Right on Pete! So glad to hear that. It really inspired me too, I am looking for a ukulele now. It is a very happy sounding instrument. Remember when the assemblies had a live orchestra? They took all that away. Why? Maybe Jehovah prefers recordings.
JoinedPosts by Greybeard
Something you won't see on JW.org ... They discourage music education
by Greybeard inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz4tfrt1nk0&list=plcd6f28c13a0a9ac2&index=4.
Something you won't see on JW.org ... They discourage music education
by Greybeard inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz4tfrt1nk0&list=plcd6f28c13a0a9ac2&index=4.
Is this not a Bible command too or only a suggestion? Psalms 33:32, "Give thanks to Jehovah with the harp; Sing praises to him with a ten-stringed instrument. Sing to him a new song; Play skillfully on the strings, along with shouts of joy.
I'm getting baptized
by BlackWolf ini know i've started similar topics before but this time i'm serious.
my parents have been constantly pressuring me and after yesterday's watchtower study they asked me if i was going to be baptized this summer... and i said yes.
i probably should have thought about it more before making a final decision, but they're pretty much forcing me to do it anyway.
You know how animals sometimes will play dead to survive a predators attack? Sometimes you got to do what you got to do to survive. Don't feel bad about the choices you make. It's all a game and most are faking it through life so sometimes you decide to play along until you can make your escape. Maybe you can escape and keep your family, who knows... I know some who have. At least you will have the pleasure of knowing you are awake to curtain truths that others cannot see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0RHSX_9c-U -
Attention Governing Body, What does nature tell you about a male having long hair?
by Greybeard ini was raised my entire life to believe it is a shame for a man to have long hair because of this bible scripture 1 corinthians 11:14, “does not nature itself teach you that long hair is a dishonor to a man?” nwt however the international standard version reads, “nature itself teaches you neither that it is disgraceful for a man to have long hair.” so what does nature really teach us?
jesus was called, “the lion of judah” and the king of the jungle has long hair.
thank you nature for clearing this twisted scripture up for me.
It's all about men teaching the commandments of men like at Mark chapter 7. Wash up to your elbows, cut your hair short, obey without question or you are a apostate worthy of death cut off from your family and friends. Kicked out of the synagog like Jesus was... Full control, that is what these men want. None of their predictions have came true. Isaiah 44:26 says God carries out completely the predictions of his own messengers leaving JW's OUT. Heres to you 1914 generation, may you rest in peace. Overlapping generation, what a joke. Their walls will come tumbling down. They are the hypocrites and false prophets who murder their own children thinking they are obeying God. They walk from door to door over weight and full of parasites because Humpty Dumpty trusts the BEAST 666 for their healing medications and they worship money, the image of the BEAST. Why does Jehovah need anything from the BEAST? Jehovah is a controlling jealous God, was Jesus controlling and jealous like Jehovah? Jesus called the God of the Jews a "Man slayer and father of the lie." Could he have been speaking about their God Jehovah? Babel, Babel Babylon, Your words are empty and your generation will soon be gone. Jehovah Witnesses are False Prophets simple as that. Jesus gave plenty of fair warning about false prophets and he said "Do not go after anyone who says the day has drawn near." Welcome to the cosmic joke and the jokes on YOU. -
Attention Governing Body, What does nature tell you about a male having long hair?
by Greybeard ini was raised my entire life to believe it is a shame for a man to have long hair because of this bible scripture 1 corinthians 11:14, “does not nature itself teach you that long hair is a dishonor to a man?” nwt however the international standard version reads, “nature itself teaches you neither that it is disgraceful for a man to have long hair.” so what does nature really teach us?
jesus was called, “the lion of judah” and the king of the jungle has long hair.
thank you nature for clearing this twisted scripture up for me.
