@ finallysomepride:
Iway ishway Iway ouldcay inkdray eerbay! Iway ovelay itway!
Iway ogay otay aaway ownay. Iway ovelay osethay eoplepay.
Eythay avehay elpedhay emay alotway!
meo doey oobla qwandabla nowky suuki shamball-la-la qurkyley whadda madda faddda?
kooly-aidies dwinkala gulp gulp mmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhh .
@ finallysomepride:
Iway ishway Iway ouldcay inkdray eerbay! Iway ovelay itway!
Iway ogay otay aaway ownay. Iway ovelay osethay eoplepay.
Eythay avehay elpedhay emay alotway!
meo doey oobla qwandabla nowky suuki shamball-la-la qurkyley whadda madda faddda?
kooly-aidies dwinkala gulp gulp mmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhh .
@ lostandconfused
Not if their is an interpreter. We need someone to interpret!
meo doey oobla qwandabla nowky suuki shamball-la-la qurkyley whadda madda faddda?
kooly-aidies dwinkala gulp gulp mmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhh .
Meo doey oobla qwandabla nowky suuki shamball-la-la qurkyley whadda madda faddda? Kooly-Aidies dwinkala gulp gulp mmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhh
Ethay uetray escriptionday ofway atheistway isway: Eoplepay owhay oday otnay elievebay inway Odgay etyay!
i would appear to mankind periodical, maybe.
what would this accomplish,.
there would be no doubt where we came from.. no doubt there would be one religion, no satan.
I would make the world religion Atheism and then every few thousand years jump out and go BOOOOO! J/K
There are men who actually do create little worlds all the time. They are called Video games. The ones that sell the best are the ones full of excitement and chance. They give the player many life's. Could this all be a huge video game that God has created? Speaking about animals, HOW do we know they have not lived before? It sure appears many have as they build homes and care for their young without any training at all. There are many animals that have unbelievable instincts. WHERE did they get it? Maybe this isn't their first life. Who knows, maybe we chose to come here ourselves to be born for the life lessons. I know this sounds crazy to many of you but didn't Christ say, "I have many things to tell you but you can not bear to hear them." What couldn't we not bear to hear? I believe the Bible teaches universal salvation. For a great read on this go here and download the pdf's or watch the videos: http://hopebeyondhell.net/
I don't know if I believe this or not but these people really seam to be honest IMO. It sure sounds compelling... Whatever the case, something super natural is going on here IMO, I just don't know. What do you think?:
I live close to two neighbors that are Pentecostal. Both families are very nice and friendly. Some of the best neighbors I have ever had. I asked one of them a few Bible questions and just like JW's, he had some tracts to give me. I asked him about their speaking in tongues and if he has done it. He said he has and their is no feeling in the world like it. He said it is a real spiritual supernatural event. I never have seen this until looking at these videos on this thread. I believe something is truly happening from the spirit world. Personally I believe the demons could possibly be messing with them. Obviously I have no proof of that, that is only my best guess. Like JW's, they seam to be a united group of people.
I wouldn't mind going one of these days to check it out. "Test the inspired expressions".
sorry if this has been asked before but i would love to know the current ratio on this forum.. i'm a believer/christian former jw for 45 years... born in .
what are you now and what were you?.
@ DarioKehi
I am sorry to hear about all the heart ache and pain you went through all of your life. I am happy to see you are finding your way and the guilt is gone. We all understand the pain of loosing friends and loved ones. I really do admire you for trying to keep your relationship open with your parents and not DAing yourself. I believe DAing yourself is playing right into the GB/Borgs hands. I will never do it. I could see how pretending to be active can kill a person inside. I tried it for a short while than quickly stopped. I figured I was better off being inactive, that way, if I got into trouble, maybe they would ignore me like I have seen them ignore so many others. If you are pretending to be a JW and then you get caught doing whatever... you could be DFed real fast. I am sure you know all of this stuff. I told my family I get severe panic attacks when I go to the Hall and I really do. I can't sit through it anymore. I just want to get up and scream, "Your all a bunch of False Prophets!" I sit there thinking about saying things like that and I feel a real urge to do it, so I got to walk out before I break out in rage. We are not "mentally diseased" we are mentally abused, each and every one of us.
Best wishes and I hope you find peace in your life soon,
Peace out
and out of posts for now! Hit the limit again darn it!
Thanks for posting this. I don't see how anyone could watch this with dry eyes. I will share this with everyone I can. It really does make our problems seam small in comparison. I needed to see this.
Thank you Gayle,
Your brother,
sorry if this has been asked before but i would love to know the current ratio on this forum.. i'm a believer/christian former jw for 45 years... born in .
what are you now and what were you?.
@ startingover,
Put that gun back in it's holster Clint,
There's no need for a shoot out,
I'm just trying to get to know my brothers and sisters,
You have a nice day partner!
Happy trails
Thanks everyone for sharing!
Carry on!
here is why, even though i no longer agree with most of what the gb/wt/jw's teach, i still feel especially close to all of us who were apart of this group.
born in or converted.
we all have had the same life experience of being raised in a over bearing mind controlling cult.
Where did you get Texas from? I'm not from Texas, I am in California. Sorry
jonestown 1970's, jim jones brainwashed his 900 member cult into committing mass suicide by drinking cyanide cool-aid.
only three escaped.
{the smart ones} one man hid under a building....another escaped into the jungle while armed guards dragged another member to get injected by force.
I have not read every point here but will say this...
I cannot see anything like this happening but that is not the question. The question is, would they do it if told to. My opinion is the society is very capable of twisting the scriptures to say whatever they want. They are probably better at mind control and cult tactics than Jim Johns himself. If they were to say we have "new light" and view Christ Jesus sacrifice as a suicide than they could accomplish this. They could figure out a way if they were that demented but thankfully, I don't see them ever doing something this evil. I tend to think they really believe they are Gods chosen channel and they are doing good in all the earth.
The truth is, most hardcore JW's will do whatever the borg tells them to do. That is the program in place right now.