Good point, Miller, I actually decided to call my dad and leave a message on his phone he never answers. I told him , "I called in and heard the speaker giving medical advice in his talk. Mom died of radiation, My x-wife Robin died of prescription drug overdose when her new JW husband tried to get her on cannabis and she wouldn't listen to him. Giving medical advice in the Kingdom Hall is wrong. Thousands of People were put into prison and murdered because of using this plant. They paid a price for your freedom to use it and you speak against it in the Kingdom Hall and drink the chemo." Something like that, not word for word but close enough
The people who are for this plant have been haunted by JW's for years. JW's will go anywhere to preach their message of doom and destruction. Imagine having a plant that if found, you could go to jail for years, here come the robot JW's knocking. Now, even though we have a right to grow it and have helped given them the right to use it medically... They continue with their powerful black magic words of condemnation. These people are spiritually dead and they shut up the Kingdom of Heaven in mens faces traversing land and sea to do it.
ScenicViewer I know a dub who actually called Bethel a couple years ago and they said as long as you had a prescription it was ok. So basically, they BOW DOWN to the beast when it comes to a God given plant biblically speaking. Genesis 1:29 Revelation 22:2