Funny how they totally ignore the real reason most people think they preach sheer nonsense. What have they preached? If what they preached was actually true, none of us or these "worldly people" would even be here. They presented all their messages as undeniable facts. They made promises for God as his chosen "mouthpiece" and "a prophet like Ezekiel." It is clear they are not directed by God and they preach commandments of men as doctrine just like Ray Franz the X-GB member realized as soon as he became a member of the GB. Thank you Ray Franz for waking up and writing your books!
JoinedPosts by Greybeard
WT acually truthful in today's text!
by Sanchy in...hope to enjoy everlasting life and witness the resurrection, things unseen by the world.
like the philosophers of paul’s day who called him an ignorant “chatterer,” most people today think that the hope we preach is sheer nonsense.
(acts 17:18) .
Video: Dear Believer, Why Do You Believe?
by Believer ini was asked to view the video “dear believer, why do you believe?” i said i would and i would publish my comments about it.
so here are my comments.
after my post, i hope other believers will post theirs comments about it.
It is not uncommon for neurosurgeon's to be sued for malpractice. They perform the highest risk operations. Maybe "Fox and friends" (of Jesus) have reason to believe he is a acclaimed neurosurgeon. Maybe he saved peoples lives, I don't know so I am not going to talk trash about him. Maybe he made it all up to write a book. If so he is a good actor. For a man who is as educated as he is, that would be a foolish thing to do and a hard act to keep up. Thats just my opinion and you know what they say...
Video: Dear Believer, Why Do You Believe?
by Believer ini was asked to view the video “dear believer, why do you believe?” i said i would and i would publish my comments about it.
so here are my comments.
after my post, i hope other believers will post theirs comments about it.
The experience he had is not uncommon. Regardless of his past, I have my own reasons to "believe" this is possible. It is not about a "need to believe in God" it is about seeking truth even if that truth leads you to believe there is no God. Thats my opinion and you know what they say...
Video: Dear Believer, Why Do You Believe?
by Believer ini was asked to view the video “dear believer, why do you believe?” i said i would and i would publish my comments about it.
so here are my comments.
after my post, i hope other believers will post theirs comments about it.
Spirituality and religion are two different things. I no longer believe in religion but I still do believe in a spiritual world. Here is a Harvard trained brain surgeon who was a atheist. He is now convinced there is more to reality then we are aware of.
Now this is weird, ever heard of the "Mandela Effect" ??? What if... ?
by Greybeard innow this is weird, ever heard of the "mandela effect" ???
i know how crazy it sounds but i got to tell you, this article about the governing body finally admitting the "faithful slave" was not divinely appointed by jesus in 1919 was epic to me.
like a mandela effect feeling.
Thank you Fatfreek, Good find, I couldn't find it. Could it be another Mandela Effect? JUST KIDDING LOL
Thanks everyone...
Anyone here into "New Age" stuff? I have a question...
by Greybeard innow that i am free to "rove about" as daniel put it, without the fear of my religion stoning me.
i rove about all the time studying and looking for truth.
so today, i come across this guy on youtube, andi have heard many others like him, saying he left the new age stuff because he was mislead and now returning to jesus.
This thread is not showing up after I posted it as a recent post. Why is that?
Anyone here into "New Age" stuff? I have a question...
by Greybeard innow that i am free to "rove about" as daniel put it, without the fear of my religion stoning me.
i rove about all the time studying and looking for truth.
so today, i come across this guy on youtube, andi have heard many others like him, saying he left the new age stuff because he was mislead and now returning to jesus.
Now that I am free to "rove about" as Daniel put it, without the fear of my religion stoning me. I rove about all the time studying and looking for truth. So today, I come across this guy on youtube, andI have heard many others like him, saying he left the New Age stuff because he was mislead and now returning to Jesus. I know many people here do not believe in the spiritual world. I am not looking to prove anything to unbelievers. Seek and you will find is all I have to say about that.
We know how being raised JW or most any christian religion fills everyone with fear of these things.
After watching this video, I posted this comment and I would like some feedback from anyone who has had experience with these realms. I will post the video below.
In the video he said many of these spirits told him he was a god...
My comment on youtube:
This guy actually just called Jesus a "demon" because he said if anyone tells you that you are a god, they are a demon. Jesus said, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'? John 10:34, "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.' Psalms 82:6 Your mistake is not knowing your own Bible. You thought there was nothing bad in the spiritual realm? The Bible is clear about both good and bad spirits. Just like in this world, you can choose your path. You can be mislead and mislead yourself. I believe it comes down to your intentions. I have never seen spirits or opened my third eye fully because I have my fears too and I am still learning. However, I do know the Bible and your reasoning proves nothing to me. Jesus himself was a man who also called himself, "the son of man" and Jesus faced Satan face to face. If they were healing peoples sickness and walking on water, you can bet the first century "Christians" had their third eye open. The Bible says the ruler of this world, Satan, is the one blinding our eyes. He was not talking about our literal eye balls, he was talking about our spiritual eye. You know how the rulers of this world shut off the third eye. Children are born with it open and then what happens? You said, "Jesus" came in and opened the door to you? How? You give NO details of either your account with Jesus or Satan. No proof at all, just fear. What did Satan say to you? We know what the Bible says he said to Jesus... Did Satan take you to the top of a mountain and offer you all the Kingdoms of the world if you bow down to him like he did Jesus? Can you now do all the things Jesus did and more as he said his followers could? Prove to me you now know Jesus and do what he did, I think we all would love to see it. Sounds to me like you went back to blindness and now you are fulfilled? I was a Jehovah Witness until about 5 years ago I woke up and started questioning everything. Ignorance is bliss and now you feel bliss? If you have any facts about talking with Jesus, I want to know what he told you. I am always searching. I am not trying to insult you, Maybe you were closer to the Kingdom of God then you thought. What were you doing in there? Looking for Jesus or did you just call out his name when you walked into Satan's den? What happened to fear no evil? May you be blessed, PEACE outut
Just called into the Kingdom Hall, Speaker said he couldn't tell if anyone was listening to his talk... Well I was and what a joke
by Greybeard injust called into the kingdom hall, speaker said he couldn't tell if anyone was listening to his talk now that everyone uses electronic devices and nobody laughed... well i did!.
he also mentioned when everyone used the bible he could hear the pages flipping and he knew they were following along.
this was really funny to me.
Thanks Muddy Waters. just when I think I'm getting somewhere you got to Muddy the Waters lol.. J/K
Yes that can keep me going for a while ;)
Things are not fun right now at this moment in time but now, this moment, way better... you know how life is... no pain no gain they say... I'm surviving and building a space ship to the moon!
Sorry I do not remember everyone on here. it has been a while but I recall your nick name.
Just called into the Kingdom Hall, Speaker said he couldn't tell if anyone was listening to his talk... Well I was and what a joke
by Greybeard injust called into the kingdom hall, speaker said he couldn't tell if anyone was listening to his talk now that everyone uses electronic devices and nobody laughed... well i did!.
he also mentioned when everyone used the bible he could hear the pages flipping and he knew they were following along.
this was really funny to me.
WTWizard said, "before those planets render the dollar toilet paper."
Before this planet gets any better, I would think fake money would need to go but what do I know? How the planets can do this is beyond me but I still believe anything is possible. Maybe were all living in a huge computer matrix or something... I learn something new everyday. I am a Leo and I know that description fits me well. There are only 12 notes in music, 12 months in a year, 12 apostles, 12, 12, 12... Everything is connected they say. I am still working on the mysteries.
Should I stay married to my JW wife
by gatorguy inme and my wife were at the beach the other day and i finally told her, i don't think i believe in god anymore.
i fessed up to the fact that it started with me doubting some jw beliefs and then it just led me to this point where i don't even believe in god.
i wouldn't say that i even have a negative view towards jw's or religion in general.
Nathan Nates said: Gatorguy, you have come to a discussion group to ask STRANGERS about how you should plot the course of your most intimate life.
In a large way that is true. However, in a large way we are not strangers and can be the most understanding and empathetic people when it comes to this subject.