I would make the world religion Atheism and then every few thousand years jump out and go BOOOOO! J/K
There are men who actually do create little worlds all the time. They are called Video games. The ones that sell the best are the ones full of excitement and chance. They give the player many life's. Could this all be a huge video game that God has created? Speaking about animals, HOW do we know they have not lived before? It sure appears many have as they build homes and care for their young without any training at all. There are many animals that have unbelievable instincts. WHERE did they get it? Maybe this isn't their first life. Who knows, maybe we chose to come here ourselves to be born for the life lessons. I know this sounds crazy to many of you but didn't Christ say, "I have many things to tell you but you can not bear to hear them." What couldn't we not bear to hear? I believe the Bible teaches universal salvation. For a great read on this go here and download the pdf's or watch the videos: http://hopebeyondhell.net/
I don't know if I believe this or not but these people really seam to be honest IMO. It sure sounds compelling... Whatever the case, something super natural is going on here IMO, I just don't know. What do you think?: