Can you imagine how much money they must make off of all the assemblies? I counted at least 211 between this week and end of the year. If they get paid by each city...
WATCHTOWER CULT Receives $81,000 From Salem City Government.
THANKS to City of Salem government officials, starting this weekend, the WatchTower Cult of Jehovah's Witnesses will hold three weekend conventions in 2012 at the Oregon State Fair & Expo Center.
The WatchTower Cult of Jehovah's Witnesses will receive $40,500.00 TAX DOLLARS from the City of Salem to hold conventions in Salem in 2012, 2013, and 2014.
Public records indicate that the City of Salem also paid the WatchTower Cult of Jehovah's Witnesses to hold three conventions in Salem during 2009, 2010, and 2011.
Available records fail to disclose how much money was given to the WatchTower Cult during 2009-11, but it is safe to assume that the City of Salem gave the same $40,500.00 promised for years 2012-14.
BUT-FOR the financial assistance from City of Salem Government Officials , the City of Salem would not be inundated with Cult members every summer.
ALL CHURCHES in Salem, Oregon should demand that City Government provide city funds for their special summertime picnics, fellowship meetings, and other church gatherings.
WHY should ONLY out-of-towners benefit from the generosity of local government officials.