Thank you garyneal and everyone else for all of your posts! I have really enjoyed reading this thread. I admire what you are doing and the time you are taking with this "hero". I realize he most likely will never come around but now you have him in a position where you can make a strong point that he never will forget. like the one person said, you can't cut a tree down buy cutting the leaves. You have been doing that in my opinion but soon you should go for the trunk.
What really is sad in this case is your wife must be very joyful that you are studying with this person. She thinks your eternal life is being saved. As the "hero" put it, "you will become a witness." (or something like that) No doubt he has told her that too. The longer this goes on, the more hurt your wife will be when you don't drink the Kool-Aid. I commend you for what you are doing. The only hope I have for some of my family is that someone like you will take the time to do this for them.
So, how do you chop the tree down? There are many ways but my favorite is to share Isaiah 44: 25-26, "I am frustrating the signs of the empty talkers, and I am the One that makes diviners themselves act crazily; the One turning wise men backwards, and the One that turns even their knowledge into foolishness; the One making the word of his servant come true, and the One that carries out completely the counsel of his own messengers."
Then ask, "Has Jehovah made any words of the Jehovah Witnesses come true? Has he carried out completely the counsel of the messengers known as Jehovah's Witnesses?" The answer to that question is NO he has not. ALL of their predictions have proved them to be "empty talkers" and their knowledge has proved to be "foolishness."
I would do this in front of my wife if at all possible. However, only you know how your wife will react so think about that one first. But you need to become firm at this point with this man. You need to let him know that you strongly feel the Bible proves JW's are false messengers and false prophets! God has not made ONE WORD of theirs come true! NOT ONE! Don't let him pull 1914 on you. They predicted Armageddon would come in 1914. Has he once pointed you to Christ Jesus or is he pointing you to the ORG/GB? you know the answer to that.
This is only my opinion, you know your situation best. Sometimes a good shock will shake a person. I think you need to shock him. They cannot answer Isaiah 44: 25-26. The Watchtower hardy ever quotes it. Is it any wonder?
What you are dealing with is a programed robot who is trying to lead you to obey and follow MAN not Christ. Jesus is the way truth and the life. I hope you do believe that. If you do, you could tell him your hope is to live in heaven with Christ then see how he tries to shut that TRUE Christian hope down.
I would record this if I were you then you could play it for your wife latter if she doesn't sit in. Us too
Your brother in Christ,