My barely active JW Dad was famous for the laundromat magazine route...LOL. And my Mom would hand write entire notes on lined 4x6 yellow note pads. My Mom has been a JW since 1968 and has never converted one person...what a bad closing ratio.
JoinedPosts by rrb2016
Creative ways of counting field service time
by 4thgen inthere was a sister in my congregation that signed up to aux pioneer one month to put in 60 hours.
we couldn't figure out why she was never at the arrangements, but yet she said she got in her time early in the month.
we found out later that we wrote a letter that took her an hour.
Eccentric Jehovah's Witnesses
by snowbird inso as not to hijack logcon's thread about crazy things jw's have said to householders, i'd like to start one about just plain old odd jw's.. for example, i knew this dear, dear senior brother who would carry a small bag of peanuts in one pocket of his suit coat and a small plastic bag of brown sugar in the other.. during that time, we would stay out all day long because the territory was extensive.. can't you just picture that precious soul alternately tossing a few peanuts/crumbs of sugar into his mouth as he schlepped from house to trailer, from trailer to house?.
the householders would usually offer us water, lemonade, kool-aid, or soda pops, so no problem with finding something to quench our thirsts.. those were the days!.
My Mom also had a friend who claimed that demons would bounce up and down at the end of her bed at night. This poor, single sister had a mentally retarded son who was about my age. Many times we would be at the meeting at the hall and he would jump up, throw his fist in the air and yell "Godammit." That broke up the boredom of the meeting somehow.
We also had an old English Sister who was very stubborn - was nearly 80 and was still cutting her grass with an old manual lawn mower. That was until she cut her toe off one day. She became my next lawn-mowing customer, along with my "annointed" Moo-moo wearing Sister...
Eccentric Jehovah's Witnesses
by snowbird inso as not to hijack logcon's thread about crazy things jw's have said to householders, i'd like to start one about just plain old odd jw's.. for example, i knew this dear, dear senior brother who would carry a small bag of peanuts in one pocket of his suit coat and a small plastic bag of brown sugar in the other.. during that time, we would stay out all day long because the territory was extensive.. can't you just picture that precious soul alternately tossing a few peanuts/crumbs of sugar into his mouth as he schlepped from house to trailer, from trailer to house?.
the householders would usually offer us water, lemonade, kool-aid, or soda pops, so no problem with finding something to quench our thirsts.. those were the days!.
We had a lot of weird people. I remember an old "annointed" couple. They had lived in Hawaii for a few years, and were obssessed with all things Hawaiian. She was really heavy, wore moo-moos and always wore a turban, LOL. She rarely made it to meetings, she suffered from whatever "phantom" illnesses that many Witnessess have. Her Husband, a sweet old Brother, was our book study conductor for a while. The poor guy was so old and worked so hard, that one day he fell asleep at a stop light on the way to book study - and got rear-ended. I used to cut their grass when I was a kid and thought I was so special to cut the grass of the annointed.
When they died I was still a kid - and was always thinking that George and Grace were up in heaven watching me...LOL
Do you think not having the book study in private homes has had much effect?
by truthseeker init's been a few years since the organization ended the book study arrangement in private homes.. gone was the last opportunity to have tea and biscuits and a natter with the friends afterwards.. do you think people regret losing the book study?
for some, it may have been the only time they were able to get some "associaton".
Some of the only good childhood memories of growing up a JW, now that I think about it were the Book Studies. I remember early on we attended at a really cool Elder's home. It was a very old Colonial style home. Their bathroom was upstairs, and I once locked myself in the bathroom during the meeting. Caused quite a disturbance. At the same meeting my friend and I, we must have been about 5 or 6 - would sit across from each other and keep track off how many answers we could get in. We would compete and hold our fingers up with how many we had answered. Funny.
In later years the book study was held in our home. My Dad had converted our basement into a party room with pool table, jukebox, etc. and we held the study in the basement. The same basement that my parents held wild JW parties til all hours of the night, with people completely drunk. Eating beer sausages and dancing to the hustle. And having to get up for meeting the next morning. LOL.
