@ WTWizard,
Sorry if this is a stupid question, It is my take that you are an athiest, is that true? I'm just curious thats all...
why isn't it off limits if wizards and magic are what god hates???
the truth is almost every jw has been to magic mountain or disney land/world.
we went in large groups when i was young.
@ WTWizard,
Sorry if this is a stupid question, It is my take that you are an athiest, is that true? I'm just curious thats all...
why isn't it off limits if wizards and magic are what god hates???
the truth is almost every jw has been to magic mountain or disney land/world.
we went in large groups when i was young.
Why isn't it off limits if wizards and magic are what God hates??? The truth is almost every JW has been to Magic Mountain or Disney Land/World. We went in large groups when I was young. I am happy about the new "Sparlock" video the dubs just put out. Sure I feel bad for those who let man control their conscience and the children who are raised by cult followers as I was. However, I think in the end, this video will be a wake up call for many. The GB are very sly indeed. They don't come out and say "Christians do not go to Magic Mountain or Disney Land." If they did, many would say they had enough. This new video will push many away IMO. Thats my 2 cents
do any of you use medical marijuana?
i go to aa and there are a few who believe medical marijuana is an "outside issue" and they are ok with it.
i don't know... alcohol doesn't work for me but if it did, i would use it... i wish i could find a "new drug" that works lol.
@ Shirley,
You said, " Poison ivy also grows in the dirt, but I don't think anyone would want to ingest/smoke that." That sounds so much like my wife. So what? If poison ivy did any good for people then what would be wrong with eating or smoking it? Who has the right to decide these issues? It doesn't matter what it is on this planet... if it will do something for you, people are going to eat it even if it is bear crap found in the woods lol.
do any of you use medical marijuana?
i go to aa and there are a few who believe medical marijuana is an "outside issue" and they are ok with it.
i don't know... alcohol doesn't work for me but if it did, i would use it... i wish i could find a "new drug" that works lol.
@ James,
I am not asking a moral question. I am not asking if it should be legal through out the world. I am asking those of you who might have used it, how does it work for you? What is your opinion on a alcoholic using MM?
As far as people calling recreational pot "medical" I couldn't care less. In my opinion, it is those who sit in judgment who are the hypocrites.
I am hoping to hear from people who have tried it or do use it. I want to know the effect it has had on your life. If you have not used it but have a true life experience then please share. Speculation from people who are judgmental and have never tried it doesn't interest me. Pot smokers talk as if pot is a gift from God, a plant made to do what it does. I want to know your opinion, do you think that is true or does pot do damage to those who use it?
do any of you use medical marijuana?
i go to aa and there are a few who believe medical marijuana is an "outside issue" and they are ok with it.
i don't know... alcohol doesn't work for me but if it did, i would use it... i wish i could find a "new drug" that works lol.
Do any of you use Medical Marijuana? I go to AA and there are a few who believe Medical Marijuana is an "outside issue" and they are ok with it. Many do not. I don't know... Alcohol doesn't work for me but if it did, I would use it... I wish I could find a "new drug" that works lol. I have a close friend in AA with 3 years of not drinking, he believes POT is ok. Says you don't get addicted and have hang overs and withdrawals like you do with alcohol. I live in California and it is legal here if prescribed by a doctor and you have your card...
I would love to hear your opinion on this,
fuck you.. i was raised in a jw family in the 1980's-1990's where we had to do the daily text 7 days a week during breakfast at the family table at 7am sharp between 7:00-7:15am.
this was followed by a "spiritual discussion," which was held every morning between 7:15am and 8:00am.. since we were homeschooled, our weekly field service was required from childhood on friday mornings immediately following the spiritual discussion, followed by saturday afternoon field service after the bookstudy, as well as sunday afternoon field service after the watchtower study.. i was also required to read each watchtower and awake magazine and give oral reports about each magazine i read in order for my father to be sure that i had actually read them.
i can't remember for sure, but i think each watchtower and awake was released every two weeks back then, making a new magazine to read every single week, followed by an oral report on every single article (including the watchtower study articles which i also had to read, then study in our weekly family watchtower study where we marked our answers, then studied again at the sunday watchtower study).. in addition to this, we also had a weekly family bible study at night each week, had a family bookstudy at night in which we marked our answers for the saturday morning bookstudy, had a family watchtower study at night where we marked our answers for the sunday morning watchtower study, had a family prayer together every night before bed, every morning before and after breakfast and every night before and after dinner (not including our half-family prayers for lunch by my mother since we were homeschooled.).
I understand what you are going through. I was raised a JW and I am a recovering alcoholic. Honestly, if alcohol still worked, I would still be drinking. The truth is, alcohol works great for a while and then turns on you. It could turn on you soon in life or latter depending on how you abuse it. If you do not abuse it, it might not turn on you. I abused it and it turned on my big time. I lost everything, you name it, wife, kids, dignity and I still tried to drink my problems away. Then I started going to Alcoholics Anonymous and things got better. This all takes time. My advice to you is try going to AA. You will learn that JW's are not so different than other religions like Catholics, Mormans and the list goes on. They all try to control people and abuse them along the way. Learning that I wasn't so different at AA really helped me to focus on my real problems. Don't discount AA until you try it. It will save you money too. It is all free and there are some great people there including doctors and phycologists. Yes they pass the plate but you don't have to put anything in it. It is only for the rent and utility bills. I have recieved much FREE help from AA and found some real good friends who understand.
