Sorry to hear about your daughter Crazyguy. There is whole lot of needless suffering in this world. Jehovah Witnesses are a haunting religion. Here you are, trying to grow a plant and keep it hidden... Who comes knocking at your door dressed up like the Feds? They come back over and over with messages that do not come true. Claiming to be the "mouthpiece of God" and a "prophet like Ezekiel" and then denying they made such claims. This is why we have suffering... Greedy judgmental men who crave power and lift themselves up over men making us their slaves. Its a slave house and if you take the 666 medication, no worries of waken up, take the tree of life and you might start questioning the ones holding you hostage. Now we can't have that can we?
JoinedPosts by Greybeard
Just called into the Kingdom Hall, Speaker said he couldn't tell if anyone was listening to his talk... Well I was and what a joke
by Greybeard injust called into the kingdom hall, speaker said he couldn't tell if anyone was listening to his talk now that everyone uses electronic devices and nobody laughed... well i did!.
he also mentioned when everyone used the bible he could hear the pages flipping and he knew they were following along.
this was really funny to me.
Just called into the Kingdom Hall, Speaker said he couldn't tell if anyone was listening to his talk... Well I was and what a joke
by Greybeard injust called into the kingdom hall, speaker said he couldn't tell if anyone was listening to his talk now that everyone uses electronic devices and nobody laughed... well i did!.
he also mentioned when everyone used the bible he could hear the pages flipping and he knew they were following along.
this was really funny to me.
Just called into the Kingdom Hall, Speaker said he couldn't tell if anyone was listening to his talk now that everyone uses electronic devices and nobody laughed... Well I did!
He also mentioned when everyone used the Bible he could hear the pages flipping and he knew they were following along. This was really funny to me. It is CLEAR they are all bored to death and so tired of all the overlapping lies they must eat.
WOW, I am listening to this fine example of a elder right now as I type this. I'm still listening to this public talk at the KH. He just mentioned Medical Marijuana and said "it is even being used by some Jehovah's Witnesses, this is a snare, this is a snare."
Then he went off on Apostates, same old put downs, "they have nothing of value, all they have to offer us is distractions" he said... I should be recording this. This is where my father and brother go.
I have a idea for a APP. There should be a APP that makes the sound of book pages flipping while reading Watchtower literature.
Still been listening,,, so unbelievably boring. Its no wonder we all grew up feeling so guilty, just the sound of this guys voice makes me feel sick. I can read right through a persons voice. Can't listen to this stuff much... Thank God it's over now... Loud clapping! Yeah its over!
WT study now... "Can You Endure The Watchtower Evil Slave Beating You Down?"
I tell you what governing Body and Jehovah Witnesses... Thousands of people worldwide have went to Jail and are still in JAIL trying to give YOU the FREEDOM to use this TREE OF LIFE Revelation 22:2 PLANT you mentioned in this talk today in Morro Bay, Ca. Calling it a "snare" ... My own mother died taking radiation and we didn't know about this plant because we listened to your lies. My x-wife Robin died because of prescription drug overdose. How many TREES have you cut down to preach your false messages that never come true? Izaiah 44:26 You are against this God given plant and you trust the beast for your medication. Yes, NOW you can take this plant thanks to the people who have ended up in jail for years. You speak of persecution, You are the persecutors, you are the ones who kill the JESUS class calling us despicable fools and apostate. YOU are the EVIL slave who says his master is delaying and you all are drunks and on your pills beating your slaves. Religion is the snare and you have been caught alive for the will of darkness. California has given us our God given right to use this medication! My wife left me because of this and is most likely listening to this drunken elders you represent. Watchtower is no different than anyone else who is against the medical use of this plant. They have avoided printing wonderful heath benefits of this plant because they do not care about the sheeple and they are the Evil Slave.
Now this is weird, ever heard of the "Mandela Effect" ??? What if... ?
by Greybeard innow this is weird, ever heard of the "mandela effect" ???
i know how crazy it sounds but i got to tell you, this article about the governing body finally admitting the "faithful slave" was not divinely appointed by jesus in 1919 was epic to me.
like a mandela effect feeling.
They didn't change much? Seemed like a huge confession to me. True, they still view them as the slave for some crazy reason. Surely like many of us, many of them missed this quote too...
Now this is weird, ever heard of the "Mandela Effect" ??? What if... ?
by Greybeard innow this is weird, ever heard of the "mandela effect" ???
i know how crazy it sounds but i got to tell you, this article about the governing body finally admitting the "faithful slave" was not divinely appointed by jesus in 1919 was epic to me.
like a mandela effect feeling.
Mandela Effect or not. It has been nearly three years since this statement in the Watchtower and very few are quoting it within the last year. Its not even on yet. I realize it could just be oversight but it sure seamed like a Epic statement to me.
