JoinedPosts by Greybeard
Hee Haw was not clean
by The Real Edward Gentry inso, my son bought me a device that allows me to look up and watch anything i want.
i remember years ago , i enjoyed the television show hee haw on sunday evenings.
i naively thought it was wholesome family entertainment.
Hee Haw was not clean
by The Real Edward Gentry inso, my son bought me a device that allows me to look up and watch anything i want.
i remember years ago , i enjoyed the television show hee haw on sunday evenings.
i naively thought it was wholesome family entertainment.
Yes the moon could have something to do with this conversation... It has been full
Hee Haw was not clean
by The Real Edward Gentry inso, my son bought me a device that allows me to look up and watch anything i want.
i remember years ago , i enjoyed the television show hee haw on sunday evenings.
i naively thought it was wholesome family entertainment.
The people who were on HEE HAA were some of the coolest people in the world. I actually recorded with the Buck-A-Roo's in Bakersfield California. These people entertained millions in a world controlled by fear, they were fearless. People will pork out on pig, load up on sugar, double and triple in size and then speak of morality as they abuse their own body/temple. They cover with costly clothing, hardly ever get any sunshine and wonder why they are sick all the time. These people are toxic so they judge others for joking around and looking good as this person did who started this thread. Who does not joke around like they did on HE HE HE HE HAA HAA? Get real ... stop judging or you shall be judged the way you judge. Everything is connected... toxic mind, toxic body...
I Am A Hemp Witness, this in my first video :)
by Greybeard in
Ayahuasca? I have watched many youtube video's on that... Maybe mushies first...
Revelation 22:2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
The Watchtower says this "Tree of Life" is Jesus and not a actual tree. I believe it is the Hemp plant, what other plant can do as much as the Hemp plant? Clearly, this scripture is not talking about Jesus. The Watchtower will OK radiation and KEMO cool-aid for cancer ... and then dog this Holy God given plant. How many JW's do you know that have died of cancer? I know many and none of them took this plant including my mother. The Watchtower is blood guilty in more ways then one. They spiritually kill all who question the governing bodies actions and authority. Moses and Abraham can question Jehovah, Moses changed Jehovah's mind about killing all the Israelites after making the golden calf. YET if you question the GB, your kicked out. The governing body needs to be disfellowshipped, every single one of them and kicked out of Bethel.
"However, the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. And in case you should say in your heart: "How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken?" when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it." Deuteronomy 18:20-22 -
I Am A Hemp Witness, this in my first video :)
by Greybeard in
This is the BEST Video i have ever seen on the name YAHWEH.
by Greybeard in
Thank you... I am nobody!
HallELu YAHshua and YAH-WAY
Even the serpent has a Y at the end of his tongue.
"It's a beautiful mystery ... can't you see? It's a beautiful mystery... yeah...."
This is the BEST Video i have ever seen on the name YAHWEH.
by Greybeard in
Yeah your right, I must be smoking something, I like that "speculative and emotional" stuff... I can see the Y in everything :) I thought it was a cool video and different take on the name. Maybe if JW's ever change their name to this more accurate name, maybe they will use a video like this. I Believe YAHWEH should be used if the Watchtower agrees it is more accurate, I know the WT does, I am not going to look it up now but I know they admit Yahweh is more accurate then Jehovah. I seen them say it in on JW'org videos. They use Jehovah because it is more popular but thats not the command from God, he said to make his real name known. Is using a inaccurate name like Jehovah making the true name of God known? I was disfellowshipped for asking these types of questions.
This is the BEST Video i have ever seen on the name YAHWEH.
by Greybeard in
Imperfect Spiritual Food
by berrygerry inthe feb 2017 wt is being reviewed here because of the "neither inspired nor infallible" potential of the gb..
this indeed has been stated in the past.. an equally interesting phrase in that paragraph is: "of course, jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.".
again, wt is using the "jesus never said" line.. what would make more sense is: "jesus never said that the food would be imperfect or harmless.".
"Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food."
Matthew 5:48, "You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." NWT
Matthew 12:36, " I tell you that men will render an account on Judgment Day for every unprofitable saying that they speak; for by your words you will be declared righteous, and by your words you will be condemned.”
Isaiah 44:25-26, "I am frustrating the signs of the empty talkers, And I am the One who makes diviners act like fools; The One confounding the wise men And turning their knowledge into foolishness; The One making the word of his servant come true and completely fulfilling the predictions of his messengers..."
"The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. God feeds his own people, and surely God uses those who love and serve him according to his own will. Those who oppose The Watchtower are not capable of discerning the truth that God is giving to the children of his organization, and this is the very strongest proof that such opposers are not of God's organization." Watchtower 1931 Nov 1 p.327
"It is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the "slave" as we would to the voice of God, because it is His provision." Watchtower 1957 Jun 15 p.370
Baptism Questions Watchtower - 1985 Jun 1 p.30
"The first question is:
On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?
The second is:
Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization? Having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in a right heart condition to undergo Christian baptism." -
I Found Something Better Than "The Truth"!
by Divergent ini often come across jw's using the "worldwide brotherhood" as one of the reasons to justify that jw's have "the truth.
" such a brotherhood, they claim, would not exist outside the organisation because there is no way that people of different religions, nationalities, races, cultures, backgrounds, languages etc.
can be united and associate together freely without "the truth!".
Sorry about the typo, not "need" Do many of the people you meet partake of Cannabis? I see the hippy type people as more open myself without a agenda, the Christians are out to convert