I see a HUGE difference between what we do and what they do. Their intent is to judge us as worthy of everlasting destruction and then preach that to our families. They demand that our loved ones hate us. They condemn us to spiritual death and if they could, literal death. This is also a violation of our religious freedom. I have not found anyone on here doing that to them, have you? If so, I would think it is a minority. However, the majority of us still love our JW families and would never condemn them to death.
It is one thing to call someone a bad name. It is another to incite others to wish a person dead or judge them worthy of death.
They also violate Jesus words here:
In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ warned his followers: “I say to you that everyone who continues wrathful with his brother will be accountable to the court of justice; but whoever addresses his brother with an unspeakable word of contempt will be accountable to the Supreme Court; whereas whoever says, ‘You despicable fool!’ will be liable to the fiery Gehenna.”— Matthew 5:22 .
How do they violate Jesus words at Matthew 5:22? The Watchtower itself explains this in 2006, 2/15 “Questions From Readers” article asks this: What three dangers was Jesus warning against at Matthew 5:22 ?
"What, then, did the expression “despicable fool” signify? The word used here sounded similar to a Hebrew term that means “rebellious,” or “mutinous.” It designates a person as morally worthless, an apostate and a rebel against God. So the person addressing his fellow as a “despicable fool” is as much as saying that his brother should receive a punishment fit for a rebel against God, everlasting destruction. From God’s standpoint, the one uttering such a condemnation against another could merit that severe sentence—everlasting destruction—himself.— Deuteronomy 19:17-19 ."
So you see, calling someone an "apostate" is the same as calling them a "rebel" or "despicable fool" that is worthy of everlasting destruction/death. The Watchtower judges us this way. The majority here on this forum do not do that to their JW families. Can you see the difference now? I hope you can.
Your brother in Christ,