"Finally, we examined why Jesus’ arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings did not occur in 1919 but will take place during the great tribulation. So, then, all three “whens” apply to the same future time period—the great tribulation. How does this adjusted view further affect our understanding of the illustration of the faithful slave?" Watchtower Study Edition July 2013
Now this is weird, ever heard of the "Mandela Effect" ??? What if... ?
by Greybeard innow this is weird, ever heard of the "mandela effect" ???
i know how crazy it sounds but i got to tell you, this article about the governing body finally admitting the "faithful slave" was not divinely appointed by jesus in 1919 was epic to me.
like a mandela effect feeling.
All those years we have been giving them our belonging$. Maybe we can get our belonging$ back now that they admit they had no right to them. Is this not logical? They misrepresented themselves and admitted it, closed case. When did Jesus say to build Kingdom Halls? I thought he said my father does not dwell in hand made temples? Didn't the Israelites build hand made temples? What was his point? I thought they met in homes or outside in large groups by lakes and on mountains. I thought he healed and fed the people at no cost and said we could do greater works than he did. I thought he said he would send a helper, holy spirit and to have no leader but him. Don't think, just do, we will do the thinking for you, you can't understand Gods WORD on your own. God appointed us to lead you in 1919. Jesus is not your mediator, he is ours, we are yours. Drink the cool-aide... the door to heaven is shut, don't partake but be there to pass on dinner while we eat! Don't forget to touch the glass and pass. Go from door to door and pass judgment with a date stamped on it. Sounds like a different teaching to me... I want my belonging$ back. How about you? They admit they were not appointed over them so give them back!
They went to because they are going to dump the Watchtower too, that's my guess.
Now this is weird, ever heard of the "Mandela Effect" ??? What if... ?
by Greybeard innow this is weird, ever heard of the "mandela effect" ???
i know how crazy it sounds but i got to tell you, this article about the governing body finally admitting the "faithful slave" was not divinely appointed by jesus in 1919 was epic to me.
like a mandela effect feeling.
Right on Finkelstein ... It still gets me that I have not found this Watchtower quote anywhere online, including or this website until very recently and it is on Maybe I missed it in my search. I don't know but this is the quote again almost 3 years old now, like I said, maybe I missed something:
"Finally, we examined why Jesus’ arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings did not occur in 1919 but will take place during the great tribulation. So, then, all three “whens” apply to the same future time period—the great tribulation. How does this adjusted view further affect our understanding of the illustration of the faithful slave?" Watchtower Study Edition July 2013
Edit: Ok, I did find it on this site quoted a year ago just now:
Now this is weird, ever heard of the "Mandela Effect" ??? What if... ?
by Greybeard innow this is weird, ever heard of the "mandela effect" ???
i know how crazy it sounds but i got to tell you, this article about the governing body finally admitting the "faithful slave" was not divinely appointed by jesus in 1919 was epic to me.
like a mandela effect feeling.
Great! So this is what growing old is going to be like? At least it will be entertaining... Maybe we got "Luke, I am your father from Tommy Boy" and Darth Vader actually said, "NO, I am your father." But I could have sworn he said, "Luke I am your father" as I said that jokingly all the time. Maybe I was copying Tommy Boy:
Now this is weird, ever heard of the "Mandela Effect" ??? What if... ?
by Greybeard innow this is weird, ever heard of the "mandela effect" ???
i know how crazy it sounds but i got to tell you, this article about the governing body finally admitting the "faithful slave" was not divinely appointed by jesus in 1919 was epic to me.
like a mandela effect feeling.
You nailed it TW but I would rather say the rank and file are under a spell and they are sleep walking. The are spiritually unconscious, poisoned, third eye blind. Thats my opinion.
Now this is weird, ever heard of the "Mandela Effect" ??? What if... ?
by Greybeard innow this is weird, ever heard of the "mandela effect" ???
i know how crazy it sounds but i got to tell you, this article about the governing body finally admitting the "faithful slave" was not divinely appointed by jesus in 1919 was epic to me.
like a mandela effect feeling.
Isn't the Old King James the Bible most are quoting the lords prayer from? "Let thy will be done IN Earth?"
When people recite this prayer, they say "Let thy Kingdom come" and "let thy will be done" quoting the old english of the King James.
I have never heard anyone say, "Let thy will be done IN Earth." Have you? Maybe I wasn't paying attention I don't know but this really seams strange to me. Not only me, many others who have used the King James all their lives.
Now this is weird, ever heard of the "Mandela Effect" ??? What if... ?
by Greybeard innow this is weird, ever heard of the "mandela effect" ???
i know how crazy it sounds but i got to tell you, this article about the governing body finally admitting the "faithful slave" was not divinely appointed by jesus in 1919 was epic to me.
like a mandela effect feeling.
Here is something fascinating. I have said the Lords Prayer many times in recovery group meetings. We always say, "Let they will be done ON Earth as it is in heaven."
So I am reviewing evidence for this Mandela Effect and I find out all this time I have been saying it wrong. It is "Let they will be done IN Earth. Let they will be done IN Earth? Ever heard that before? I have not. Look it up in your old King James and check it out for yourself online: