All those years we have been giving them our belonging$. Maybe we can get our belonging$ back now that they admit they had no right to them. Is this not logical? They misrepresented themselves and admitted it, closed case. When did Jesus say to build Kingdom Halls? I thought he said my father does not dwell in hand made temples? Didn't the Israelites build hand made temples? What was his point? I thought they met in homes or outside in large groups by lakes and on mountains. I thought he healed and fed the people at no cost and said we could do greater works than he did. I thought he said he would send a helper, holy spirit and to have no leader but him. Don't think, just do, we will do the thinking for you, you can't understand Gods WORD on your own. God appointed us to lead you in 1919. Jesus is not your mediator, he is ours, we are yours. Drink the cool-aide... the door to heaven is shut, don't partake but be there to pass on dinner while we eat! Don't forget to touch the glass and pass. Go from door to door and pass judgment with a date stamped on it. Sounds like a different teaching to me... I want my belonging$ back. How about you? They admit they were not appointed over them so give them back!
They went to because they are going to dump the Watchtower too, that's my guess.