JoinedPosts by Greybeard
I Am A Hemp Witness, this in my first video :)
by Greybeard in
This is the BEST Video i have ever seen on the name YAHWEH.
by Greybeard in
Thank you... I am nobody!
HallELu YAHshua and YAH-WAY
Even the serpent has a Y at the end of his tongue.
"It's a beautiful mystery ... can't you see? It's a beautiful mystery... yeah...."
This is the BEST Video i have ever seen on the name YAHWEH.
by Greybeard in
Yeah your right, I must be smoking something, I like that "speculative and emotional" stuff... I can see the Y in everything :) I thought it was a cool video and different take on the name. Maybe if JW's ever change their name to this more accurate name, maybe they will use a video like this. I Believe YAHWEH should be used if the Watchtower agrees it is more accurate, I know the WT does, I am not going to look it up now but I know they admit Yahweh is more accurate then Jehovah. I seen them say it in on JW'org videos. They use Jehovah because it is more popular but thats not the command from God, he said to make his real name known. Is using a inaccurate name like Jehovah making the true name of God known? I was disfellowshipped for asking these types of questions.
This is the BEST Video i have ever seen on the name YAHWEH.
by Greybeard in
Imperfect Spiritual Food
by berrygerry inthe feb 2017 wt is being reviewed here because of the "neither inspired nor infallible" potential of the gb..
this indeed has been stated in the past.. an equally interesting phrase in that paragraph is: "of course, jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.".
again, wt is using the "jesus never said" line.. what would make more sense is: "jesus never said that the food would be imperfect or harmless.".
"Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food."
Matthew 5:48, "You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." NWT
Matthew 12:36, " I tell you that men will render an account on Judgment Day for every unprofitable saying that they speak; for by your words you will be declared righteous, and by your words you will be condemned.”
Isaiah 44:25-26, "I am frustrating the signs of the empty talkers, And I am the One who makes diviners act like fools; The One confounding the wise men And turning their knowledge into foolishness; The One making the word of his servant come true and completely fulfilling the predictions of his messengers..."
"The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. God feeds his own people, and surely God uses those who love and serve him according to his own will. Those who oppose The Watchtower are not capable of discerning the truth that God is giving to the children of his organization, and this is the very strongest proof that such opposers are not of God's organization." Watchtower 1931 Nov 1 p.327
"It is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the "slave" as we would to the voice of God, because it is His provision." Watchtower 1957 Jun 15 p.370
Baptism Questions Watchtower - 1985 Jun 1 p.30
"The first question is:
On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?
The second is:
Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization? Having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in a right heart condition to undergo Christian baptism." -
I Found Something Better Than "The Truth"!
by Divergent ini often come across jw's using the "worldwide brotherhood" as one of the reasons to justify that jw's have "the truth.
" such a brotherhood, they claim, would not exist outside the organisation because there is no way that people of different religions, nationalities, races, cultures, backgrounds, languages etc.
can be united and associate together freely without "the truth!".
Sorry about the typo, not "need" Do many of the people you meet partake of Cannabis? I see the hippy type people as more open myself without a agenda, the Christians are out to convert
Jehovahs Witnesses and Marijuana
by NikL ini live in california where pot just became legal for recreational use very similar to alcohol.
my wife who is a very active jw has had her medical card for cannabis for a couple of years now.
and i know several in our congregations around our area who are using it medically.
It's a great idea to take a couple hits before the meeting. It gives you a entirely different perspective. You can actually laugh at the bullshit and not cry. This really is a cosmic joke people and the joke is on us. Maybe like Jesus, WE had our memory erases and were cast down to this Earth to be given another chance. Maybe like Jesus said, we can do the same things he did. Maybe walking on water is a out of body experience. Maybe he was right when he said you can do anything and YOU are gods. Maybe we were the ones cast down into this world but had that memory erased. Maybe we were cast into the world that we messed up. Maybe I'm too high and need to come down a little ;)
Maybe Jesus was HIGH when he said, "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you cannot see the Kingdom of God" MAYBE just MAYBE he was talking about THIS PLANT. Many believe that to be the case and we can be like Jesus as he said we could. I don't know anything... I question everything
I Found Something Better Than "The Truth"!
by Divergent ini often come across jw's using the "worldwide brotherhood" as one of the reasons to justify that jw's have "the truth.
" such a brotherhood, they claim, would not exist outside the organisation because there is no way that people of different religions, nationalities, races, cultures, backgrounds, languages etc.
can be united and associate together freely without "the truth!".
Thank you Divergent, that was very helpful and informative! I actually just signed up a few days ago, never tried it but looking forward to the experience. LOVE your comment they have more members then Jehovah Witnesses. Do many of the people you need partake of Cannabis? Just wondering...
Jehovahs Witnesses and Marijuana
by NikL ini live in california where pot just became legal for recreational use very similar to alcohol.
my wife who is a very active jw has had her medical card for cannabis for a couple of years now.
and i know several in our congregations around our area who are using it medically.
The organization of Jehovah Witnesses will continue to fight against any form of enlightenment just as the governments on this planet do. There is a clear reason this plant has been outlawed world wide. Jehovah Witnesses are very much apart of the conspiracy to keep people in fear and under control. Jehovah Witnesses have always been on the wrong side of this magical awesome healing God given plant so who has been leading them? (Answer at John 8:44, show them at your door!)
I believe Cannabis is becoming legal because people are uniting who are sick of watching loved ones die when there is a natural cure that grows like a weed. My X-wife Robin Richter died of pharmaceutical overdose. Her new husband at the time grew Cannabis in the mountains of California and claimed to be a Jehovah Witness but clearly Cannabis was forbidden for JW’s. He tried to get her to take it but she would not. He was trying to save her life is what he was trying to do! She separated from him and continued to trust her JW family, doctors and pharmaceutical pills until she overdosed. My mother died of stage 4 cancer and I never had a clue that Cannabis could have helped her. The doctors recommended radiation treatment and when she got out she looked cooked and died a few month after that.