All of the old articles are full of empty words and predictions. That is why the JW online library only goes back a few years. "But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken." Thank you internet for saving those words. Matthew 12:36 NIV "I am frustrating the signs of the empty talkers, And I am the One who makes diviners act like fools; The One confounding the wise men And turning their knowledge into foolishness; The One making the word of his servant come true And completely fulfilling the predictions of his messengers." NWT / Completely fulfilling the predictions of his messengers? What does completely mean? Governing Body your predictions have failed to come true, many empty words, isn't it about time to admit it? Take a vote. -
Attention Governing Body, What does nature tell you about a male having long hair?
by Greybeard ini was raised my entire life to believe it is a shame for a man to have long hair because of this bible scripture 1 corinthians 11:14, “does not nature itself teach you that long hair is a dishonor to a man?” nwt however the international standard version reads, “nature itself teaches you neither that it is disgraceful for a man to have long hair.” so what does nature really teach us?
jesus was called, “the lion of judah” and the king of the jungle has long hair.
thank you nature for clearing this twisted scripture up for me.
"The bobbed hair craze is sure to lead to baldness, sooner or later. The reason for this is that human hair is like a tube sealed at the free end. When the hair is cut, the oils which are the life of the hair become dissipated. The reason why men grow bald so quickly is that they have their hair cut so frequently and, in addition, wear tightly fitting hats, which cut off the circulation of the scalp." Golden Age 1924 Nov 19 p.100 -
Attention Governing Body, What does nature tell you about a male having long hair?
by Greybeard ini was raised my entire life to believe it is a shame for a man to have long hair because of this bible scripture 1 corinthians 11:14, “does not nature itself teach you that long hair is a dishonor to a man?” nwt however the international standard version reads, “nature itself teaches you neither that it is disgraceful for a man to have long hair.” so what does nature really teach us?
jesus was called, “the lion of judah” and the king of the jungle has long hair.
thank you nature for clearing this twisted scripture up for me.
I was raised my entire life to believe it is a shame for a man to have long hair because of this Bible scripture 1 Corinthians 11:14, “Does not nature itself teach you that long hair is a dishonor to a man?” NWT However the International Standard Version reads, “Nature itself teaches you neither that it is disgraceful for a man to have long hair.” So what does nature really teach us? Jesus was called, “The Lion of Judah” and the King of the Jungle has long hair. Thank you nature for clearing this twisted scripture up for me. (Acts 2:17)
Matthew 7:7-8, "It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines.’ You let go of the commandment of God and cling to the tradition of men.” NWT
New lyrics to a song, are they too strong? looking for feedback
by Greybeard ini’m addicted to love.
i’m addicted to the big o .
so all you hypocrites .
You know it flipper, thank you! I would love to hear your music. -
New lyrics to a song, are they too strong? looking for feedback
by Greybeard ini’m addicted to love.
i’m addicted to the big o .
so all you hypocrites .
I’m addicted to love
I’m addicted to the Big O
So all you hypocrites
Stop knocking at my doe
Cuz I don’t need any one around
Who is trying to bring me down
Don’t you worry about me
If my feet leave the ground…
I’m addicted to Freedom
I’m addicted to Truth
I’m addicted to peace and happiness
Not the lies of my youth
You serve Jesus
With a cup of Chemo
Preaching parasites
With a crazy ego…
God is going to kill me at armageddon
If I don’t follow you?
You look half dead
Will he do that to me too?
I’m addicted to Freedom
I’m addicted to Truth
I’m addicted to peace and happiness
Not the lies of my youth
I wonder what demonic snakes
Are eating your brains
Biological Armageddon
These are your remains
I predict the birds will eat
The worms inside that body
Go ahead and have another
Chemo hot toddy…
I’m addicted to Freedom
I’m addicted to Truth
I’m addicted to peace and happiness
Not the lies of my youth
Copyright Gregg Steven Blasingame 2016
To me this seams like more than a coincidence ...
by Greybeard insorry if this has been discussed before.... for a few days now, this question has been going through my mind.
what was the date the governing body took the sole role of the faithful and discreet slave and how close was it to the end of the mayan calendar in december of 2012?
i looked it up on jwfactes.com and sure enough, checkout the date on this article:.
Wow brandnew, thats a good one! 12-16