Question for Elders... Will Refusing to meet with Elders - Avoid Disfellowshipping?
by rrb2016 indoes anyone know if this strategy will work to avoid being disfellowshipped?
if one moves their card from one hall to another before a "wrongdoing" becomes public - and then refuses to meet with the elders at the new hall - will they simply be able to fade away without being disfellowshipped.
i had heard that if you refuse to meet with the elders, they generally will not df you - in order to avoid possible legal issues.
Does anyone know if this strategy will work to avoid being disfellowshipped? If one moves their card from one hall to another before a "wrongdoing" becomes public - and then refuses to meet with the Elders at the new hall - will they simply be able to fade away without being disfellowshipped. I had heard that if you refuse to meet with the Elders, they generally will not DF you - in order to avoid possible legal issues. Does anyone know this to be true?
Watchtower Cult Given $81,000 by City of Salem
by rrb2016 incan you imagine how much money they must make off of all the assemblies?
i counted at least 211 between this week and end of the year.
if they get paid by each city.... .
Can you imagine how much money they must make off of all the assemblies? I counted at least 211 between this week and end of the year. If they get paid by each city...
WATCHTOWER CULT Receives $81,000 From Salem City Government.
THANKS to City of Salem government officials, starting this weekend, the WatchTower Cult of Jehovah's Witnesses will hold three weekend conventions in 2012 at the Oregon State Fair & Expo Center.
The WatchTower Cult of Jehovah's Witnesses will receive $40,500.00 TAX DOLLARS from the City of Salem to hold conventions in Salem in 2012, 2013, and 2014.
Public records indicate that the City of Salem also paid the WatchTower Cult of Jehovah's Witnesses to hold three conventions in Salem during 2009, 2010, and 2011.
Available records fail to disclose how much money was given to the WatchTower Cult during 2009-11, but it is safe to assume that the City of Salem gave the same $40,500.00 promised for years 2012-14.
BUT-FOR the financial assistance from City of Salem Government Officials , the City of Salem would not be inundated with Cult members every summer.
ALL CHURCHES in Salem, Oregon should demand that City Government provide city funds for their special summertime picnics, fellowship meetings, and other church gatherings.
WHY should ONLY out-of-towners benefit from the generosity of local government officials. -
JW Careers - Meter Reading??
by rrb2016 ini remember in the 70's and 80's the big jw career was pin addition to the regular careers like janitorial and window washing.
now i hear the big career is meter reading in the pacific northwest.
what are some of the other jw careers that are hot in the 2012 and the "end is closer than ever?
I remember in the 70's and 80's the big JW career was pin addition to the regular careers like janitorial and window washing. Now I hear the big career is meter reading in the Pacific Northwest. What are some of the other JW careers that are hot in the 2012 and the "end is closer than ever?"
my diehard jw wife has never had a bible study...
by oompa ini mean how many of them really even want that?...most jws give away any interested person to a good ol pioneer..and not sure how many of them really want to make a disciple either....i mean she drives around endlessly with her chick friends...lots of starbucks...dunkin and kk...and they dont want a frikkin study....really????
?...........just a vent...oompa.
btw in my legal divorce papers response today i did say she was not blameless...stated that chose to be part of a religious sect that shuns me totally since i am no longer a believer...and that it has caused me extreme distress and anxiety....
My Mom has been baptized since 1968 and has regularly gone out in service for over 40 years and NEVER had a "Bible" study or converted anyone...
Awakes were everwhere!
by maninthemiddle insunday i visited a local resturant in a strip-mall type of setup.
several business were closed over the weekend.
while leaving i noticed the next door had something stuck in the handle.
My Dad was a "weak" JW, never aspired to any position in the KH. His normal Saturday morning service was the LaundraMat route. He would drive around and we would take turns running into the laundramat and leave a stack of mags. I would hurry real fast and not make contact with anyone, so as to not have to "witness" to anyone. LOL
Any Good 1975 Stories?
by Think About It indespite denial by the wts of any 1975 armageddon predictions zealous jw's did believe it, openly talked about it, and some even sold houses & belongings in anticipation of it.
do you have or know of any good 1975 stories?.
here's mine.........i was a freshman in college and had quit attending the kh back in hs.
I would have been 10 in 1975 and I rember thinking to myself I hope The End doesn't come because I wanted to be able to drive a car and was unsure whether there would be cars in the New Order. What a load of crap! LOL.