In a recent Watchtower article they comment on Revelation 22:2 where it says, “The leaves of the tree’s are for the healing of the nations.” They made the statement this was not a literal herb but refers to Jesus as Jesus will heal the nations. (I tried to find that recent study article but couldn’t, if you know what Watchtower it is in please let me know)
Bottom line, its ok to take poisonous pharmaceutical drugs, radiation, chemo, eat GMO food, junk food, use fossil fuel, use nuclear power and cut down millions of trees for false prophecies while being drunk on wine but whatever you do, don’t take this plant! It’s demonic! Hey, Didn’t Jesus walk and talk with Satan himself? Wasn’t Jesus a physic? Maybe he knew something about psychedelic plants. Something the God Jehovah does not allow! Who did Jesus say the God of the Jews was? (John 8:44)
Its a cosmic joke people and most all of us have been duped. At a time when the world looks bleak and most people are faint out of fear of what is coming to our inhabited Earth. At a time when it looks as if a new Hitler has taken over the greatest world power what do we see happening?
California just legalized Cannabis and the world is changing its view of this plant. California has a huge impact on this country and the world. Even though things look bleak this plant has just been legalized in a place on Earth that effects the entire planet.
Could this be apart of Gods plan? Slow enlightenment? Does the Bible not state that Gods Kingdom grows slowly? Gods Kingdom is in your midst Jesus said. Maybe it is a shift in the thinking of mankind. Maybe it is your third eye opening to the spiritual world you are blind to. Cannabis has helped open up my mind and given me a new hope and way of thinking. For me it is a spiritual thing but you can make it whatever you wish. Alcohol and getting drunk on alcohol is WAY different and profoundly more dangerous then most drugs especially Cannabis. Cannabis is the safest thing out there in my opinion as far as drugs go. Cannabis has helped me stop drinking. Cannabis has helped me get past my fears of questioning my belief system.
Cannabis can heal you, open your mind and let you see yourself from a different perspective. Yes you might question authority and that is why it is illegal.
Recently I listened in on a Kingdom Hall talk over the phone in Morro Bay California. The speaker was being sarcastic about “medical marijuana” and going off with his own opinion and how it is demonic and a tool of Satan’s. That is what they do, they demonize everything and then go home and get drunk drinking spirits. Most JW’s, as I recall, drink and use pharmaceutical drugs on a regular basis. Many are on anti-depressant drugs.
What we have is the blind leading the blind as they line up willingly to be fed poison and reject the life giving plants that were placed on this Earth by the source of all life. The source of all life operates in a different TIME ZONE and uses PLANTS NOT CORRUPTED MAN WRITTEN BOOKS.
Even though things look bleak in the world right now, A powerful plant like Cannabis being made legal in California surly is a blessing. It will be the beginning of the end for religions like Jehovah Witnesses who worship and obey man as ruler, hide their true history, lies and false prophecies. They claimed to be “The mouthpiece of Jehovah” and if you question the mouth of the Governing Body you are cast out for dead, spiritually stoned by all who obey man.
Read my lips Governing Body of Jehovah Witnesses. Your days are almost over just like Russell and his predictions, your next. IF you are right about Revelation 22:2 then this PLANT IS JESUS and maybe JESUS is a parable for this PLANT since it was so outlawed. Maybe this plant being free is apart of the “Return of Christ.” (I know thats to heavy for most of you and I don’t know anything, I’m just a little high thats all ;)
If We are ALL to be ONE with God then we are apart of God or gods as Jesus said at John 10:34-35, “Jesus answered them: “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said: “You are gods”’?* If he called ‘gods’ those against whom the word of God came—and yet the scripture cannot be nullified— “ (NWT) A scripture rarely quoted by JW’s and most Bible thumpers because they nullified their brains.
Rant over
I love you all, Peace out :)
Greybeard, Cannabis Witness ;)
Elder asking for help
by untruth inthis is my first time posting on here so i’m not sure where to start.
i’m trying to keep it as short as possible since i could expand much more.
i’ve been in the process of waking up in the last year and a half.
Bro I love your letter! Thank you for writing it! It gives me hope for my family. My own son is a elder and my brother. Bro, I went through hell waking up and I have some advice for you that might be a little out of the box but I think it is the best advice I can give. I did it all wrong, I lost my wife. I have reviewed and studied what I did and what others did. I am not going to go into all of that. Here is what I would do if I was you.
If you want to get your wife to think, you cannot do it by saying anything negative about the org. They are like robots when it comes to that. JUST BE HAPPY AND POSITIVE ALL THE TIME. Like you know something she doesn't know... I would stop all meetings and be happy about it. Do other things on those nights and invite her to go along. If she goes to the meeting let her go and come back happy from wherever you go. BE HAPPY.... and you don't need to explain why, she can figure it out like you did. You got to bee cool, don't play the fool, the husband who is head of the house... that will never work. Just be cool, kind and happy for real, thats how to win this game in my book. Its a relationship and you still got to be nice and attractive. As soon as you are not nice you are unattractive. People are attracted to happy positive people who are confident. Her doubts will bother her. This takes time, be patient. It will not be easy but if you keep your cool you will win. I lost.... I did it the other way because I was angry at all of them and I gave them both barrels in text and as much proof as I could find. That don't work believe me. BE HAPPY, BE COOL, You sound like a cool guy to me and very smart!
I am happy for you!
By the way, I copied your letter and emailed it to my family! No response yet ;) Don't be like me, it doesn't work