Here is a letter I would like to put in the news! If you can, e-mail this to everyone you know. I think this is a VERY powerful letter:
When first made aware of this quote I didn’t really believe it. I didn’t want to believe it! If it wasn’t brought to my attention by a good friend, I wouldn’t even have bothered to look it up in the Watchtower Library. Because I know this person to be a serious Christian I did look it up, still not believing this quote could ever have been printed in a serious religious journal. Guess what, the quote below was copied right out of the Watchtower Library. Do you think this is the kind of thing that an organization directed by Jehovah’s Holy Spirit would print? Hardly! While they are not condoning in print the practice they mentioned, after such a statement, most Christians likely would feel compelled to launch into a condemnation of such a practice! To call it what it is, CHILD ABUSE! No, not the spirit led organization of God. They just take the tone that it’s probably not a good idea because it could cause your children to be masturbators in the future. This is a sick example of the Watchtower going places that they NEVER should go in the pages of their magazine. Is this organization spirit directed, you decide. I have…..
*** w73 9/15 p. 568 Breaking Free of Self-Abuse—Why? How? ***
“Did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers who stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become masturbators later on? Boys and girls may start to play with their private parts during puberty and, not receiving any counsel against this, the first thing they know they are “hooked” on the habit.”
I have a question for the Watchtower organization. I apologize to all others before I even ask it. Who masturbates their babies to keep them quiet? I mean really, what kind of sick, twisted individual would even conceive of such a thing, print it in the pages of your journal in such a matter of fact tone and then let the opportunity go by without condemning the practice? Watchtower Society, I strongly suggest that if you have friends that practice such criminal behavior, you get some new ones and turn the old ones into the authorities. Oh yeah, I forgot that you have a history of not turning self confessed child molesters into the police, citing clergy privilege. That you’ve paid out millions of dollars in settlements to child abuse victims for the way you’ve handled these kinds of cases. Then as a condition of settlement, you had the victims agree to non-disclosure so they wouldn’t spread the word among the flock.
Brother’s and sister’s, wake up!