in court. What if this man isn't guilty? The media is our only source of information, and they're simply relying on what the government is telling them. What if there are witnesses that could prove he was innocent of the charges?
Take the Casey Anthony trial for instance, although I personally think she had to have known what happened to her daughter, I don't know whether or not she herself killed the child, or whether the child drowned in a pool, fell out of the car, walked out into traffic at night, swallowed chemicals/poison, etc, any number of possibilities. Her defense attorney provided reasonable doubt in her case. The media and most Americans thought she was guilty of murder, despite no evidence of murder being brought to the court. The prosecution in this case, in my opinion, didn't charge her properly. They should have charged her with serious neglect of a child, child endangerment, and culpable manslaughter, at least that way, she would have done some time in prison.
Anyway, just my thoughts, but I know a trial and conviction and death sentence would have been a suitable alternative to just violating his rights and murdering him.
ok, i've reviewed the current labels for the active jw people we all know or may not know.... i like borg, that's the funniest one i've heard yet for the wt society as a collective whole.
as individuals i believe you call them soashes?
kind of like the outsiders?
Cant' leave, I love yours too... damn so many to choose from, I might just have to make up a variety pack for each Kingdom House.
I say "house" because most of the "halls" I've seen around my area look like thre construction is residential rather than commercial/religious.