100% Ya think? Right on Nathan, we got to talk someday. That is very interesting. I think I'm in a parallel universe right now. I just found out yesterday the Watchtower admitted they were not appointed as the "faithful and discrete slave" in 1919! I must be dreaming :)
JoinedPosts by Greybeard
Scary Dream
by freemamaof3 ina little background- i faded in august 2015. ive got to small kids and one on the way.
i dont believe the jw cult nonsense anymore.. .
ok so last night i had the scariest dream.
I just don't understand this, what am I missing???
by Greybeard inas i am watching this video about changes at bethel, the speaker said, "aren't we glad the faithful and discrete slave continues to make adjustments when necessary.
what about this change?
"finally, we examined why jesus’ arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings did not occur in 1919 but will take place during the great tribulation" that is from this online watchtower article last paragraph: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w20130715/jesus-prophecy-last-days/ .
LOL, I got a good laugh out of that Crazyguy.
Careful not to judge now, we don't want to be like them. Lets just disfellowship them like they did us, of course, that could be like hell. It feels like it to me. Come on Aron class, you built this Golden Calf, remove it and free our families. Moses is coming down the mountain.
I just don't understand this, what am I missing???
by Greybeard inas i am watching this video about changes at bethel, the speaker said, "aren't we glad the faithful and discrete slave continues to make adjustments when necessary.
what about this change?
"finally, we examined why jesus’ arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings did not occur in 1919 but will take place during the great tribulation" that is from this online watchtower article last paragraph: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w20130715/jesus-prophecy-last-days/ .
Don't feel bad BlackSwan, I just found out yesterday, LOL, first I laughed, then I cried... I'm just a big baby, I've got that "be like little children" thing down :)
Is their a JW site , not official of course ,Identiyfing Apostates on FB , Instagram,etc.on ,social media ?
by smiddy ini`m just wondering , not that it worry`s me too much since i dad myself , but maybe some people would/should be concerned .. is it possible the gb are monitoring who they can identify as apostates on the internet ?.
or am i being paranoid.. how about an over-zealous wannabe elder who wants to make a name for himself by dobbing in some poor brother./sister who stumbles across a site like this on the internet.. maybe it`s not the gb , we need to worry about, maybe it is the r&f members who are spying /watching/monitoring their fellow brothers and sisters to see if they are worth reporting to the elders .. of course with the intention of keeping the congregation clean , while hiding their own transgressions .. dont ask questions outside the box./ dob in your bro, or sister ,who you suspect of impropriety and hope to get brownie points.. smiddy.
Of corse they could gather personal information. They can sell it too if they chose too. They joined the internet band wagon. You can bet they have the best programers to designing their websites. Do you know anything about cookies? Is there a bar at the top of your screen that pops up now and then on this website? At the right it has a yellow box that says cookies. Read the "more info" about cookies. They also have JW.org phone apps that can monitor your activity. Nothing is private on the internet. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. Do they have the ability? Yes and most websites gather personal information. That is why, if you are shopping online at Amazon for a widget and then go to Facebook or even this website for that matter, a widget add will pop up. So now that you know it is possible, do you think they do it? They are the WATCHtower
Scary Dream
by freemamaof3 ina little background- i faded in august 2015. ive got to small kids and one on the way.
i dont believe the jw cult nonsense anymore.. .
ok so last night i had the scariest dream.
Yes that is scary. Dreams can be powerful. Do you have any idea what it would take to pull a stunt like that around the world? It would be impossible in my mind although they say anything is possible. If your dream has meaning then maybe it just means you made the right choice getting out when you did.
I just don't understand this, what am I missing???
by Greybeard inas i am watching this video about changes at bethel, the speaker said, "aren't we glad the faithful and discrete slave continues to make adjustments when necessary.
what about this change?
"finally, we examined why jesus’ arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings did not occur in 1919 but will take place during the great tribulation" that is from this online watchtower article last paragraph: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w20130715/jesus-prophecy-last-days/ .
I believe the governing body will always be connected to the organization regarding legal issues. Isn't the Australia case proof of that? Maybe I'm wrong, I'm not a lawyer.
I think this is more about trying to disconnect themselves from Pastor Russell and Judge Rutherford who obviously were false prophets. They are just trying to keep the boat floating. It would not surprise me if they changed their name. Rutherford did it... Who knows... Nothing surprises me anymore.
Feeling Sad After Uncovering TTATT
by pale.emperor inmy initial pangs of unease and doubt led me to research some things.
well, a lot of things really.
i've never felt comfortable using the bible to try to calculate dates (1914).
I feel ya bro, we all have been there. You are smart getting advice here online. I see much good advice I sure wish I would have received when I started to wake up. I am sure I did and ignored much of it. I tried to convince my wife the JW's were wrong, and all my family. You are already showing much wisdom by not doing that.
