Nathan Natas, Yes
Paul From Cleveland, I never detected any "sarcasm" in your question. Its a good question. I love the answer that Lieu gave, thank you Lieu! By presenting this "new light" the Governing Body has assumed all power and authority over the millions of Jehovah Witnesses. By excepting this new light without a word, those who were anointed gave up their hope as being apart of the "faithful slave" as they were just removed from that group. It is all a game and the timing is synchronistic. Notice they say they "act" as the “the faithful and discreet slave.” They do not say "We are the faithful and discreet slave" because the truth is, they are just acting! They are great actors and people give their power away to them. The same way we give our power away to the system. If you have depression and go to the doctor what do they give you? Medication that will addict you and make you sicker. Cause suicidal thoughts and have all kinds of terrible side effects but ITS OK, THEY WARNED YOU! Read your fluoride toothpaste warning label, IF SWALLOWED CALL POISON CONTROL, Hey... its ok, they warned you! Its all a game people, get healthy and open your mind, stop being dumbed down by the God Stoppers! Can anyone here tell me what is wrong with this picture?