Have you ever read or listened to The Four Agreements by Don Miguel? I highly recommend listening to Peter Wolf read it. I got mine off iTunes. It explains the power of words and how they are magical. They call it "spelling" because it is casting a spell with words. I realize the word "magic" can mean many different things but the bottom line is Disneyland is associated with the occult, their cartoons are about witches and all of it. I am not condemning Disneyland but obviously the Governing Body has by saying "Jehovah hates magic."
By anyones standards today, Jesus would be considered a healer, magician, wizard, sorcerer and psychic. He did all of that and said we could do it too. Miracle after miracle from turning water into wine, feeding thousands with two fish, pulling a coin out of a fish's mouth, reading a woman's mind at the well... Sounds like a Disneyland movie. Maybe Jehovah hates magic because he wants to be the only one who can do it. Didn't Jesus free them from those old laws of Jehovah?
Jesus did many things condemned by Jehovah's law. He even spoke to Satan the most powerful demon of all. So yes maybe Jehovah, like the Watchtower, is against any human realizing they are gods and children of god as Jesus taught. (John 10:34) Jesus said you can do all the thing I do and more. The Watchtower is all about gathering a huge amount of facts then straining out the nat and gulping down the camel just as Jesus said. The camel they want you to gulp down is, you cannot do what Jesus did, you cannot heal, you cannot do magic, you cannot speak in tongues, you cannot communicate with Jesus or spirits. You can't understand the Bible guided by holy spirit Jesus said he would send you. You must believe every inspired utterance from this man made Golden Calf not questioning a word so their black magic words will work.
Do not follow the words of Jesus, follow the words of Jehovah and we are the "mouthpiece of Jehovah" they say... You are not children of God, you will live on Earth because the door to heaven has been shut by Judge Rutherford. The Governing Body black magic magicians at the top have cast spells on us and our families with the spelling and mixing of words in the Watchtower. According to Jesus and the Bible, YOU are Gods with power like Jesus able to do miracles. According to the Watchtower, Jehovah hates that and so does the Watchtower. Jesus called the God of the Jews a man slayer and father of the lie. The Watchtower is no different then Jehovah trying to hold mankind back. They are Witnesses of Jehovah, not Witnesses of Jesus.
They truly reject Jesus and created a new leader, the Golden Calf Governing Body. What do you think will happen to this Golden Calf when Jesus comes down the hill? Jesus tried to free us and show us, we are so much more then human. Galatians 3:26, "You are all, in fact, sons of God through your faith in Christ Jesus." NWT Notice the word ALL, You ALL are sons of God. Why doesn't the Watchtower teach this Bible teaching? Because they are Jehovah's Witnesses quoting old law and they reject the teachings of Jesus. They only give Jesus lip service and they focus on the laws Jesus freed them from. So they kill us for not believing every inspired utterance that comes from the Golden Calf. Just like they killed Jesus, nothing new under the sun! The Golden Calf has got to go. Peace out ;)