The real test will be your relationship with your wife. My wife and I were the best of friends married 21 years. It's a long story, I'll try to keep it short. When I came out and told them I was blogging online and I didn't believe it anymore, my family cut me out of the corporation, stopped my company draws and my wife left me. I was then disfellowshipped and on my own. After a year of loneliness and heartache, I went back and got reinstated. My wife came back to me. This did not last long however and after another year, she left me again because I use medical cannabis and I stopped going to the meetings. Our divorce was final last September and that notice came on September 5th, our wedding anniversary... 21 years over. You cannot imagine the anger I felt inside my soul. I was robed of everything.
You still have your wife, it is up to you. I miss my wife so much, at times I wish I would have just put up with it and kept my sweetheart, and she was a real sweetheart, a beautiful woman I miss everyday. I have tears right now just typing this. You think you have pain now? Believe me, it can get worse and its all up to you.
It is all a matter of growth and enlightenment. No pain, no gain. There are good times as well as bad. You sound like a smart guy, I bet you will do better than I did.
I think the best thing to do right now is be a loving husband. You don't need to tell her your reasons unless she asks and then you better think twice. Just love her and do not isolate yourself from her. I started blogging and debating on forums like this one. She knew what I was doing and it hurt her. I should have been walking with her on the beach, taking her out and spending more quality time with her. I was so angry for my family selling me out financially I couldn't see straight. I started the toy business that made them rich. I still have huge resentments I deal with on a daily basis.
Count your blessings and be grateful for what you do have right now because you can loose it like many of us have. I even went to other churches when I first discovered TTATT. Can you imagine how my wife must have felt? She tried her best, she was alway loving, perfect in every way. You don't know what you have until you loose it bro. It can happen and who knows, in my case, it probably needed to happen. I have done nothing but learn more and more. I went through the atheist debate right off. I am convinced there is a spiritual world and I do not need to explain why. Seek and ye shall find. The truth will set you free but with wisdom one increases pain. Ignorance is BLISS.
I believe your going to do alright! Make the BEST of your journey and don't let anyone get you down, cause no harm to anyone because it will come back to you. Just be nice, not easy when your around a bunch of blind judgmental hypocrites who are sleep walking...
You are the one with the truth now and you can win her without a word if you can keep your mouth shut, I couldn't so I am passing this info on.
Good luck my friend and happy trails to you! Don't worry, be happy... work on that :)
I just don't understand this, what am I missing???
by Greybeard inas i am watching this video about changes at bethel, the speaker said, "aren't we glad the faithful and discrete slave continues to make adjustments when necessary.
what about this change?
"finally, we examined why jesus’ arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings did not occur in 1919 but will take place during the great tribulation" that is from this online watchtower article last paragraph: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w20130715/jesus-prophecy-last-days/ .
Thank you TD, It is very confusing.
I have a confession, the thing that bothers me the most is something I said to my oldest son who is a elder now and a very good person. I had just purchased some nice recording equipment and I was working on my music. Missing a lot of meetings, rarely going at the time. Drinking to much and partying. I felt so guilty because I still believed it was the "truth" in my heart. I just couldn't live up to it at the time. I just finished going through a divorce and remarriage and all kinds of mixed emotions. I never was a elder or servant, I was the confessionist. I had been through a number of elder meetings but never disfellowshipped just publicly reproved at the time. I couldn't bring myself to go through another elders meeting and it was impossible for me to go and fake it. I told my oldest son who at the time was only about 12 or 13... I told him I was worried about myself and if I ever leave the organization do not follow me, you follow the governing body and obey what they say. If I ever get disfellowshipped do not talk to me. I take the blame for loosing my children, my family and all of it. I should have known better but I did not. Now I wish I would have taught them to question every inspired utterance. So sad but true. I often think of this clip in the movie Young Frankenstein when I recall this event. I am sure he has not forgotten my words...
This is how stupid I was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nalaY6pczpc
I just don't understand this, what am I missing???
by Greybeard inas i am watching this video about changes at bethel, the speaker said, "aren't we glad the faithful and discrete slave continues to make adjustments when necessary.
what about this change?
"finally, we examined why jesus’ arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings did not occur in 1919 but will take place during the great tribulation" that is from this online watchtower article last paragraph: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w20130715/jesus-prophecy-last-days/ .
No need to apologize TD and thank you for your replies. Maybe I am confused a bit about this. I thought the teaching was Jesus returned over 100 years ago and appointed the slave over his domestics in 1919. I did not waste my time reading the entire article, just the part where they admit they were not appointed in 1919. Maybe it is in there or maybe I just never got this point.
I think I am going cross eyed :/
Time to go get some coffee, thank you all for helping
I just don't understand this, what am I missing???
by Greybeard inas i am watching this video about changes at bethel, the speaker said, "aren't we glad the faithful and discrete slave continues to make adjustments when necessary.
what about this change?
"finally, we examined why jesus’ arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings did not occur in 1919 but will take place during the great tribulation" that is from this online watchtower article last paragraph: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w20130715/jesus-prophecy-last-days/ .
bohm, Yes, TD is right, so are you.... I just thought maybe there was some kind of a written explanation as to why they keep using this term "faithful and discreet slave." I missed the Watchtower where they admitted they were not appointed in 1919. I would have gone to that meeting and stood up and said, "Right on! I was disfellowshipped for believing this! Can I be forgiven now?"
Wishful thinking...