If you abuse alcohol, it will kill you... it will land you in jail or maybe even prison. I had to stop drinking because I would break out in hand cuffs. That should be reason enough shouldn't it? AA does say we need to believe in a "higher power" and YOU can choose who that is. A God of your own understanding or the AA group can be your higher power. We admit that our own way of running things didn't work.
You are on a new journey. Take life one day at a time and find some new friends who care about you. For me, AA is that place.
Alcohol can be apart of your life if you can control it. I couldn't, I always wanted more, more... It controled me and became my God. If that is the case with you, you need to learn as much about alcoholism as you can. For me, the best place for that is AA. I say use what works for you. Try to get out of yourself and into helping others if at all possible. You need to loose the "Fuck You" atitude because you are only hurting youself with that atitude. Our resentemnts are what kill us. Resenment is a poison we take hoping someone else dies. I have had plenty of them, I resent JW's and the way I was raised. I resent my fathers business dealing with me etc, etc, etc... sometimes just dealing with everyday life is a chalenge. It is worse when we isolate ourselves with the bottle. Walk your path the way you see fit... Just remember, AA is a OPEN DOOR that will always be open for you. It is full of people who have had their ass kicked by life and turned to the bottle. They all share their experience strength and hope. That is where I get what I need and where I go to help others.
May God bless you and help you find your way through this life,
i have a prayer request, and i don't know exactly how to explain it.
we all have sins that we battle, fall back into, and then regret having fallen back into.
mine is gluttony.
Hang in there! Don't be so hard on yourself. There is much help for this now-a-days. Please get help and see a doctor. I am a recovering alcoholic myself, I have over 2 years sobriety. I got help... I couldn't do it alone... The American diet is trash, not sure where you live but many other countries are not much different. Netflix has many good movies on health and eating right. There also is good advice on youtube. Many doctors are not up on nutrition and they just want to prescribe a pill. Avoid those kind of doctors. I liked the movie, "Forks Over Knives" on Netflix. I still eat some meat and dairy but not as much these days. If you eat right, like mostly fruits and vegetables you can eat as much as you want. Try to walk everyday if you can. Some health food stores can offer good advice too. Just watchout for people who try to scam you for money with their new great diet. I wouldn't go for those TV scams myself... There is plenty of FREE information out there. If you want help from God then my opinion is, EAT what he made. Stay away from the junk food MAN made. Learn as much as you can about eating right. The saying, "we are what we eat" I believe is true. Hang in there, you can do it
May God bless your efforts! My prayers are with you,
the generation wasnt right (repeat).
the generation wasnt right (repeat).
the generation wasnt right (repeat).
Bumpity BUMP
Dear heavenly Father above heaven and earth it is through your son Christ Jesus/Yeshua we pray. Thank you for the hope you have given us through the life of your son. Please strengthen us and help us to do your will. So many of us have lost faith and many no longer believe. Is it any wonder the way we have been mislead and treated by those who lifted themselves up over us? Those who have stood in the place of Christ? Many of us have been cast off by our families and friends for no longer following self appointed men. We have been judged and called mentally diseased by those who claim to obey Christ. By those who claim to be our leaders and our mediators. Many have lost faith that you exist because the heart ache and pain they have been through. Please sustain all of us through this treacherous time on earth. Sometimes we feel so alone and especially on a night like this. We once worshiped in a way we no longer view as correct. Many of us now understand Jesus words when he said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." There is no other way, no religion, no men, only Jesus/Yeshua. He is our only leader as he told us and he leads us with Holy Spirit. We are sorry for trusting in men for so long. We see now where it has left us. We turn to you heavenly Father and your son to lead us. We pray that you give hope to those who have lost all hope. We pray that you give faith to those who have lost all faith. We pray that you comfort those who have given up and find the lost sheep. They have been beaten and abused. Called names equal to "despicable fools" by those who were over us. We have been lied to and cast off as worthless. Please heavenly Father, we pray for those who have persecuted us, we pray for those who have cast us off. We do not judge them or anyone as your son told us not to do. Please forgive all of us for our sins and bring us into your Kingdom where the rulers of this dark world will not be. We want your rulership, not mans. We trust in no man. We want your son Christ Jesus/Yeshua to rule over us forever. We remember this day and what you and your son have done for us. We partake of the bread and cup that Christ commanded us to partake of until he returns. We love you with all of our hearts and souls and ask that you please except our prayer in your sons name Christ Jesus/Yeshua.
i finally started skyping.
if you would like to talk, feel free to pm me.
we don't need to have the camera on.. .
Very funny! I got a good laugh out of that!